It's not Twitch, It's been 72 hours, where's the Beta?

Direct quote from an email I received from Twitch Support upon putting in a Ticket a few hours ago.

"The game developer of the broadcasted game is responsible for fulfilling Drop rewards in-game. Please contact Blizzard directly for any questions, as Twitch Support do not have the ability to provide or issue drops."

Direct quote from a GM that answered my ticket also a few hours ago.

"Please allow up to 72 hours for licenses to be granted for Twitch drops."

And I’m fine with waiting another 14 hours, for that 72 hour mark since the drops. IF NEED BE.

But as I was replying on another post, what’s the issue? and what’s the difference? Between right now for me being 1 am. versus 14 hours from now. Where the 72 hour mark will be “fulfilled”

I would greatly appreciate some sort of answer, beyond vagueness and the multiple ultimately futile although appreciated solutions that have been given over the past two days.

  • Yes, both accounts are now linked. Both ways.
  • I fulfilled and claim the drop on Twitch the day of
  • and have reinstalled my Battle net launcher twice, as well many other hoops and ropes that I’ve hopped skipped and jumped over at this point to try to make the Tech Beta appear.

Some actual communication would be nice, as I’m not the only one in this boat and all we want is to play the Beta like the many others who watched the various listed streamers for 4 hours on Wednesday.


14 hours later since making this post, and look at that nothing changed. :neutral_face:


SAY SOMETHING DO SOMETHING BLIZZARD PLZ!!! we still can’t play the beta after few days !

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Okay, it’s been 72 hours, nothing has changed and still no Beta in sight. :neutral_face:

Contact them again, but you probably need to wait until tomorrow for an answer. Sorry, Blizzard customer service is just not very good.

Oh don’t worry, I did. :slightly_smiling_face:

I didn’t mark my Ticket as resolved, so I just added on to it.

The silence on the matter is just silly. I just don’t believe that they’re unaware about all these people not getting beta in the launcher still. My stuff was linked. My friend in fact had the wrong account linked, switched it and STILL got the beta.

Yeah, the silence is confusing.

But I’ll continue to pester for the entire 2 weeks if need be. Make your players watch one of the many paid streamers for 4 hours and proceed not to help them get the earned reward for it, I’m not just going to forget about it and walk away.

Are they linked on both sides, not just the twitch side?
