Until Doomfist gets nerfed, I can't bring myself to play this game anymore

He’s in every other game, dominating an entire team all by himself without the help of his team. He’s the only hero in the game other than Widow who needs an entire team built against him. He’s the only hero in the game that can cripple tanks and delete everyone else with one skill, and get out immediately.

Like, the sad part is, if and when they nerf Doomfist, he’s going to be a bad hero again. There is no balancing a hero with a kit like his. Ever since his release, he has always either been too oppressive, or too suppressed. He’s the biggest mistake this game has made.

Doomfist gets to have all the fun in the world, but you’re expected to build your team around him just to have a chance at winning, all while throwing away your chance to have fun because you have to respect a single hero in the game or submit to his oppression. He’s the reason I take a break every day from Overwatch.

I played one match today and I’m already taking a break because they had a Doomfist dominating our entire team all game long, and I couldn’t do anything as a support but beg for my team to help me deal with him. I switched to try and have a decent chance of surviving against him, but I also had to worry about surviving against the rest of his team as well, and I was not having fun. At all. Not in the slightest. He’s the only reason that makes me want to stop playing Overwatch altogether.

Please, for the love of God, do something about this oppressive ohko tanky hyper-mobile wonder. Rework him already. You can’t fix his kit, it’s impossible.


Make way for NiceGenji, no Doomfist thread is complete until he comments that Doomfist is fine on it


》massive surge in “SOMBRA IS OPPRESSIVE PLS NERF” threads
》Sombra gets nerfed
》massive surge in “DOOMFIST IS OPPRESSIVE PLS NERF” threads

Oh no…how could we have ever seen this coming and how to avoid it…it is an absolute mystery…


If df is dominating a team all by himself. I will say it again all by himself what does that tell you about your team?

It doesnt take a whole team to shut down df. One McCree or orisa and df is useless.

If its zen then I understand, however the other supports can do something about df

Bruh did i do something to u or what?


That tells me that he’s the only hero in the game that needs an entire team to do something about him. I’ve had a few games with some exceptional McCrees, but even then he’s having to spend his entire focus on handling Doomfist, and he’s not always going to handle Doomfist unless it was a perfect scenario.

You can’t play Brigitte anymore, because her shield shatters so quickly that you’re out of a stun against him.

You have to be really good with Ana to even have a fair chance against him, unless he’s using his Meteor Strike in which case, you’re done for unless, again, your entire team helps you.

You can only escape so many times as Mercy until he finally kills you because he does so much damage even without his Rocket Punch.

I switched to Moira to Fade away from him, but even then he was still locking onto me and literally chasing me around the whole entire map while killing my fellow Ana at the same time, who I was also trying to keep alive.

Zenyatta, well, there’s no explanation for that. Lucio, I’m terrible at Lucio, but booping him away can only do so much when he comes back at you in 5 seconds.

You love Doomfist, it’s clear, but you can’t deny he’s the most frustrating and antifun hero in existence. You get to have all the fun you want, but at the expense of your enemy team. You’re the only hero in the game that is a threat to both tanks and non-tanks.



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Doomfist mains:
Just counterpick him and pay full focus on him at all times and he’s so easy to deal with. Yeah, that can be said about any hero and even then Doomfist can score kills. Like Star said, you need to keep track of Doomfist all the time unless you want him to destroy you in 1-2s with a nonexistant window to retaliate. The other flankers leave some room for a healer to intervene or another hero to deal with them but it all goes so fast with Doomfist that by the time the rest of the team notice him, he’s already killed the hero and are escaping.


I’m pretty much in the same boat at this point. It’s absurd that you have to essentially have 3 people immediately switch to counters and constantly be watching rooftops behind you in the middle of a firefight to have any sort of chance against a decent Doomfist. And that’s just to MAYBE survive his gank, he’ll probably get a free pick anyway. Even then you can’t even punish him with his mobility cooldowns and effective health where it is right now. It’s honestly one of the most pathetic failures of a kit design I’ve ever seen in any sort of pvp game.


I just think it’s fun how you comment on every single Doomfist thread trying to defend him and have been doing so for months. It’s like you’re so afraid that he will get nerfed that you will do anything to make sure he isn’t. No other mains are so unwarering in their defense of their main as Doomfist players has been. You don’t see me trying to defend Mei or Reinhardt in every single thread because Im not that desperate for them not to get nerfed.


Its almost as if they nerfed his only real reliable counter and gave you less time to kill him when she disabled him…


If only it was that easy. Mccree dies before he can even throw out flash and it’s very easy to bait out fortify

Ana has one chance of surviving and the rest or the supports can run away and annoy him. Running away is not countering doomfist.


Doomfist is weak. He needs a buff.


Because you’re one of the most biased people on here. You literally one trick the character and defend him with all your heart with the same bland arguments


Doomfist is in the same category as Tracer. If you nerf him, the lower ranked will not be able to get much value out of him. When you’ve mastered a hero, you should be able to get more value out of that hero.

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It’s his kit that is the problem. Any hero that goes from underpowered to oppressive with no middle ground is a poorly designed hero. Giving a hero mobility and low TTK burst is a combination that should never have made it into the game. Period


Um no it doesnt take an entire team to deal with him.

You can, dont stay out in the open where doomfist team can shoot your shield. Shield bash him when he slams or rocket punch. Whipshot him to mess up a combo or when he’s aiming rocket punch. Use repair packs on teammates that are in his combo to heal them up so they can survive.

Its not hard to land a sleep dart on doomfist, and with more protection from your teammates df cant get u.

This was the main reason why meteor strike got nerfed. So stay near a shield, move unpredictably, or stay near unbreakable environmental objects they can block meteor strike. Here’s a example


If your escaping doomfist so many times that means he’s getting himself killed most of the time. Use bunny hop or the super jump and Df wont hit u at all.

With moira dont fade near or behind a Df, always fade near teammates. Or fade far from df.

Booping him means that u stop a combo, mess up rocket punch, or saved a teammate. Speed boost teammates so they can be harder to hit, and avoid meteor strike.

I know and thats why im here to help u.

Now tell me how am i a threat to Reaper, mei, tracer, genji, sombra, hanzo, junkrat, hog, orisa, dva, ashe, McCree, bastion, pharah, torb, zarya, widow?


I just find it funny is all. Every hero can be taken down. You just have to know how, and lead your team to the win.


If you are that upset about one hero, then I think maybe you need to find a new game.


I fully agree with the fact that Doomfist can either the too oppressive or completely trash. He’s always in a constant cycle of nerf then buff, nerf then buff… They can’t seem to get it right. He needs a rework.

My main issue is that it’s either the Doomfist is having fun and 6 other people are a second away from punching their PCs; or Doomfist is complete trash and being a detriment to his team. It’s usually either/or.


I wonder why u call me a onetrick and u dont know anything about me. And im not going to stop showing others how to play against df no matter how much it annoys u


That sums it up pretty good yeah

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