Update - Junkertown Disabled and ETA for restoral

Sweet the 25th , also the shooting the generator woth beams bug lul

so youā€™re getting new PC ?

weirdly i got flawless stable performance on this old toaster but yeah my only problem is the dual core bugs and slow character model loading w

It was rushed. Remember when there were rumors for the update to be delayed to sometime later in October 'cause it wasnā€™t ready ? Well, I think those werenā€™t rumors but they nonetheless decided to go for the announced release date to the update to avoid further backlash (after the heroes locked behind the Premium BP fiasco).

Thatā€™s the reason why the game is barely playable. I had zero issues on the two betas in terms of performance (with a top notch PC) and ever since that October update, I have many issues with the game that is buggy as never seen before. Overwatch is a game that was always pretty smoothā€¦ but thatā€™s a thing of the past, it seems.

LOLā€¦ No, mateā€¦ Early access means thereā€™s no PVEā€¦ not that PVP was going to be unstable and barely playable Day One (and the entire first month) :joy:. Are you serious or simply trolling ?

This seems plausible too.

OW1 ran smoothly on my PC for 6 years and I upgraded it twice since 2016 (almost two entire new PCs). Iā€™ve never had lags, stutters, crashes etcā€¦ before that, even on the two recent betas. They clearly rushed the October update and weā€™re paying the price for it.

It really feels like weā€™re playing on some sort of early beta (even older that the two official betas we had last summer and that were pretty stable).

Who knows how much time itā€™ll take for the game to get back to its former qualityā€¦ maybe months for all that I knowā€¦


it will be like new Acer is gonna replace the board for the second time like while i was at my cousins house everything was fine but then friday afternoon it was acting up mega weird like there was a problem in its power system but before i was gonna prepare it for shipping the board in it started acting liek my nitro 5 its a decent laptop just i feel like the board was flawed

Wow, October 25! Torb and Bastion have been unavailable for how long already? And it took how long for you to finally give us an ETA? Junker town is how old and you had to disable it because of graphical bugs??

Way to live service you guys. You can sure charge an arm and a leg for what used to be free, 6 year old skins but apparently that doesnā€™t make the service itself better. At least the ****ing shop works properly, thank god.

You guys are killing it. The game, I mean.


Is this that thing that Seagull saw on his stream once? Where his fps tanked in the point a spawn?

ā€¦the problem with making arguments from authority anonymously on a public forum is that people have no way of proving or disproving what you say.

I can easily just reply ā€˜I also code and Iā€™m saying 16 days is reasonable to fix an issue considering the complexity and scale of a live-service such as OW2 that is cross-platformā€™ā€¦ :wink:

so how long until the noire widowmaker skin is given back to me

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Do you guys like any map in the game?

But remember guys the game is live service so updates get put out faster : D

Great. Now can you also fix Total Mayhem for Zarya so sheā€™s not only invincible with her bubble, but also fix her invulnerability to Sombras Ult!? And fix Sombra as well. Her hacks and ultimate last about a sec and a half. Theyā€™re both broken as all hell right nowā€¦itā€™s almost as if this game wasnā€™t actually ready for releaseā€¦

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ā€¦ but you were the one literally asking if people were computer scientists. You canā€™t just use that as your argument without expecting people who might actually be capable of programming to respond. Blizz ainā€™t gonna pay you for white knighting.

Check this vid out for a complete analysis of the bastion glitch.

Essentially, all they would need to do (from an outsiders perspective) is either remove the use of the Q button for firing the ult or to rework the ammo to end the ult when less than 1 instead of equal to 0 (alongside logic handlers for simultaneous inputs if they want to keep the Q input). It seems pretty obvious that this glitch could be resolved within at least a few days, then a few more days of testing and verification would make a weeks time a pretty generous estimation. The game has even received several updates in between then and now, so we KNOW blizz has people actively working on glitches. The only explanation of the long wait is either they put fixing bastion and torb on the backburner (which is ridiculous imo for an entire playable character), or they somehow made the issue worse and had to extend the fix time (which would explain their week long radio silence). Or, if we are being naively more hopeful, they are giving bastion an overhaul along with a bug fix, because honestly even with this glitch his ult wasnā€™t the best.


I wish you could downvote comments

Thatā€™s a bug thatā€™s existed since ow1. Lol

While I do agree that a lot of us Americans are pretty selfish sometimes, Blizzard did kind of shut down a game most people payed $60 USD for, and made the monetization worse. Iā€™m glad Europeans have access to OW now but $20 for a legendary skin and $10 for one battlepass that doesnā€™t give coins back is pretty expensive.


Weird, I never once had it happen in any of my games, I think it happened like twice since OW2. Maybe it got worse somehow? Idkā€¦
In any case, surely bastion and torb will return on the 25th and theyā€™ll bring junkertown back with them, entirely bug freeā€¦ surely.

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I mean the guys lying. Other games with lootboxes are still available to play. In fact it actually works out so well that people change their region to europe because instead of lootboxes, those players just get currency in place of loot boxes. Also European players have played OW already so ???

Wow, itā€™s sad how much people are willing to lie on these forums just to get a point across.
I wasnā€™t sure if it was available in Europe or not so I just believed the person. When they actually have it better than everyone else by earning credits lol.

actually what I said was:

Asking a rhetorical question is not ā€˜askingā€™ if people are actually the thing (as no one complaining about Bastion on an Overwatch forum is a software engineer for a AAA game company)ā€¦ :wink:

That isnā€™t exactly what I said, so iā€™ll say it clearer so he doesnā€™t come back and say stuff that isnā€™t true.

  • People have been playing OW1 in europe just like everyone else. No idea what he is on about saying they canā€™t play Overwatch if it has lootboxes because they have been playing it the same for the last 6 years.
  • If it is due to a legal change, I know that on other games that some regions donā€™t get loot boxes and instead get currency based on if they are in a different region, in place of lootboxes

so yeah he was just saying BS and there are ways around it without making monetization worse. ironically in apex legends, many people switch their region to Belgium because its easier to get currency to buy cosmetics, rather then getting RNG cosmetics and RNG currency lol.

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