Update - Delayed Twitch Drops Beta Access (27 APRIL)

So I hate to say it, but it’s looking unlikely we’ll get access…

My ticket finally got responded too, with generic mumbo that we’ve seen a few times on here since Wednesday. The GM told me to wait 72 for a game drop, yet it’s already been 50+… Like what’s another 12 hours going to do? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’m not gonna push anymore, because I don’t want to get wrist slapped. You would think with as many players who have seemingly qualified for the Beta, they would be trying to get this fixed quicker. But apparently not.

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Approaching the 72 hour mark. Hold strong my friends.

Still waiting here too 80+ hours, it seems it is not few people tha have the same problem. Now losing my hope :frowning:


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How many times should l waiting for,so tired

Maybe someday blizzard will let me play their game but today does not seem like that day.

Okay that might’ve been a fib. Cause I’m being stubborn and want actual communication so…

Here’s what I learned. :point_up:

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I have ow2 beta in my launcher
but I cant login
plz help…

still so response from blizzard even after 4 days? zezelee#1458

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I once again am posting in hopes that I get the beta access twitch says I have. Bnet alexshorty#1786


I just wanna have fun. GSailed#1336

Another day I go on without having the ow2 beta after claiming it from my twitch drops.

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Really wish we at least got more feed back on this whole situation. Obviously something went wrong somewhere for this many people to have not gotten the drop. Really just wanna be able to enjoy OW2.


Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Michael Superbacker the Wise?

Hey guys, I was told to come here and post my battle tag Raye#1116

I have all of my accounts connected through twitch and battlenet and I claimed the drop but still nothing in my launcher. Hoping this gets resolved. Thanks

Posting my Btag here in the hope the twitch beta drop I claimed gets honored. I haven’t had any luck with the support staff. Been waiting for a day and a half now.


Hoping I can eventually access the beta that I got on twitch drops.
My accounts are connected through both twitch and blizzard.

Can someone help please? :

I linked my battlenet and Twitch account with same email I’ve always used.

My Battlenet username is TheOnendOnly#21775 but in Twitch the “Drop” has gone to: “NotATree#11602 - Europe (EU)” - I dont know who this - can I access this ‘user’ or have it transferred to the proper battlenet name of “TheOnendOnly#21775”?

Why has the Drop given the beta to a different username?

MY ACCOUNT IS Cosmo#31210
plz fix this

how did u get this info?

still not working… zezelee#1458