[Update: Fix for all platforms is out] FPS drops after update | Main tracking thread

I averaged 20 fps in qp, 17 in comp before this update. Now I consistently have 6 fps. 100ms input delay. Even in the practice range I get lag.

You might… you might have two things.

I’ve had this problem for a months now I used to play the game at 120 fps and I would have random drops around 40-50 fps.

im currious how one even plays with 17-20 FPS i struggle with barely meeting 60 fps lmao (average is 40-50)

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Every hero is a projectile hero, basically, and usually I don’t get too much input lag, so I got used to it, probably stuck in gold because of it though

Its a laptop, I got used to it, since after every patch its dropped about 2 frames, so I had a year to slowly lower.

You and I must have very different interpretations of what good input lag is, because 17fps would produce an unplayable amount of input lag for me (by quite literally an order of magnitude). I must say though if you can play at 17fps and maintain gold rank you’ve earned my respect lol.

I have the same issue went from 220 fps to 170 fps after the update

Any solutions?

But It’s not a video driver or game settings problem. I tried to reset the game settings via BattleNet, and back to my previous settings (Low/Medium), but it’s not helps.

I didn’t touch the GPU settings before and after the summer games.

Restarting the game is a temporary fix. The few matches works fine, but after 4-5 matches, the drops back again. The most big fps drops when i pressing ESC or H to change hero.

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It is nothing you can fix permanently, the Trouble shooting provided in previous posts is only temp fixes as you found out because its nothing with the player systems, its something in the patch itself causing the problem we can only wait, or constantly reset video settings if you insist on playing while you wait for it to be fixed.

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This issue started with the ‘endorsement update’, you screwed up something in that patch. Before that it was all smooth but since that patch I have to run the game on almost the worst/lowest possible settings, I also removed almost all my friendlist (creates fps drops too). Anything appearing in the chat gives huge fps drops, and hiding it or squelching all chat doesn’t change much, if at all, still unplayable.

Hotacos, the only changes I made between swapping accounts (posted previously, still have 1 account affected, 1 not) was changing my pre-rendered frames in my Nvidia settings from 3-2. (This shouldn’t matter, I have an OC’d 8700K i7, BUT again, it is the ONLY change I’ve made). Card is 2080 RTX. Try it, or maybe just opening my Nvidia settings / confirming they’re set properly worked. (ish, I haven’t been on account #1 to verify). I’m hesitant to post this because I still notice abnormal frame drops while in the holding area at the beginning of matches (looking at the spawn barrier seems to cause this… intermittently) and while hitting my esc menu (190 capped [188-190] down to a very specific 167) but this only lasts less than a second. Give it a try perhaps?

Also seeing massive FPS drops. I have two 2080 Ti’s in SLI, and I should not be getting 170 FPS, looks horrible on my 240 hz monitor.

You would be surprised how not everyone was aware of situation in game last night.
Go ahead, smash keyboards, I won’t stop you.
You make it sound as if I’m being obsessed here. But its just lags in any game test any kind of patience. That’s all.

same issue here i start at 70 fps when i boot up the game, but when i start playing on it, it drops down to like 15 fps. which has never happened before and started after downloading the update. Even if i play on the lowest of the lowest settings i only get a fps of 30 or 25

Фпс за 4 года стабильно был 250 в замесах , сейчас после обновы ,сначала черный экран ,теперь когда играешь фпс проседает с 250 до 80 резко долю сек и фризы мешают играть ,особенно когда играешь на анне и пытаешься хилить это ужас(( впервые за такое время обновления корявое ,меняйте отдел что бы работал лучше ,иначе игроки начнут убегать ,так как играть стало всё хуже и хуже ,с каждым разом игра начинает отталкивать и близ компания становиться хуже( я в ней 14 лет в её игры но терпения приходит конец(

my friend, it’s time to update your computer.

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Some of the replies are always interesting.

Overwatch drops summer games patch.

You: Huge framedrops, can’t play the game properly. Was fine 5 minutes ago before updating.

Tech: reset everything and do the Sherlock Holmes reinstall of your gpu drivers.

Also you: Hello cs eu. Do you have an eta for a solution to the problem?

Cs eu: What problem. There is none we would know of right now.

Fun fact.
At least some of the people out there wanted to be participating in the team skins challenge but legit just can’t because you’re getting mad after playing 5 minutes of chopped and ripped off ranked and qp games.

Ain’t really funny currently.

Then you cut off the leftover time of ranked season without any announcement.

Frankly that’s some next level patch right there :confused::roll_eyes:

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Pretty sure it has nothing to do with GPU, the new patch increesed CPU usage more than doubled than last patch, which caused frame drop, simce the game is not using a lot of thread, and maxed out only a few cores.

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Вы тут с евро сервера затерялись? :woozy_face: хотя в принципе проблема у всех общая.