Unrealistic body standards

I was gonna argue “one needs good physique for the physical taxation of war,” but that doesn’t explain Mei.

Why do normal people look “ugly” to you? :thinking:

Do we play the same game? Most of the male heroes are not skinny for one, only 2 have a 6 pack from what I remember and none of them are ‘young’ enough other than Lucio who doesn’t even have a skin to show abs(this needs to be fixed).

Zarya and queen are on gear and alot of it

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Nah, I think Queen is just irradiated, like Hog.

Everyone knows in fictional media, radiation makes normal organisms bigger and angrier.

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So explain rat or the other inhabitants shes on gear she litteraly has roid rage

Her rage I can’t explain. From what I understand, Australians are very chill. Look at the Wiggles. Would Greg Page fight anyone?

Ya and gear would explain how she has that muscle definition with a chest shes on gear like zarya and ana shes lean shes actually pretty normal for the level of tec they would has

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I mean, we, men, usually don’t care a lot of how our heroes look

Return to Winton. No beauty standards, no setting unrealistic expectations, just monke

they’re like 90% legs and always have crazy hip to waist ratios lol


Because someone made a poor decision.
What’s your point?

Why do females get cookie cut bodies while males get interesting bodies?

Mei ana dva zarya queen moira all very different body types

Males get torb hog or geared beyond even body builder on gear like 2% or less body fat

Uhm LW is not “geared beyond body builder”…

Just saying!

Hes geared to body bulilder hes very close like my body builder coworker look always exactly like weaver and have won tournaments looking like weaver but cant main tain it for more then a month plus weaver on the run he shouldnt look as geared as he does

Go play The Finals.

You can play as some unidentified gender heroes or even a fatguy gamer bod.

Because she is inherently violent.


I am asking for a friend :sweat_smile:

And ok, if you think that he is “too beefy” or “geared” it is fine.

I always found him more on a “cutie” side of things. But I never actually looked at him for longer than a few minutes so…

He has a soft face thats why but it you look at his prepositions hes on hear or using biolight to have insane mucke definition because hes sitting at based off my buddy 5% body fat while on the run thats insane