Untouchable healers is root of all problems - incl snipers

I wish I was an untouchable support. Unfortunately as a support, everyone comes to touch me.

I must be hot.

Correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but I feel we can all agree the support healing passive is ridiculous.

I try to play all 3 roles evenly in competitive, I feel I have a good take on it. It discourages chasing down supports. We already have a problem of dps ignoring the supports.

Most supports have self heal on cool down anyway. When Iā€™m playing support Iā€™m topping of the other support as well.

Thereā€™s zero reason for this passive to exist.

On another note, I struggle to play Bap efficiently. Heā€™s so damn good at dps, itā€™s tempting to just burst heads all day and rely on your cool downs for healing.

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I donā€™t.

The reason it exists is specifically because with one less Tank, teams will also take more damage all around, and with that being the case, the last thing you want is a Support wasting their healing cooldown just because theyā€™re sitting at <50% health.

It also frees up design space. As it stands, both OW2 Supports (Kiriko and LW) would be completely unplayable if not for the Support passive. Kirikoā€™s only self-healing is a flat 50 HP on a cooldown you absolutely should not be wasting on thatā€¦and Lifeweaver has no self-healing ability whatsoever.

Maybe Iā€™m just thinking of it based on the opinion now: posts asking for 6v6 back seem to get more likes than those rebutting them and saying 5v5 is better. I remember a fair number of people saying they didnā€™t want 5v5 before it came out but you may be right in the majority wanting 5v5.

Iā€™m masters 1 on support and hes right. Almost all the supports have insane self-sustain to the point that I rarely lose duels to flankers. Also if ur struggling to carry on support, you arenā€™t doing enough meaningful damage(the kind of damage that leads to kills, if you just poke a tank on moira youā€™ll have high damage but low impact). Almost all the supports have high damage capability that low rank supports donā€™t utilize

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someone gets it , the majority of players dont have 30% plus accuracy , so supports are of course if they are more skilled going to win against players with suboptimal aim ā€¦

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So how do you explain Widowmakers problems predating most of the supports in the game?

My point is that if both supports are alive, we are topping each other off.

I think supports should be punished for bad positioning, same as other roles. Donā€™t forget Kirikoā€™s wall climb & teleport. No comment on LW since I donā€™t play him/havenā€™t unlocked him.

I wouldnt call using a cool down on yourself a waste either. If youve positioned yourself poorly away from the team-your going to use that self heal cool down to save yourself. Passive or not.

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Mercy was a launch heroā€¦

And in her launch iteration she was far from untouchable.

Mercyā€™s with good movement are real pests to pin down. Especially when they can often farm Valk quickly and use it to further bolster their survivability.

Launch Mercy had neither of these capabilities and even though GA had a low cooldown she was nowhere near as slippery as sheā€™s become to be. Definitely not slippery enough to justify a Widow pick.

His dash has a tiny amount of self heal. And you could argue his ult can as well.

But I agree with your point. OW2 supports are highly dependent on the passive.

This is an assumption that relies on someone elseā€™s competence or decision-making.

If Kiriko is using wall climb and teleport to get out of danger, thatā€™s not ā€œbad positioningā€.

Good or bad positioning has nothing to do with it. Even if you have exceptionally good positioning and mechanics and, say, just barely won a duel against a Genji while the rest of your team is fighting, your choice is either to use the nade selfishly or unselflishly.

Can i recommend playing supports instead of constantly attacking them on the forums? That might help you understand how to fight them ingame.

That idea applies to literally anything giving you trouble in the game. It is extremely good advice. Let your opponents teach you the counterplay.

They can be punished for bad positioning. 5 vs 2 they should die. If your team canā€™t kill them thatā€™s a different story.

I canā€™t recall a game where I wasnā€™t being intentionally healed by the other support. Iā€™m sure itā€™s happened, but even then you will be getting some aoe heals if that applies to your partners kit. I canā€™t relate with you here.

I do understand what your saying though if your solo healing, as in your partner got picked off.

I would say tough luck, you should be forced to adjust your playstyle temporarily. Same as other roles when your down 1 healer. I seem to do ok playing conservatively until my partner comes back from spawn.

Well using Kiriko as an example, you can be anywhere on the mapā€¦frontlining, flanking, carelessly in then middle of the enemy teamā€¦and youā€™ve got a get out of jail free card(wall climb/tele). Add to that a self heal, self regen passive, & potentially a live support that can top you off. Thatā€™s a pretty coddling situation imo. And this is just one example of a support hero.

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When was the last time you killed a support who was retreating and then turned a corner? Seriously. They are now full health with the passive and the enemy team is coming back from spawn.

If they have self heal or mobility cool down, they probably used it on retreat minimizing the damage you can do.

Sure if your all grouped up on letā€™s say KOTH, your going to delete in a 5v2.

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Pretty sure almost everybody here can, though. Especially if the other support was a DPS Moira or an Ana with tunnel vision.

The difference is, when youā€™re playing ā€œanother roleā€ (especially DPS) and you need to adjust, your goal is to disengage completely from the fight. Granted, thatā€™s easier said than done with some characters (say, Rein and Zarya for example), but the point remains that if you know that healing isnā€™t coming and you have to ā€œadjustā€, then you need to disengage.

If youā€™re playing healer, you usually donā€™t have that option. While a Tank or DPS disengaging means that your team temporarily has no damage or cover/space, if your support disengages or starts playing more conservatively that means the entire team has less or ZERO healing. The entire point of the Support passive is to enable them to do their jobs.

Again, I donā€™t really consider that to be ā€œbad positioningā€. Being able to flank is half of Kirikoā€™s playstyle.

And thereā€™s really no way for Support characters to both have the ability to take care of themselves while also not being able to use those same abilities offensively. Either people whine because Supports are always begging for peeling or theyā€™re gonna whine because Supports use those abilities offensively and then bail out.

When it comes to problems with the balance, and balance alone, the existence of 5v5 is the root of all problems.

There is a damn good reason why literally removing a player from the match shouldnā€™t have been done.

An immediate return to 6v6 would make things far easier to adjust. Guaranteed.


As of now, people are far more supportive of 6v6 than 5v5 because they finally understood how awful the idea was.

Back then, I donā€™t think people really wanted the removal of one player from the match. It doesnā€™t take much to see how bad that is. People just wanted a ā€œsolutionā€ to double shield (which was a problem caused by Sigma, not Orisa. Stop licking Talonā€™s boots).

Still, the ā€œissueā€ of double shield could have been solved differently, but the worst possible choice was made. Now, weā€™re stuck with a downgraded game that moved away from everything it once considered core values. As Jeff once said, Overwatch is a 6v6 competitive game and it should have never walked away from that.

I donā€™t completely blame those who defended it, then. But I do resent those who are defending it now.

I kill them all the time when I dps/tank/ play moira xDā€¦ soā€¦