Update 'poor teamwork' one-tricks!

I like to play Bastion. But i’m not stupid, I don’t play him on attack for 2CP, I switch if the enemy team is countering me, or if we don’t have an Orisa/Reinhardt. The problem with a lot of 1 tricks is they refuse to switch even if they’re not doing well, being countered, or are not needed for the team comp. If you’re playing Symmetra and the enemy has Winston, Widow, Hanzo, or Mccree then you should switch not just stay as Symmetra and continue to be countered. Not switching and doing poorly should be bannable and is poor team work.

Exactly which part of that is bannable? Not switching? I already talked about how you can’t force someone to play what you want them to play, they simply have no obligation to listen to your judgement or analysis. So should playing poorly be bannable, even if they are actually trying their hardest and just happen to be bad players? Blizzard themselves have already come out and said how good and bad players will quickly get placed into their appropriate elo. You really think people should get banned just for being bad at the game?

If you’re team has 2 Tanks 2 Dps and 1 Healer and you decide to play Torb on 2CP attack and refuse to switch even if you’re doing poorly is Bad team work. If you’re doing good then people won’t report you. But if your not doing well, refusing to switch, won’t use voice chat or text chat. Then you’re not working with your team which is BAD TEAMWORK

Maybe you think so, but what if someone genuinely thinks the best strategy for them at the moment is to play Torb? What if they are only good at Sym, and even though they’re bad at her, they know they’re even worse at other heroes? Should we force people to play heroes they’re not comfortable with playing? What makes you think your analysis of the situation overrides their right to play whatever hero they feel is best at the moment?

Teamwork isn’t limited to being a compliant sheep who always switches to the meta pick. Teamwork just means contributing to the team the best you can. You may think that means switching to a healer, but others might disagree.

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There is a mode for people who don’t switch or corporate called quick play. Competitive is meant to be “competitive” you have to switch and corporate with your team. not just pick Sym mute voice chat and go off on your own, and then be surprised that your team is mad at you. If you think going Torb/Sym/Bastion/ or any other very defense heavy niche picks on un-optimal maps for them and not switching then you are being a poor teammate. This is coming from someone who plays BASTION at every chance I can get, but even I realize that you need to switch. If you can only play 1 character well at your rank than you deserve to be placed lower.

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LOL where are you getting that from? You realize there’s no difference between quick play and competitive from a teamwork perspective. Both gamemodes require you to work with your team for the win, it’s just taken more seriously in one over the other.

Again, nothing about either “competitive” or “teamwork” says you HAVE to switch when your team wants you to. I won’t repeat myself further on this point, scroll back up and reread what I have to say about it.

There’s nothing reportable about either playing Sym or not being in voice chat, so no.

Oh, I see. So now just thinking something makes you a bad teammate. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize your opinion on what does and doesn’t work is objectively correct and we all have to listen to it.

Agreed, and that’s exactly what does happen. You don’t need to report people for it, bad players will already get placed in lower ranks.

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This would be an amazing fix. The karmic justice of forcing selfish people to play with other selfish people would be delicious.

In your previous post you said “but what if someone genuinely thinks the best strategy for them at the moment is to play Torb?” If they are allowed to have an opinion like that than so can I and everyone else in the game. The problem isn’t that you HAVE to switch it’t that if your being countered etc. That is the best option to go. If the enemy team has a Genji that’s messing us up I don’t stay Orisa i go Winston. The problem isn’t that you can’t go certain heros, it’s the refusal to change to a more optimal hero that helps your team out in a more significant way and will help you win the match.

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And who exactly decides which heroes are officially “more optimal” and which aren’t? Is it you? I don’t think so. Is it Blizzard? They haven’t come out with anything like that yet.


I don’t know if you’ve ever played this game but i’m pretty sure if your team is Winston, D.va, Tracer, Soldier, and Moira and they want to go dive, which you wouldn’t know because you’re not in voice chat and you go Torb on a 2CP map on attack which is not optimal, don’t deny that. In a map that you need mobility to take the point you don’t want to go a set up/immobile character. That’s poor team work. And don’t say why doesn’t my team form around me its a 5 to 1 vote most of the time, and they might not want to form a very niche team comp.

Nope. If someone is only good at Torb, I wouldn’t want them on anything other than Torb. You’re not understanding something fundamental here - it doesn’t matter how hard you believe someone should switch; your opinion is not fact.

If they are only going Torb despite being asked to switch because they are doing poorly/being countered, is poor team work. If someone on your team refuses to cooperate with the team that is poor teamwork. It’s called TEAMWORK you do it as a TEAM, thats the point of comp is to work together as a team.

I’m done replying to you. You refuse to understand something so basic.

I’ve never heard something so hypocritical in my life lmao. Go on continue playing what ever hero you want, losing and then getting reported.

Lets ban the one tricks who lose a game with us on the team and keep the ones we win with. LOL, jk. It can be pretty frustrating when they literally get killed over and over. The only reason they don’t switch is to spite the team in most cases. Also people who pick one char and just lose for their team constantly are not one-tricks. they are no-tricks-at-all. If someone isnt switching because they want to spite their team and say its because they just like the hero. well i think they need a new game,

I think what he is trying to say is that more often than not one tricks will not even consider the idea of trying something different in an attempt to help their team no matter the circumstances due to them being adamant in playing just one hero.

Part of the problem here is that the game and in particular the competitive experience, is literally designed in a way that players need to be flexible in order to find solutions to problems, so when players does not engage in that behavior then is deemed to be negative, and they have as good reason for arguing that than those who say that one tricks are free to one trick and shouldn’t be reported.

Another problem is that even though Blizzard has said that one tricking is not reportable, there is a vast number of people who disagree with that and in the end it doesn’t matter what Blizzard says, because even if they are the captain of the ship, if the crew is unhappy, it won’t lead to anything good, so they cannot just tell them to not report them, it won’t work.

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Well, that’s just a problem of public attitudes. And people do get banned for false reports, so that’s good.

If you just consider everything as false reports and ban those people then Blizzard is going to end up without players playing the game.

If 5 people want to role with a certian strategy, but you want to just run Symmetra and refuse to swap to help them, that is poor teamwork. Teamcomp is an important part of teamwork.

Honestly though, I can see the grey area that both sides abuse. If you counter with a different option to support your attack Sym strat, and they just start flaming and harassing you without even considering it, that’s also poor teamwork on their part.

This is a situation where neither side has the high ground, but the 5 people are “more” in the right then the one trick, because at least they are trying to work with each other, while the one trick is trying to dictate a strategy to 5 strangers and holding them hostage to it (either you play around me, or we lose).

All that being said, I’ve never once reported someone for one-tricking, so even if I don’t like it I still follow the rules by either side’s definition.

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Doesn’t this idea of yours go both ways, if the people in the game are playing different ways and not playing the same strat or comp, aren’t they ALL providing a “poor teamwork” environment?

By this reasoning, the one trick could/should be reporting YOU for poor teamwork for not playing their way, right?