Untouchable healers is root of all problems - incl snipers

If you have DPS who don’t focus supports… or a “dive” tank not diving supports to quickly kill them…

You’re prolly in Gold or below.

Except people who make this complaint are complaining that they can’t 1v2, 2 support characters.

Every flanker can 1v1 any support, any support.

I 1 vs 4’d a team as Rammatra with his ult : 3. The healers were mercy and Lightweaver though.

The forums will always remain delusional on these issues, they seem to believe that the support role needs to be busted beyond explainable words or the game can’t possibly be playable. They’ll use goofy wording like “okay play the role and do the healing then and watch as your team has no control” etc all excuses and bs really. The support heroes have the most tools to ensure that your team wins, I mean half of them have oppressive and busted abilities to change the tide of the game, and they aren’t even ults!


If you die to a support in a 1v1 it’s a skill issue.

What I am asking for, is an even matchup. I am asking for a game where flankers are viable, both for the sake of flankers as a role, as well as other problems, like snipers running wild.
Not to mention it would solve a concerning trend I have noticed, where almost all games turn into two deathballs moving on each other, where dynamic play is quite limited.

My 2nd most played hero is Ana. I am not interested in seeing any role becoming underpowered.

Try go up against a really good Kiriko player with top aim. You will be deleted on Tracer.
Even if you survive, it is unlikely you will kill her, as she will just teleport away.

Oh really? How do you figure that? You saw a chart?
Im watching Kabaji and Dafran. Kabaji is very heavily a Tracer main, but often if he has a choice he will not play her (he has these Tracer-only sessions where he has no choice). Dafran rarely plays her these days.

Just watch some actual GM streams and you will see.

I dare say its the other way round.

Snipers kill instantly. Therefore, ALL other DPS in the game is balanced around that damage. Its very high and it cant go down without all the other heroes feeling weak.

Healing is balanced around incoming DPS - it has to be. So, given snipers forced up DPS, they also forced up healing.

And, to top it off, the best at fighting this inflated healing caused by snipers? Snipers.

This is a very good point.
One very important trait of skill intensive abilities, is that they fail under pressure. The healers will not fail under pressure (at least not mechanically, only decision making), because of the triviality of their abilities, while the same is not true for the skill intensive heroes (to which I count Ana).

If the healers were all more like Ana skill-wise, we would not have this problem I think.

Okay i would like you to fight a bap you have to get through 3 of his hp bars while he had to get through one of yours think you could beat someone of equal skill as soldier

Actually, ignoring that all heroes are different, this isnt true at the core.

Supports need to be constantly evaluating information that DPS dont have to. Their cognitive load (how your brain processing power used) is higher in other elements of their kit. Their skills are elsewhere - they have to plan and prioritize different things.

Aiming isnt the only skill or even the most valuable.

Take a look at top 500 leaderboard. Take a look at hero pickrates in every rank. Or just get out of metal ranks yourself and take a look, because you clearly aren’t above plat if you seriously think flankers aren’t viable.

I literally see a flanker on both teams (usually Genji) in the majority of my games, and I am Masters.

“Untouched” players is the root of many complaining issues on these forums indeed :sweat_smile:… I agree.

A bap and soldier with the same level of aim? Yeah lol burst him down. Oh he has regen burst? You have a rocket. Use it well.
He uses lamp? A) Good. What a waste. B) Use your legs and little healthpack and zone it. Once it’s down kill him again.

stop saying this. A significant portion of players didn’t want 5v5. Also hanzo was stronger in ow1 so ow2 was only really a buff to widow.

My personal take, they need to tone down Kiriko’s log kunai’s and Ana’s kit over all. I can get into stats, but going off words and experiences, these two are generally must-kills every dive and team fight. I’ve seen some potato brains behind these heroes too, it didn’t matter. Give a dummy a rifle and they’re sure to shoot something.

“It’s not the DPS, it’s the support” never gets old.

Support characters enable and help others increase their performance.

But abilities like damage boost mean nothing without damage to boost.

Speed boost means little without a team mate that needs to get through a choke or close the gap.

It’s so frustrating to spend your time watching others squander your efforts to enable them.

Then, when you’re actually successful and your efforts pay off, people complain.

The lack of autonomy means support abilities need to have high potential. Or else, what’s the point?

Just pick DPS or tank and do it yourself.

Because it’s been true since Ana

If you’re consistently losing a 1v1 to a support that’s not kiriko you’re not equal skill lmao

I say everyone can probably guess what will happen if supports become closer to free food with less sustain.

In my experience, a significant portion of players DID want 5v5. Of course, its possible I just got caught up in conversations with a ton of people that wanted it, and they don’t speak for the majority. I’ll remind you though, I consistently am outspoken on here, and before 5v5 was a thing I remember people mostly telling me “No, you’re wrong, 5v5 will save the game”. Like, that was the popular opinion.