Unpopular Opinion: Genji Buff

Disclaimer: I am not trying to encourage people to start a riot, I.e. #DeleteBrig or anything of that sort. This is my opinion and it is extreme subjective.

Hello, I am a genji main with over 150~ish hours on him. So clearly I have a lot of experience. What I also like to include is that I have been playing since season 3. So let’s cut to the chase. Playing genji feels like absolute sh#t and it feels reminiscent to season 3’s triple tank comp. How is it reminiscent? Well, genji does almost zero damage due to the fact that healing is in its most OP state right now. Before 3-3, killing was very easy. But now it feels like you HAVE TO hit those headshots or else you don’t kill, and this goes for a lot of heroes. Not killing means insta punish and the punish feels way too much. For example, if you dash and kill someone and then ghost dash, but miss and dash on a wall, you die. Only way you do not get punish is to have your team save you, which is really rare. Also, deflect feels greatly underwhelming, which is surprising because deflect used to be one of the best ability. As of now, it feels like it’s only intention is to build ult charge. Dash is alright, basically a kill confirm and a faster ult charger than deflect, and blade is good only if you combine it with other ult.

So the most common solution is to buff him, right? Well, I believe that he should get more mobility and deflect revert instead of those usually damage buff. More mobility means getting punished is not as severe as it was before. Deflect feels way too small and I think they should revert it. It might not help the fact that he does no damage, but looking at all the changes in past, I do not want Blizzard to go overboard and make him a SSS+ must pick top tier.


of course a genji thread gets zero replies lol … the community and devs dont give a damn about the hero. Unless many people complain nothing will change, that’s how balancing goes in this game


More mobility? Are you kidding? He has: double jump, wall climb, and swift strike. His hitbox is pretty tiny too. How many get out of jail free cards does one hero need? He’s fine. He’s not meta but was for ages so being a bit weaker currently isn’t a big issue.


I don’t think he needs a big buff, but I do think that his deflect hitbox needs to be a little bigger. Not as big as before, but a little bigger. There are times when I feel like things like Moira orbs go through me even though my deflect is up and honestly that shouldn’t be happening unless I don’t put myself in it’s path.

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Fix the Swift strike hitboxes so you can dodge things more reliably and make it so that the sheathing animation at the end of your ult won’t cancel deflect mby? Quality of life things like that.

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No, Genji is fine, he’s just not Meta now. Genji is a flanker who does very well against supports and squishies but doesn’t do the best against tanks generally, so it’s only natural that he struggles against 3-3 comps.


We are in season 13. 150 hours is a beginner…


So this reply is not for a specific person, but for people stating that “genji is fine, just not in the meta.” Firstly, I like to them to reread it because if you read it very closely, you can clearly see that I am complaining about how sh#t it feels to play as genji. My suggestion for it is a buff. It has nothing to do with him being in the meta, I just want a change that makes genji punish less severe because the supposedly high risk high reward feels more like this: if you do not play perfectly, you die. Second, if you think genji has enough mobility, then you need to consider some facts. In a teamfight, the best way to escape as genji is to dash. Double jump is mediocre at best and deflect is pointless when they are lazering you. However, dash is what makes up most of genji’s kill, damage, and ult charge. So, saving it is a waste of a kill you could of got. Lastly, by buffs I do not mean omega op buffs, just some small tweaks that can help him.

you got balls posting this here I’ll give you that


Wait I forgot this is the competitive forums, not the general forums. Maybe that’s why people were getting mad, hmmm. Well my bad, guys. I’ll probably bring it to the general forums if I have the time.

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oh no!
it’s gonna be way worse there…ClickBait wait!


*hears rattles and chatter
*ClickBaits head rolls toward me
*kneels down
*sheds a tear

Genji is still one of the better dps. Nano blade is super strong and genji does well against other meta dps like hanzo and snipers. Genji doesn’t need anybuffs he’s maybe the most balanced hero in the game

I feel like GOATs needs countering/breaking before taking about buffs for heroes the meta clearly counters.

He not meta the whole time so he needs a buff?

Eh OP wants to be able to literally roll his face across the keyboard to have “fun” with Genji… /thread

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Lmfao McE mains cried for a buff and now they’re tank busters again on right-click with no cool-down, and now the Genjis want buffs.

Like, god damn dude, is it year 1 Overwatch again?

Genji just isn’t meta now and that’s OK.

< Tracer/Genji/McCree/Soldier player

Honestly the only buff I have ever wanted to see to Genji is having a portion of his HP converted to shields or some sort of minor damage protection on swift strike. Genji is a deeply loved hero by many but not every hero needs to be viable in every situation.

Not every hero can be meta all the time. See reaper. He is supposed to be a tank buster but gets rolled over by goats as he has no armor penetration. 76 is mostly only good as phara counter. Cree needs to get protection as he has no mobility. And genji is also fine. He can flank squishies but gets countered by stuns and good tank play

Agreed, lol. Genji doesn’t need any big buffs, he just needs some quality of life changes. Dragonblade still ghost swings often, and Swift Strike is in a bad place with how frequently Genji can be killed mid-dash (for example, when you get stunned by a Brigitte or McCree and 180 after the stun to dash away, then get hooked after your dash because the hit box didn’t update). Also, Wallclimb is god-awful. I’d like to see a change where Genji can wallclimb after jumping to another wall. Would make him feel more ninja-like and allow him to escape sticky situations more reliably. As of right now, Wallclimb is not reliable to use as an escape, and you’re more likely to survive by fighting whoever is chasing you than trying to climb away (unless you’re quick enough to dash away immediately after Wallclimb’s animation is finished, and even then, refer to above example). If Genji’s abilities were actually working as intended, he’d be perfect. He’s wonderfully balanced damage wise—in fact, he’s one of the most balanced heroes in the entire game! He’s super fun to play and his abilities have great synergy, he’s just really lacking in the survivability department. Would be really happy to see Genji get some love from the balance team.

I have almost 200hrs on him and I dont wamt him buffed. I want healing nerfed on the characters that heal for a lot of hp. Maybe that way characters like Soldier will have his place in the game again. Also the nerf would benefit the game greatly as it will reduce the effectiveness of heavy sustain cheesy comps such as pirate ship or GOATS and increase the value of self healing characters like Roadhog, Soldier, Mei, etc.

Actually now that I said it sounds like a good idea all around. Can we test this on the PTR devs?

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