Update - Junkertown Disabled and ETA for restoral

Get my junker queen golden weapon back!Fix the bug immediately!
I have unlocked it on Oct 4th and you guys made it locked again on Oct 18,whats wrong with the game?
I also have screenshots to prove it.

im on a low end rtx 3050 M and i never noticed a issue

Thanks for the update! :slight_smile:

I’m not a computer scientist but are you suggesting it should’ve been done quicker? How are you at debugging & correcting code for implementation in massive online games? :thinking:

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I got that bug but it was on Gibraltar of all things.

It was really confusing, I thought I had backfilled into a Defeat game but got that instead.

Doesn’t mean it should be happening.
It’s annoying how the supposedly highest budget games play like the lowest ones.


I’ve played better low budget games than this.


I am not saying you are wrong but what does OWL and PvE have to do with each other?

At long last we have a date for Torbjörn and Bastion. Aight, I’ll see you all in matches on the 25th ig

Patience, it will come back.

Lol, I mistyped. I meant to say “PvP”. Whoopsie.

Re add bastions heal

Gotcha, that makes more sense.

…yeah, well I don’t ask a car mechanic how long a dental procedure takes just like people on these forums shouldn’t comment on how long a programming fix should take… :wink:

almost as if it’s literally in early access and the reason it’s in early access is because it’s a rushed version to have something out after 3 years of 0 content

Something else that should’ve been picked up in the multiple daily playtests not to mention all the closed alphas and open betas pre-launch!

Also, still no mention of when Competitive statistics will be fixed?

The most basic thing in the game that worked fine for years in Overwatch and you managed to break it, too!

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Was wondering why standing in certain spots would bring my fps down to 100 from 300 no matter where i looked, just standing in specific locations.


thank you for sharing your Spec for no reason

im on GTX950 M btw

I noticed my frames were dipping significantly to where I noticed it hard on that map

I run the game medium settings at 144fps at all times

OW1 was riddled with bugs that went unfixed and you want to know how many bugs OW2 is gonna have lol.

i have older than that though (private home server has 760sc) my main laptop that ow2 killed is in the shop getting repaired