Until Doomfist gets nerfed, I can't bring myself to play this game anymore

doomfist is completely fine at higher ranks, one mcree or hanzo and he can be completely useless. you certainly don’t need to base an entire team comp around him, the supports alone working together well can shut him down.

Used to be, Brigitte was a halfway decent counter to Doom. Too bad she got nerfed so hard. Just hope McCree is hanging around near you and knows how to use flashbangs.

If y’all didn’t whine about Brig and Sombra, we wouldn’t have THIS situation, now would we?


Using brig in your argument won’t help. Some other DPS, tanks or even a support would have killed her before she could even interfere with a doomfist.

Shield bash? Odds are her barrier will be broken before she even gets a chance to react. Doomfist hasn’t changed, but two of his best counters (brig, Sombra) got nerfed so he’s taking advantage of it. Blizzard seems to be on a nerfing spree so buffing his counters ain’t an option.

Some of us don’t, and never will have the reflexes and reaction time of an Olympian God. I’m sorry to have to say that, but we’re just regular humans out here trying to survive.

Best comment in this thread. thx :slight_smile:

i keep getting stun locked by doomfist whenever i play a tank thats not orisa i swear to god…

I don’t have a problem with doomfist’s overall power levels. I don’t want him nerfed. But his power could be redistributed so that more heroes have better means to outplay him. Sombra should never have been such a hard counter to df and df should never had invalidated a zen pick. Its far too extreme cases of countering going on with doom. He needs power in his kit redistributed so that he remains viable but feels less oppressive. He has a disproportionately high impact on how the match flows when he’s picked

I vote rework

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The game is just flawed in design from the ground up. The fundamental need for everyone in a game is a sense of parity so that one feels like s/he has a fair shot at winning. The problem with this game is that each and every hero is designed to be so frustrating to play against that everyone gets the impression that the game is terribly skewed against his or her favor. For example, you’re solo queuing as a rather immobile hero like zen, soldier or McCree and Genji ults. It’s “good-bye, world.” It’s a moronic design that lacks counter-play unless you heavily, heavily rely on your team, and that’s the fundamental source of frustration. It’s not just DF. the entire game is just a heap of trash. If the declining Twitch and OWL viewers aren’t a hint. The wise thing to do is to just quit.

Any examples of how you’d do this?

Understandable, DF is a character created with only one person in mind, and that’s the one playing him.


im not a dev but I can say I wish he was easier to read. A df that knows their rollouts is so frustrating. It would be interesting to see what would happen if he was much louder, giving away his positioning, but had stronger hitbox manipulation, because currently unless he has zarya bubble he can’t do much when scouted. Would increase his survivability in organised 6v6 but reduce the power of his flank playstyle in ladder hopefully. Can only speculate though

How to deal with doom: Tell the team to deal with him before he lands on the floor. Hint: have so much awareness that it puts spider man to shame! (if he lands its already too late).
How to deal with Doom as support: Well you really dont! Just try complaining to the team to deal with him. If that doesn’t work, stay in spawn, check your email, perform an onanistic act while you wait for the next game.

Then start playing him and you’ll automatically start enjoying this game.

Or Instead pick Orisa with Hog or Sigma and Mccree as one of the dps on your team. There you go, just automatically watch him dying.

Reaper Mei combo is also good against him.

I came back to the game after a year for role queue, and I was having fun until I started seeing Doomfist in every match. So many things in the game are better, but playing support against Doomfist is not fun.

Playing against him as support is not challenging; it’s hopeless, it’s just not fun. Even when my team wins it’s not fun, because I end up being the sacrifice that just repeatedly walks from spawn. The only “strategy” is to save your abilities so you can run away. If your abilities are on cooldown, then you’re dead.

See you in another year I guess.

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