Unsurprisingly, Mercy’s Winrate is Rising

Chain heals is just dumb and unnecessary. A good Mercy can literally replicate the impact of chain beams by juggling beams themselves. Only difference being, juggling beams is more fun and skilful than chain beams.


Regardless, Mercy 2.0 had about the same power in Resurrect as Mercy 1.0.

Valkyrie is a free escape and invulnerability for 15s, along with bumped up beams and a more consistent Resurrect.

And GA bounce has greatly increased Mercy’s mobility.

Adding new abilities to heroes is very significant, even if they aren’t that amazing. Valkyrie is completely new, something that Mercy never had before. That’s big.

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Yeah but someone thought AOE heals should be attached to thegames supposed most powerful single target healer,
Frick Valk would be a million times more powerful right now if they chopped off the chain beams and gave her like 80 HPS instead



Oh boy. Mercy’s stats are rebounding. Guess it’s time for nerf number 15.


Juggling between beams will do half as much healing as Valkyrie, because you aren’t healing them both at once.

That playstyle was only dominant through a number of meta factors, one of which was Mercy’s increased survivability.

Mercy’s play dropped off in Contenders before the support patch. Once Mercy became killable with the combination of Wrecking Ball and Sombra, the 3-2-1 comp fell apart.

1 More consistent reses is not a thing anymore in Valk above plat, maybe below people find her harder to hit while in Valk even if she’s still but higher ranks shouldn’t see the difference
2. Her healing numbers have somehow only gone up by about 300 according to those same numbers. 300 healing should not be enough to take a hero from D lister to A lister
3. How hard the hero is to kill means nothing unless they are able to do more while alive, and as I just explained 300 healing per match more and almost no actual increase in the number of rezes
The only thing left is the fact tempo rez is more powerful then the mass rez, it’s a common fact, it’s easier to stop a snowball then stop it once it’s already in motion and that’s when E rez gets used.

Hence Rez is the OP part of her kit


But yet they still nerfed her primary fire by 17%, thus nerfing her ult charge, ult effectiveness, and base effectiveness. Her damage boost usage also went down by 24% since her heal nerf, since she has less opportunity to use the rest of her kit since her healing is so low/punishing now.

But hey, great balance right :smiley: Rez is still fun for both her team and the enemy team, who wanted rewarding healing anyways?


She’s supposed to be a strong single target healer, so it makes sense her single target healing be decent enough to function. As it stands now, she can’t outheal even the lowest stock DPS hero in the game where as both other primary healers very easily can.

At least at 80HPS she’d be able to stop SOMETHING.


Ofc it was, unearnead rez that you get freely every 30 sec even when you die. Zero punishment if Mercy players performs bad.

It stopps snowball before it even starts.

Valkyrie also was a reason that made Mercy such a must-pick. Mostly, the survability it gaves Mercy and 30% boost to all allies is very decent and handy.

Debatable, bunny hop has been reduced and I believe it is not a problem. As well as her healing. Mercy used to have 60 hps even with MASS REZZ and she wasn’t meta. Pro didn’t run her till, she got invulnerability. Then we got rework that only worsen the situation and make mercy even more awful to play as.


And I’d like to bring up the fact that using bunnyhop prevents the cooldown for GA from starting for about 2 more seconds than it normally would, so while you gain more distance/mobility, you get it at a price.

Old bunnyhop didn’t do this, allowing you to chain GA’s midair.


what a surprise

this is totally unexpected


Excellent point. I believe people never realized it! <3

True, I’ve personally felt Valkyrie is slightly unimpactful outside of the fact that you are basically invincible. Maybe its just my team doesn’t group up?

The only reason she feels invincible is because her hit box vs animation is all jacked.

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Mercy is immune to biopsy in Valkyrie, she has free slight while Resurrecting, she has perma regen and she moves 60% faster than outside of Valkyrie. It’s more consistent.

You’re forgetting Damage Amp value and less deaths.

Damage Amp and less Deaths.

God recycling Titanium’s arguments is pretty fun isn’t it.

Yes, because that trend was after the nerf was on the PTR and that meta wasn’t fully developed.

Mercy’s Healing isn’t any different mechanically, and her healing has never really tried to feel rewarding. It’s just consistent.

Essentially what I’m saying is that if they removed Valkyrie and GA Bounce, Mercy wouldn’t have been picked at all.

Mass Resurrect was a joke in pro play and her m1 didn’t make up for her lack of utility.

To the people saying “fun” is more important for a character than balance…

No, it isn’t. When a character isn’t “fun”, you can just play someone else. Seriously, it’s not hard. When a character isn’t fun to play against (i.e. Mercy 1.0), you’re screwed. When a character is overpowered (i.e. Mercy before this patch), everyone is screwed.

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But is IS. With 60 HPS, your healing was strong enough to play Mercy the way she is intended, fly around between teammates during teamfights and sustain them. Her current HPS promotes keeping your beam on a single target and pocketing them, since it is more reliable (her healing is lower, so it’s smarter to choose a single target to heal who is taking the most damage rather than swap between targets). It enforces pocket healing, and it feels way less rewarding than flying around and healing my whole team.