Until Doomfist gets nerfed, I can't bring myself to play this game anymore

Doomfist is the one hero that tlts me the most when the other team has a good one. As a support there really isn’t much I can do about him if my dps don’t peel. While I don’t necessarily think heros should be removed from the game, I would not be sad in the slightest if Doomfist were to disappear permanently from the game.


how hard is it for people to just swap to sombra and hold right click?


It’s really hard when you’re locked to a role other than dps, especially when you prefer to heal.

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It would make sense if he had less HP, a glass cannon (literally, he is a freaking human cannonball)


Maybe toning down his shields could be a good start?

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Fine you’re not a one trick, but you still play the character.

God yes. I witnessed a Rein charging Doomfist into a wall and he survived thanks to his passive.


Oh and doomfist in total mayhem is insanely broken but that isnt really a reason to nerf him for all modes.


switch to brig then.


How does brig counter df?


Since her survivability nerf, she’s not very good against him

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Yeah, those shields annoy the hell out of me…

When I play Ashe (and I became better at this with practice) I manage to chip a good amount of health out of him unscoped, but he always manages to get away with a damn blue bar if he managed to get a kill or even punch a teammate with one of his moves.

I think he should only get shields (70 max) if he manages a kill (on his own - I don’t want him to receive the Genji swift strike treatment)

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Shield bash
Repair packs


Lets vote this thread so Doomfist gets the nerf he needs.


He’ll still kill her with his abilities very easily. Brig got a self-heal nerf and a shield health nerf.


Maybe I’m really stupid, but whenever I try to stun and kill Doomfist as McCree he always escape alive. I tried FTH during stun, I tried headshotting him during stun, but after all that he presses SHIFT and then RMB and flies away.

Just please. If so much people are saying that he is not OP, please, tell me how the hell do you kill that demon?


How have all those Doomfist haters survived playing Ow in the phase of the game where Doomfist was really overtuned and oppressing? THAT was horrible to play. Its still a pain to deal with him but in general he is fine…

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So 7 second CD to stop a 4 second CD. A boop that probably won’t do anything besides delay the inevitable and repair pack that does nothing for your own survival

It’s probably partially that…

In my opinion, it’s probably more because of Brigitte’s nerf/rework. Brigitte was pretty much the only healer who could actually bail somebody out if Doomfist started comboing them and was tanky enough to be really hard for Doomfist to just kill first. New repair pack doesn’t do anything against like… any of Doomfist’s combos.

Sombra on the other hand… unless she’s specifically targeting the DF, she’s going to be on some kind of flanking adventure and you’re on your own again.

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It’s not like Sombra mains didn’t warn people what would happen.

And 2-2-2 amplifies the issue even more so.

Next time we say Sombra needs a buff, maybe take our word for it instead of doing the opposite to the point we refuse to play her anymore.

In fact I urge Sombra mains to stop playing Sombra at all.

Let them learn what it’s like without Sombra around to keep other characters in check.