[Update: Fix for all platforms is out] FPS drops after update | Main tracking thread

Is anyone using the in game framelimiter?
This caused slowdowns for me a few patches ago, disabling and enabling the framelimiter fixed it for me.

Any updates from blizzard on this? This is ridiculous…

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Exactly. Not trying to be the jerk costumer here, but this is unacceptable. They went radio silent for the past 24 hours, it’s a multi billion dollar company, they cannot treat people like this.


Same here. This really needs to be fixed like time now. It’s been 2 days and this kinda issue is crucial when it comes to FPS game.


it’s so bad I just started playing Brig and Mercy to xp grind. :rofl:


Having major issues as well.

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Makes the game literally unplayable for me. I’m amazed this patch got pushed to live.

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Every time something happens, the game drops frames like there’s no future xD

  • voice lines
  • heals requests
  • hero switches
  • a butterfly passes by…

It feels like it’s the chatbox but it could be a coincidence. Disabling it or making it invisible doesn’t improve the game performance. Kan we has the hotfix pl0x?


Slowy being worked on this is the main thread where any updates will be posted by the dev team

The game gets progressively more unstable as my session continues. It goes from relatively normal to getting frame drops every other second.

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i just wanted to add some more findings related to the issue.

today experienced the same fps drops during arcade ctf matches.
strangely enough not in lucioball.

during ctf and yesterday in qp, whenever i went into the hero select menu i experienced a massive drop.
i think it may be related to hero select. whenever this fps drop happened in ctf, the other team suddenly had a different hero on the field.

unlike others here, don’t seem to have issues with chat field, or in game voice lines yet.

will keep an eye out for those including people joining and leaving games…

this would make sense with not having fps drops in lucioball as there you can’t swap heroes…

Its unreal to see Overwatch get a patch that is as bad as this one, in all my years of playing I’ve never seen such a bad patch released by them and even worse a lack of attention to getting it resolved quickly.


Yea its moments like these when you realize ow isnt there baby boo anymore
. . Lil neglect. Their doing more important things lol

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Hi Wyoming, I’m reading this thread because I’m having the same issue (FPS drops, game crashing) and I want to try this solution… but I’m concerned that it will also wipe out my custom keybinds and sensitivity settings.

Do you know if this just resets the video settings or does it also reset all user preferences including custom keybinds and sensitivity?

No, following this proceedure does not wipe any “account-level” settings including all Control keybinding, crosshairs, sensativity, and gameplay options.

It will delete any video and audio settings and return to them to their default values as those are stored on each individual system.

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Just wanted to keep everyone up to date! Our QA and Developers are still very actively working on tracking down the root of this issue. No ETA update yet but they are hard at work getting this issue narrowed down then will work on getting the fix out the door. We will continue to update this thread with any new information once we have it!

Thank you.


Appreciate it Zuvykree. Hopefully they have it narrowed down, but currently this is only happening on 1 of my accounts. Literally everything is the same minus what account I log into. :frowning: Still willing to help if needed!

Thanks for the update, a little frustrating to play OW at the moment but hopefully next Tuesday it will be fixed :slight_smile:

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I’m guessing console will be the last thing you’ll fix? Everyone is talking about PC so …

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What? They did mention consoles.

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