Unsurprisingly, Mercy’s Winrate is Rising

Mercy has always been a pocket hero. Sounds like a positive change to me.

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When accounting for both Mercy’s damage boost and damage she does on her own she dosen’t exceed 1k Damage per match on average, only up by about 200 or so from 1.0
So sorry 300 healing and 200 extra damage somehow brings a hero up from D lister to A lister

She’s still incredibely slow when rezzing and has no immunity to knockback or the dozen ways to stop it.

Glad someone who doesn’t play Mercy is happy with the direction she’s going in which no Mercy player likes.

And no, she wasn’t always a pocket hero. She was an enabler hero, especially during season 8-9 dive meta. The best way to play Mercy was to fly around between your team, peeling for zen and damage amping your genji and keeping your dva in mech all while kiting the enemy divers. She enabled comps like pirate ship, and anti-dive comps like Orisa Hog Junkrat. The only time Mercy is used to hard-pocket heroes is during sniper meta or pharmercy, which is literally the most boring and unengaging way to play her.

Mercy players don’t want to stand next to a widow and hold right click on her. What’s the point of a 1.5sec flight ability if you’re not encouraged to support your whole team.


On the contrary, If a game isn’t fun, no one will play. Then what would be the point of balancing?


If a game isn’t fun, nobody will play it. That is correct. Coincidentally, Mercy being balanced makes the game more fun for the overwhelming majority of us.

However, I was talking about heroes. The beautiful thing about hero balance is if one sucks or isn’t fun, there’s over two dozen more to choose from. If one is OP, there’s only one to choose from.

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And now she has even weaker healing and she can’t keep teammates alive.

They disabled her primary function, by reverting her 50 hps.

(which had been buffed in the past, cause she couldn’t keep allies alive. Ironic, cause now dps’s dmg have significanly risen up)

Why suddenly it is good for her? Don’t come at me with argument “Valkyrie gives her so much healing”. This is actually not true. Valk (with 60 hps) used to gave her averagely 200 bonus health healed in total.

And she got more utility? With clunky, risky, not even fun to use, brokenREZ and ult that is basically extended Amp it up! which makes her unkillable moth, whose healing can be negated by winston?

I am not a big fan of Mass Rez, but Mercy could have been more balanced if they tweaked Mass Rezz a little, rather than just reworking her. I would love to see my beloved hero be fun to play again. I just want to play the game with the hero I fell in love with again…


I think it’s ironic that the vast majority of Mercy players on the forums have stated they do not want Mercy to be OP and never have, they just want her to be fun, and those requests to make her fun are being treated like a gross sin against existence.


Truthfully, it’s not worth it. He’s my little stalker. Following me to every post and replying. It’s kind of cute in a sad way.


I’m a 4.4k Main Support, so please get out of here with that garbage. This is an alt.

To elaborate, Mercy’s kit is best utilized pocketing a specific DPS. Unlike Ana, Mercy doesn’t have to aim when pocketing, which means that Mercy’s consistent healing is more valuable, as the smaller hitboxes of DPS heroes make Ana slower and less consistent.

In addition, both her Damage Amp and Resurrect tend to be used on a pocketed DPS. This is most obvious with Widowmaker. With Damage Amp, Widowmaker can fire 30% more often and still get one-shots, whereas Dmaage amping a Reinhardt does little in terms of DPS value. As for Resurrect, Resurrecting a Widowmaker is generally safe due to her range, and it allows Widowmaker to be played on Defense as the “second chance” lessens that risk.

If you don’t like Mercy’s design, go complain to Blizzard or play something else. It’s not my problem.


The problem is that those requests almost always boil down to bringing mass rez back in some form, which nobody else finds fun.

I want hook 1.0 back because I find it fun. But I know it’s never going to happen because everyone else hated it. For some reason, people in these Mercy threads fail to connect that logic.


Well, you can’t please everyone. And you can’t balance heroes in a game with a pro scene just because a number of people find a hero ‘unfun’.

Normal people find something else when a particular thing becomes ‘unfun’.

Uhh check history if you want. That user slandered me last night, wrongfully.

Lol. Are you going to show me the proverbial door, internet stranger?

You aren’t apart of this. I suggest you leave it.

Honestly, it’s a lot more complicated than that.

Most of the requests are based around “If she’s going to be bad, at least put her back to when the mains enjoyed her and she wasn’t OP AF which was Mass Rez before Invincibility. At least then she’s not defining the entire game and can be worked in stages without hurting everyone.”

That in itself is really not so crazy when you look at nearly a year and still broken.


And what about when I get hate for my suggestions that are more focused on Valk then Mass Rez?

I don’t want to. I just think you need to calm down. It was almost certainly not as big a deal as you’re making it to be.

No, random internet dude. The mods are, especially if you don’t stop with all this.

Suggestion disregarded. When I see something silly going on I’m going to comment on it. And so I have. Luck to ya.

Mass Resurrects is fundamentally flawed and it isn’t coming back, so don’t even try that.

If you don’t like Mercy’s current state, your best chance is a ST Resurrect ultimate similar to Pulse Bomb, with some kind of E ability be that Cleanse, Pacify or even a nerfed Valkyrie.


You shouldn’t be getting hate for that truthfully. Personally I don’t mind the concept of Valkyrie, but I am not a fan of it giving a single target healer a split beam when she’s supposed to be a strong single target healer. It takes away the major weakness she has to overcome, much like the invincibility took away the major weakness to Rez (being that she died almost every time).

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But then the people who play her are left out. That is very much problematic to a game developer if a character they made isn’t fun for the player.

It is a concern to a game developer if a hero in their game is not fun. Balance comes second. Why do you think Mercy was ridiculously OP when reworked? They weren’t focusing on balance but rather the enjoyment of the hero.

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Enjoyment isn’t the goal. It never will be. Balance is the goal. Anyone with a ‘bring back from the dead’ will define the game.

If it’s still broken, STOP USING IT.

Mercy 1.0 was bad her entire lifespan and Mercy 2.0 isn’t dominant anymore.

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