Unpopular opinion: Mercy's viability

Yo dude. This criteria of yours is seeming hard for me to nail down, ngl. Might be my fault, or yours, who knows.

But let’s do us both a favor and just give me the run down on the criteria. Not in like big paragraphs and numerous bullet points. Just a simple 1 2 3 single sentence a piece sort of thing.

That’ll make this a lot easier.

Then I’ll respond punch for punch with whatever you said above, I haven’t even read it yet. Just give me the criteria in a simple simple form. Cuz this stuff is starting to annoy me rn.

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Screw it, I have an active mind and I’m kind of bored rn. I’ll respond to what you said without understanding the criteria fully. PLEASE THOUGH, explain to me the criteria, as I can’t bridge this gap in understanding between us without knowing that.

Tracer blinking around the map constantly never outputting damage is a lot of movement that isn’t paired with anything. Mercy hitting Q flying to the skybox and then grabbing themselves some cup noodles or whatever is also a lot of movement doing anything.

That doesn’t mean we’re not going to start arguing like mobility isn’t a HUGEEEEEEE deal in this game, are we? What you do with that mobility is a player issue, if you just use it to blink off cliffs, into walls, and die with recall up, well alright then. Doesn’t mean Tracer is bad. Does blinking around endlessly give you mad funz feelz? Not necessarily.

Mercy’s mobility in Valk is really just top tier. She is the most mobile hero in the game at that point. And we just gonna act like that isn’t a big deal? Just pfft f freeflight it’s useless LUL?

Come on…

Hmm… Can you link me to proof of this? Like I believe you, I just hadn’t heard of it being a Valk necessary sort of thing. There was all kinds of funky physics and stuff with the engine during a lot of changes. Hell, even the recent one with how Mercy’s rez didn’t get slow effect due to changes in how in flight entities in the engine interacted with game etc etc…

I just never have heard of the original bug version of bunnyhop being tied to Valk. By tied I mean you had to be Valking in order to do it. I’d always just heard of it refered to regarding general GA use, not Valk-GA specific.

Uh… I disagree. The expanded toolset yields a LOT imo. Not that it can’t b e adjusted, but underselling it’s value doesn’t help the conversation.

I’m trying to be pretty accurate about what I claim and how I assess things. I admit, as I did above, clearly when I don’t understand something.

Have you done the same?

OH AND PS: Please just don’t even worry about this post. Just give me the criteria summary. Rn that is the major obstacle in me understanding where you’re coming from. I stand by everything I said where I feel your view is applicable to PVE and single player orientated games but really has no place in the balancing and adjustment of a multiplayer PVP game where other individual players, with their own motives, enjoyments, senses of satisfaction and excitement, are the ones who provide you with your game play experience. Unlike some Raid Boss that was designed to be a certain way etc etc.

If I gotta feel for you, I gotta feel for everyone. Only fair.

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And in case of Mercy, it’s paired with 60 hps or 30% damage boost, which we used to have without ult. Considering that she already has mobility with GA, adding even more sounds like a waste of ult.

Probably. It makes sense though. Or at least it does to me.

I do. I see numerous ways that Mercy’s current kit is flawed. Whether they be ways her kit departs from the norm in ways that are just bad for the player, or things about it that are just… bad in general, I see a lot of flaws with Mercy’s kit.

The one upside is that most could be addressed by small changes that won’t change her play style much if at all. However there will need to be changes that are more than just fiddling with numbers. +10 HPs on her main beam isn’t going to cut it.

It probably would harm her coordinated viability. That said, you have to remember two things. Firstly, the vast majority of people you’ll run into on the forums have never and will never play in a coordinated setting where Mercy 1.0 was garbage. Secondly, there is definitely a group who all they want is to have fun playing Mercy and is more than willing to trade some, if not all, of her viability in coordinated play for a more fun experience.

I partially agree with you on this. Ignoring Baptiste for the moment because I’m not exactly sure where he’ll land in the meta… Mercy is practically the only support who wants absolutely nothing to do with deathballing.

However… they should be at least open to compromising a little. Why? Well let me explain by talking about the Street Fighter franchise. That franchise actually had perfect balance and perfect viability across all characters starting out. They did this in pretty much the only way you can have it… by having 2 characters with the exact same moveset. However, over the years they purposely broke their perfect balance. Why? Because only 2 characters that are clones of each other won’t keep players entertained. So… they added more unique characters and broke their balance.

Balance and viability is important, but it is NOT more important than players having fun with the game. Simply put, you can have the most balanced game in the universe, but if no one finds it entertaining, it does not matter at all… because no players will play it.

Oh and on the off chance you decide to fire back with “But FFirebrandd, balance is more important because having Tracer with 500 hp would be super fun for the Tracer but it would kill the game, so balance is more important.” Don’t do it. Stop. Obviously… in the case of one character being wildly OP, it is a problem because it is severely damaging the fun of anyone NOT on that hero. Nobody liked Moth Meta for exactly this reason.

In my view, a hero who is “Balanced but not fun” is honestly in a much MUCH worse position than one who is underpowered but still fun.

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I am fairly convinced that mouse and keyboard makes aiming a little more fluid than a controller. Otherwise there would have not been a discussion regarding mouse and keyboard on console being considered cheating (I think Blizzard weighed in on this stating it as cheating too). Due to different input capabilities the heroes play differently and some heroes become easier to operate than others. Mercy, specifically, is one of those heroes that requires no aiming for the core part of her kit (counting her gun as a side-part of her kit). Therefore I do not think your opinions regarding Mercy transfers to the PC experience of playing Mercy. Therefore I will treat your future posts regarding Mercy in which you do not differentiate between console and PC as irrelevant, and I will make sure to remind people that you are a console player to make sure they interpret your post with that context in mind.


Gold is a console player? That… answers so many questions… mostly regarding his views on Mercy in general and Valkyrie in particular.

Side note for you Qwazi, would a rework like this one bring you back into the game?


Exceptionally well said, this post basically mimics, what every other pro support player has said regarding Mercy currently.

I hate all the delusionaal players, that look at no stats, dont think rationally and simply look at pickrate, (not even the winrates closely linked to those pickrates too). It is such a meme at this point, how many times “Mercy mains” have cried, " She is gonna be useless/she is useless etc, when it took this amount of nerfs, to get actual good players to tell you that she is in a pretty balanced good state now.


How is it a niche, to support the biggest playable part of this game aka, the DPS role, just cause it is trash right now and goats have been dominant, Mercy is one of the most synergizing supports. She has all hitscans basically, many of the projectiles and others, she can still function in certain comps with tanks etc as well.

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It’s niche, because DPS are most independent role, and don’t need healers most of the time. It’s tanks, who need healers the most.

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That is a funny opinion, where did you get that one from ? :slight_smile:

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I agree to some degree here.

I think this is all true if she were the only support on a team; however, when paired with really any other support, a good Mercy can totally carry the game.

From experience. Only time DPS ever remember about existence of healers, is when they are hurt with no healthpacks within reach, or face situation they unable to shoot their way through.

Tanks, however, are constantly taking damage, making them remember on the regular about presence of other player, that can heal their huge health pool.

Our experience differs

I have not once seen the same behavior with current single rez that I observed frequently with mass rez

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In my opinion, Valkyrie is arguably the most versatile ultimate in the game, in addition to being one of the most powerful

As such, I find it to be very, very flexible

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I read a statement earlier today that stated that it was proper to play Mercy solely as a pocket to a DPS, with the reason supplied in said statement that this is what the pros do

The statement above seems to indicate that what the pros do is irrelevant

I am having some difficulty reconciling the two statements

In my experience, most people think of the top 5-6 as the characters that are overpowered, not the ones that are merely viable

It really depends. I think she is niche but a hell of a lot more viable than picking moira (actually throwing BTW). Her res just isn’t that impactful in this meta. If GOATs dies I think her and Ana will be equally viable depending on the situation.

The meta makes her niche just like the meta makes Tracer and Winston niche. I fully expect the game to go back to Zen + Mercy as the support duo in most games once GOATs dies.

Edit: You are a console player. While I still agree with you, Ana is a ton better on PC and mercy is pretty niche at higher SR on PC

In the games I play, Mercy is viable regardless of whether there are any DPS players at all, much less whether they are better that the players on the other team

This is not true in many situations. I have a DPS account that I made recently to work on sombra. It is in high plat/low diamond since I only did placements on it. The lack of healing you get as a DPS in that SR is ridiculous. Healers latch onto tanks and have no idea who to heal when.

Our experiences differ

I am only disappointed in my use of Valkyrie if I make a mistake and mis-time its use. This is a player issue, not a an ability issue

That said, if I was a player who used Valkyrie exclusively to escape,and never to support my team, I can certainly see myself being disappointed in what I was accomplishing with Valkyrie