Unpopular Opinion - Widowmaker has no place in this game

A hero who is completely skill orientated and is not enabled and does not rely on teammates to work well does not deserve to be in this game. It is extremely irritating going into a quick play game and seeing a Widowmaker on the enemy team who will proceed to delete about 2-3 people right off the bat and if she isn’t countered she will hard carry the match. This hero is anti-fun and is the sole reason why I can’t really stand playing Overwatch as much as I used to. She is omnipresent and since there’s no bans (for good reason) I can’t just be rid of her and every one of my quick play and competitive games revolving around ours or theirs is sucking the life out of this game.

Edit: One shots that do not put that hero in a bad position are not fun to play around either. Doing whatever it is you’re doing, hearing no audio or visual cues and then dying is extremely vexing. Charge and Rocket Punch are examples of one shot mechanics that are well balanced since they put that hero in a spot where they have to have teammates follow up or they have to survive getting out of there. These two abilities also have a distinct audio cue to let you know they’re coming. Something else about these abilities is that they have cooldowns and something like Chain Hook can be played around after it is used to get more aggressive, and is the reason that abilities in a similar vein do not aggravate me.


Her oneshot headshot charge shouldn’t be part of her primary fire. Make her oneshot charge an ability with 8 seconds cooldown or something. Then nerf max primary fire charge to 80 DMG, meaning max crit hit damage is 160.


I’m iffy about WM

On one hand, she isn’t the easiest character and most of her HS are well earned.

At the same time though, once you play against a good widow, THEY control the match. In an instant a widow could get 1-2 HS kills and completely turn the match and probably win it.

Plus, her only real counter is herself, and if she’s reallly good, it’s gonna take a team effort to kill her.


That isn’t just an unpopular opinion, it’s a selfish and chidlish opinion. Millions of people main Widowmaker and they have sharpened their aim and gotten better. Just because you refuse to switch to counter her doesnt mean she has no place in the game. It just means you’re lazy and selfish.


What? First of all, when reviewing a character. The welfare of it’s user’s doesn’t give it a free pass.

Second of all, assuming everything the OP said is truth if you’re a DPS or Support, who do you switch to?


Well, isnt then every opinion that wants one hero nerfed selfish?


I never said I refused to counter her. I have to if I want to win games, that’s what irritates me most, because Widowmaker’s best counter is herself or Hanzo, and matches devolve into whoever wins the Widow fight, wins the team fight, with your team having almost no input on that. That is something that does not deserve to be in a TEAM focused shooter.


It’s like people who defend hard counters

“Just switch 4head”

This will be fun…
Most argumets can be said to rein too, so i want to see how dds try to justify that.

I’m a 200+ hour Mercy main and Widowmaker has given me 0 problems. Crouch+Strafe while popping widow in the head at the same time as Mercy is a past time for me.
As a DPS hero you can go Soldier, Mei, Hanzo, or another Widow. You can really be any DPS and hide behind a shield ya know…if you’re actually playing eith your team. If you can’t aim AND you refuse to play with your team of COURSE Widowmaker is going to be a problem for you.


i love the juxtaposition of this post and the other post talking about how the game is too much like a moba…we need more skill…more FPS elements…

right next to this post asking to remove one of the most FPS centric characters in the game

i love this community!!!


Hard counters don’t infuriate me anywhere near as much since the method at which I die isn’t extremely annoying. One shots are not fun, that is almost universally agreed upon and they have been changed in the past for that very reason. A hero who demands not one, but likely a couple hard counters to come out on top reliably as well as being oriented around one shots is infuriating beyond belief.

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And that’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it. My opinion, however, is that she is a healthy attribute to the game that makes otherwise overly aggressive tactics (the exception being dive due to the multitude of targets) less likely to succeed by acting as a deterrent for mindlessly sprinting into the open and straight at the enemy team. You have to be intelligent about your positioning and respect the space she creates. Her high damage is balanced out by her average health pool, high skill cap, and vulnerability to mobile heroes. Especially when you take into consideration the long cooldown on her grapple. Play around her strategically, don’t simply follow the same set tactics for every fight. Adapt as you play.


Sorry, allow me to clarify.

I don’t have an opinion on Widowmaker. I’m just arguing your logic.

Depending on your rank, this is quite irrelevant.

This doesn’t say anything to OP’s point either, really.
But I appreciate the answer, a good DPS can contest a Widow as long as they have shield protection.
Though a disruptor along with the Widow could cause problems, unless you’re Genji or Tracer.

What is this argument? Because the forums commonly support more skill-based heroes and FPS elements you think it’s a “juxtaposition” that OP isn’t giving them a free pass just because of their existance as a higher skill hero?

Did I miss the part where OP said they hate Widow because she’s just so FPS centric?

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the irony of the 2 posts side by side…i didnt give an opinion on his take at all…just lol’d at two posts asking for completely opposite things next to each other


Yeah, I, too an extent agree that Widow acts as an almost force of nature in the game, if they’re very good.
If anything I don’t like the fact that she can wipe out a support in one burst, but aside from that I’m decently alright with her existance in the game.

And that’s where I come in! Barriers for days. But in all seriousness, barriers and proper positioning are probably her biggest counters.

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Barriers for days.

Wait did OP make a post about more skill-based FPS centric heroes?

Umm. Yeah. You usually ask to nerf a hero because it personally effects you and makes your game unfun to play. Like all these people asking for hard nerfs to Sombra. It’s ridiculous.