Unpopular Opinion : Moira requires more aim than Widow

TL:DR Moira needs tracking while widow only needs to click

This is just aim comparison no abilities included except the secondary fire

1- I’m really bad at explaining my opinions and I really said it all in TL:DR

2- I’m learning german I’m good at grammer and Speaking but I can’t understand anything while listening any tips will be welcome

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Is Moira required to aim more often? Yes

Is it harder to aim Moira’s weapon in such a way so that it hits the enemy? No

Is it more important for Widowmaker to land her shots? Yes

Moira may have to aim more, but it’s much easier to and if she misses it’s not a big deal because of that.

If Widow misses one shot, that’s a pretty big loss of damage. Miss more than one shot? It gets real bad for damage output, which is already low for Widow since she mostly relies on killing things with one shot.


Good bait. Got me to reply


what the… :open_mouth:


Widow’s shots don’t go around corners


your opinion ist NICHT GUT

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How often does Moira need to click those tiny head hitboxes?

No. Didn’t think so. ~ Moira

You’re rirght at that if widow keeps missing she is useless

This isn’t a bait this is a opinion

Widow shots don’t have range limit fair enough

Ihre Meinung ist willkommen

“Tiny” heheheheheheha

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i dont know if this is bait or if its just truly an unusual opinion

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i like that samito video where he plays moira in the test range kills all the dummies and screams on the top of his lungs on how good he is

wish i could link it =P

Where’s Samito when you need him

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I wouldn’t call what Moira does ‘aiming’. It’s looking in the general direction.


Unpopular opinions are fine, however outright lies are not.

Yeesh. I’m not one to downplay the skill in playing support but this take is hotter than the sun.

Lets see here,

Widow has a low amount of HP, has an ok mobility move and a poison mine, needs to consistently land headshots regardless of the distance to be effective,

Moira has low HP but can heal herself if needed, has a mobility move that removes debuffs/sticky bombs and makes her unhittable until its over, her weapon cant land headshots but is extremely generous in aim assist and has an impressive reach.

In my opinion widow requires more effort in this scenario.

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This again? Seriously?

As Window, to get a good number of kills, you have to hit the enemy from far away ( or at least, that’s how it should work, IMO blizzard should add in a minimum range for her scope) and while the hitboxes in this game are pretty terrible, the shots from the gun still have to hit the hitbox, and even then you’ve got to hit the head.

As Moira, to get a good number of kills, you have to hit near the enemy from close range (not to mention you have an escape ability on a 6 second cooldown if stuff goes wrong) and while a Widowmaker has to actually hit the forgiving hitbox of the enemy, including having to hit the head, Moira’s beam has a hitbox so while a sniper needs to shoot at the enemy, all Moira needs to do is shoot near them.

Btw I hate both heroes, but in no way does moira take better aim that widow

LOL - no its not unpopular, its just incorrect :roll_eyes:

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I agree with you overall widow is harder to play but I was talking only about aim

Like I said, Moira’s attack has a very generous aim assist as well as having a very impressive reach. The aim assist makes you hit even if your personal accuracy is bad. If you dont believe me test it in practice mode.