Update 'poor teamwork' one-tricks!

Can’t speak for everyone, obviously, but in my personal experience OTPs are usually off-meta dps (looking at you, Hanzo / Torb) or Mercy players.

In the case of Mercy, cool. She at least sort of fits into any team comp, even if she’s not the ideal on a given map or with a specific comp. As for the dps players… a lot of times they just fall flat on their face, and their refusal to swap puts the team at a massive disadvantage i.e.; Playing attack Torb into Phara / Mercy. That Torb could be a hitscan who can assist in handling the threat. The Hanzo could switch to literally any other dps and succeed more effectively after the 1st or 2nd time the Winston murders him, etc. In these instances where heroes are being hard countered, at least in my mind, staying on them is throwing the game for your team.

You just can’t help but spread your nonsense every time a one trick topic comes up. Maybe you should focus on playing and understanding the game to the point that you can recognize what being countered looks like, because it’s not some giant mystery as you seem to keep claiming. It’s obvious to the person playing and it’s obvious to the rest of the team. Getting countered isn’t a big deal. It happens all the time and it’s a game designed for that sort of interaction. When a reasonable person gets hard countered, they request help and or switch off. Problem solved.

Maybe you oughta spend more time on the forums, you’ll find people disagreeing over all sorts of supposedly conventional ideas of what counters what. It’s not settled science, and disagreeing with someone’s assessment that you’re being countered is a perfectly valid and defensible position.

Maybe you think that’s reasonable, but if someone knows they’re terrible at all other heroes, then them staying on their one trick is preferable to them switching. And even if someone was a god at all heroes, you simply can’t force people to play heroes they don’t feel comfortable playing. Feel free to recommend a playstyle, but as soon as you start flaming someone for their hero pick, I can report you for poor teamwork as well. Turns out, “constantly communicating in a negative fashion” is exactly what it says under the poor teamwork criteria.

There are certainly issues with the train of thought I posted, I’m not going to deny it.

Regardless, if the majority of a team agrees to one strategy and it’s just the last one or two players not playing it, then it’s much easier to tell who’s playing as a team.

In general, if 3 or 4 members of a team were to decide on a strategy and the other 2 or 3 completely deny it in lieu of their own plan(s), then I would certainly classify it as bad teamwork. This does pose an issue if there’s 3 people for each strategy, and then each side could argue that the other were being poor team mates.

In general, I believe the majority of the team should agree on a strategy before any report for the method in which they played (regardless of what it’s classified as (unless otherwise explicitly mentioned (such as trolling))) can be made.

I had admitted that perhaps reporting using poor teamwork may not be the best, but there are certainly other perfectly valid reasons (if not more valid reasons) to which they could be reported for. Ie. If a one-trick is being killed constantly and consistently by a counter, one could argue that they’re feeding which is bannable.

I’ll be frank (and surely will seem hypocritical), I used to be a (mostly) one-trick Lucio. I surely bogged down many a team (though I did have a team of friends who would occasionally play with me, and would work with me playing Lucio). Then I decided to actually switch to other characters (Tank category, in particular), and it turned out that the very characters I thought I ‘knew’ I was no good at I was fairly decent at. Of course, there are still characters which I certainly am no good at (Most of the DPS or defense category, to be honest. Never really was that great at them, regardless of the game), but I quickly went from a one-trick thinking that this one hero is their best to a tank main with support flex.

This shows that just because a person ‘knows’ they’re bad at something doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t try it, regardless of if they’re in competitive or not, if their current hero or playstyle just isn’t working. I often find myself switching general playstyles mid-fight (such as when a reaper walks up to me as a Reinhardt) to better help my team.

Doesn’t it stand to reason that the team should also be switching just as much as you claim the one trick should be? For example, if the opposing team has a widow, should the team not have a shield tank to counter? Why not switch to counter the OTP’s counter? Is that not the same definition of “poor teamwork” that you’re using, and when you don’t swap to help your teammate, isn’t that throwing since you are actively not helping the team? The team is not defined as the 2, or 3,or 4 other people playing a particular strat with you, it means all 6.

Not arguing over “selfish” mentality, being selfish isn’t reportable.

The definition of “feeding” is intentionally allowing yourself to be eliminated by the enemy team. Being countered is not by definition feeding, the team should be countering your counter. For example, Zen is hard countered by Widow unless the Zens team counters the widow with either a shield the Zen can hide behind or a dive hero that can force the Widow away or eliminate them(ideally both). Can a Zen continue playing with a Widow in the game? Of course they can, even without a counter to the Widow. That isn’t feeding either, is it?

In the end, unless someone says they are throwing in chat(proof) they should not be reported for “feeding” as being countered and dying to your counter is not feeding unless done explicitly on purpose. Not switching away from your counter is not intentionally feeding.

As per the griefing report card:

  • Simply making a mistake or playing poorly is not reportable.

You cannot report someone for playing poorly.


What is Poor teamwork? (as per the report card)
Not trying to complete map objectives or constantly communicating in a negative fashion (I.E. “This team is horrible”).

This is the entire point of this thread. People like you are trying to justify reporting one-tricks by saying ‘they’re not trying to complete objectives/they didn’t follow the plan/blah blah’ but the truth is:

  • if the one-trick is involved in team-fights and attempting to kill the enemy, they are actively attempting to complete map objectives

No amount of twisting the definition will make you right.

I just had a game with a Torb one trick and it reminded me as to why it is reportable. Going one character and refusing to switch if you’re doing bad, or being countered is BAD teamwork. Are you working with your team? No you’re doing your own thing and playing a character the TEAM does not need. Torb and Bastion will not work well on attack payloads unless they have a shield. and knowing this you should switch, as you’ll easily be able to be killed. I myself love Bastion and try to play him every chance i get, but if there isn’t an Orisa or Rein on our team I switch, I go a character our team need, which one tricks don’t do. Not coordinating with your team and not helping there comp out is BAD teamwork.

Hero choice still isn’t reportable sorry. Until Blizzard says otherwise you’re simply filing false reports. :slight_smile:

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Mercy says hello and reminds you that those who were abusing hide and Rez for boosted SR fit into this category of reportable behavior. Maybe her issue was that the rating system rewarded poor teamwork and encouraged anti-teamwork behaviors.

I’m glad you understand the toxic nature of this behavior when you’re outside of the Mercy feedback thread.

either that or people will wise up and stop abusing the report system, reporting people for their career profiles is just a petty thing to do.

people don’t even wait till the match starts with me for instance, i’ve had dozens of games where people are openly talking about reporting me when the game hasn’t even started yet.

That’s a tricky one because I remember a lot of teams would ask their Mercy to hide to pull off the huge rez too.

…that said, It seemed a lot of Mercy’s were letting teams die to get the SR.

Oh I agree with you completely, OP. I’ll frequently point out that anybody can be toxic, and it’s not just exclusively people that play in any particular style or hero choice.

It’s really just that people are always going to try to serve their own agenda. And for a lot of people that involves having a scapegoat in games like these.

Once you put that idea of prejudice into peoples’ heads it’s a lot harder to get it out.

A lot of whom where really fast to bail on Mercy as soon as her SR was not easy to abuse anymore. Probably because they only were in it for easy SR because Blizzard will destroy a hero faster than they will fix the exploitable nature of the SR system.

There is also a huge difference in using huge Rez to burn enemy ults versus constantly hiding and not being engaged in the fight. I was never once asked to hide in over 200 hours of Mercy, largely in Comp.

Oh, but I forgot to mention! I was asked to Rez someone AFTER the changes no less than 5 times because the person was in an area hidden from the enemy teams view, aka a place where I wouldn’t be easy sniper bait. But I’m sure because it only happened after the rework that its totally not hiding and Rezing when you’re hiding from enemy sight while Rezing.

Wow, that’s absolutely terrible and just shows how easy it is for these ‘anti one-trick’ players to rally support and gang-up and false report.

I hope Blizz adds an example of what ‘poor teamwork’ actually is to the report card because then these people wouldn’t have a leg to stand on.

I hope Blizz adds an example of what ‘poor teamwork’ actually is to the report card because then these people wouldn’t have a leg to stand on.

they won’t care, Blizzard has explicitly stated what their stance is on one-tricking and the community have decided to report one-tricks regardless because they believe their idea of poor teamwork trumps whatever standard Blizzard has laid out for them.

the point is that reports can’t be verified, you can report anyone for any reason and it’ll stick.

“I am really sorry, but in this case there is no much we can do. The system is fully automated and relies on our trust in community judgement.”

that is a response i got from a game master in regards to why they can’t verify reports, i stream on Twitch and have sent VODs of all my gameplay to them and they get ignored, i play against a lot of streamers (typical in high SR) and made clips of them reporting me before the game even starts because they dislike the prospect of a Symmetra player being high SR, these clips ALSO get ignored.

so when i get suspended, customer support refuses to help me because the reports are taken at face value, that they’re malicious isn’t a concern.

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I was hoping this thread might shine some light on the fact that ‘poor teamwork’ is such a grey area from the way the report card is worded.

Hopefully some of the balance tweaks they’re giving Sym and Torb make them a bit more versatile and more accepted by our community! :slight_smile:

Lol this is exactly what a one trick would say. Team comps are what you go to competitive for, you play competitive to have a viable team comp and to win the match not just pick torb mute your team and go die because your being countered. “Just cause you can’t make it work doesn’t mean other have to suck like you do.” Oh my gosh my team doesn’t want to build an extremely niche comp around a torb or sym because it 99% of the time doesn’t work we me SuCk NuTs. No if you refuse to switch and don’t work with your team, then that is BAD TEAMWORK. Lets look at the definition of bad team work “Poor teamwork can be a major drain on energy in any team. It is a particular problem when moving from start-up to developing a team. … It tends to happen when individuals try to impose solutions to meet their own needs, which are often in conflict with the needs of the team.” Lets look at the last sentence in that. Oh its when you have a solution that only one member wants sounds a lot like a sym main when they won’t switch and says we have build around them. And yes team comps do matter, just the other day we went dive on Volskya and got both points without any of us dying, and i’m in plat, do you know why we got it that easily its because we weren’t toxic and switched to create a VIABLE team comp.

No i’m not and i hope he gets banned :joy::joy::joy::grinning::grinning::grinning::smiley::smiley::smiley:

Look I put as much effort into my reply as you did. But for real yes picking a hero is not bannable. What is bannable is refusing to swap when the team asks you to when your being countered and your hero is not working out, which is bad team work.

Poor teamwork should be removed as an option all together. Teamwork is just something way too subjective.

For example, if someone is pockethealing only their buddy instead of the tanks. Is that a poor teamwork? He is not throwing but he isn’t helping much either.

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