Until Doomfist gets nerfed, I can't bring myself to play this game anymore

I noticed, that if your or enemy team has doomfist in Total Mayhem it’s always either free win for one of the teams or a sh*t show battle of two Doomfists. I quit playing Total Mayhem because of Doomfist.

Shield bash only works if Doomfist is dumb enough to go near a Brigitte
Whip shot is not an easy ability to land, especially when it takes Doomfist like 0.2s from landing next to a hero to uppercutting which makes it even harder to land it. And even if she lands it he can still get some shots off which might be enough to kill his victim.
Repair Packs are easy to play around since she has to use them on other people from time to time. She can’t wait to use them until a Doomfist engage every time or she will lose teammates elsewhere.
Ulti is not available all the time (obviously) and ulti only gives 15 armour per second so even if she reacts straight away, in the time a Doomfist takes to finish his combo, the victim has gotten at most 60 armour which not that much to waste an ulti on since Doomfist can outburst it


How is df little pea shooter is gonna break her shield?

Briggite can shield bash to stop punch or a combo

She can whipshot to get df away from her, mess up a combo, or his aim during rocket punch

Her shield can block meteor strike.

If briggite dies to df its because the player was making too many mistakes against him

I could say the same to the Sombra nerfs what Jeff said in regards of Brigitte “Be careful what you wish for!”

If you nerf Doom too much, what is very possible wirh a trash ult like to then you will hate him because hes on your team. Been here, felt that.

How can DF generate these amount of crys lol, he is ez to counter, not a problem at all.


You need to focus him when his cooldowns are on - but that requires teamwork and for you to be quick.

The problem is, by the time this happens, its likely he has extra health and his main escape its only 4 secs after performing it - okay Doomfists tend to mess up their timings, but good Doomfist know how to jump in, get a kill and jump out.

It’s not particularly easy to get his timing down, but is not Widow clicking heads, Tracer tracking or Genji being super accurate and aware levels of difficult, which is the annoying part.

Tracer and Genji annoy me, VERY MUCH, but they don’t one shot, you know they worked to get to the level of being good at killing you so quick.

Widowmaker at least you know the person behind it has great aim.

Doomfist… he doesn’t need much aim - there are times when he is charging his punch to get one of my teammates, I try to peel from an angle or behind them and then he starts turning away and suddenly I’m the target, since he already did one of his other 2 moves, he has shields so he takes some of my shots.

I can only manage to finally kill him in that instance if I’m super accurate on my last shot and headshot him (this is with Ashe)


Doomfist left click does the nearly the same damage as Reaper. DF spread is more predictable and has a longer range.

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Well I think DF is fine so there.


Sombra “Been there, done that, experienced that, fought against that, didn’t make a damn bit of difference.”

Then you wonder why DF is running around uncontested?

  1. Because of shield meta

  2. Because No one is playing Sombra, which counters both. (We wouldn’t want to get nerfed again like we did when we countered GOATS which no longer exists in the game thanks to 2-2-2.)


You defend Doomfist valiantly, yet don’t know he can deal 66 damage per shot maximum? If he lands his shots perfectly well, he’s doing MORE than her shield’s health. Now I believe Dobber when he says you’re blindly defending Doomfist lol.

If df hits all of his pellets on brig’s shield it will do 264 damage which will break it unless I’m missing something


All of his abilities go through her shield.

You need maybe 2-3 shots to break her shield.

Whip Shot is hard to land when you’re getting tossed around like a pinball game.

Shield bash is on a 7 second CD which is higher than all of Doomfist’s abilities.

Because of her low damage and his very high damage, she usually won’t be able to kill him.

Only thing she can reliably block is his meteor strike.


Doomfist’s “pea shooter” does 6 damage per 11 pellets and reloads at a rate of 1 shot per 0.65s. He’s got 264 damage locked and loaded.

Brigitte’s shield has 200 hp (64 less than DF’s clip), is fairly large, and when it breaks goes on CD for 3 seconds, which is enough time for Doom to reload his entire clip and then some. A Brigitte without her shield and more than 6m away from her target is nearly helpless.

Looks like everything is 100% on Doomfist’s side considering he’s got the mobility to choose when the fight happens every single time. This also assumes that Brigitte hasn’t used her shield to block any of the damage from Doomfist’s 5 teammates.


Brig and Doom were counters of eachother before 222 but now Doom has more chance to win in 1v1 situations

His left click does:

1.8 - 6 per pellet
19.8 - 66 per shot

x 2 for headshots

6 x 11 x 2 = 132 damage per click if all headshots.

He 2 shots 250HP characters easily.

He has 5 vollies.

5 x 132 = 660 damage until he has to recharge a round ( he can 1 clip Roadhog for example with all headshots)

Now factor in his skill use.

He has extremely high spike damage.


Wow! Did not know this! This actually explains why sometimes he manages to kill Sombra when hacked:

Sombra needs to get up close to headshot and do crit damage with her gun. That close, he is doing the exact same, and all his pellets hit (cause of proximity), even 1 click of all pellets hitting would be 66 (96 if u include a melee) damage on a 200 HP hero.

Given that’s his only weapon along with melee when hacked…


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I dunno shot him with your energy blast and bullets to kill him seems like a pretty good strategy

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See above.

Sombra’s only real form of survival is to hack, or hope the DF is bad or on CD.

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No he doesn’t. It doesn’t matter what role I play I always have multiple, single heros, I use to counter a decent Doom. I mention decent because half the time I don’t even need to switch. Sometimes I do it just to seal the victory.

I destroy him with Hog or Orisa, Mei or Sombra, and Lucio or Baptist.

Hell even on some maps I can go Ashe and snipe him from a mile away and Boop him in the middle of his combos or launch myself up to dodge his punch. (following this up with a dynamite to his fat face)

I wish I could say I’m amazing but I’m not. I’m like slightly above average. High plat/Low Diamond player. I never find him oppressive. This really is about you just unwilling to learn how to counter or fight him. Maybe play him a bit so you understand how his kit works? Doom is way to large, way to loud, and his moves way to predictable to be oppressive to someone who learns how to fight him.

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when doomfist is routinely destroying teams all byhimself throughout different matches and players… i think its time to agree that mb he is a bit strong…

tbh i couldnt care at all as ive quit playing and the forums are so much fun, but in all reality.
he flys through the air, he gets no registration while flying, he gets no punishment for his ult, he gets rewarded for diving in for a 1 punch, and i mean im just tired of seeing the double standards exist so visibly that overwatch can’t seem to make up their mind about…

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