Unpopular Opinion: Forcing 2/2/2 is dumb

In gold/plat 3 dps you never see GOATS outside of the odd 6 stack and it’s typically run pretty poorly. 3-4DPS vs a competent 2-2-2 mostly results in a stomp, your DPS won’t coordinate, they get picked off getting in position, they dive in on their own ETC ETC it’s just a feeding session and you end up wasting a lot of time. I don’t know where these highly coordinated teams of DPS are but I can’t even get people to GET IN VOICE now a days.nI very rarely get groups where 3 people will communicate with each other much less agree on anything…

I keep hearing about how 3-4 DPS comps are so great but with the levels of coordination in gold/plat I do not see it. I don’t tilt and throw either I try very hard not to waste my own time. But I as 1 person in a team of 6 cannot carry 3-4 feeding teammates.


Exactly. Forced 2/2/2 neuters creativity and it won’t fix the stale meta problem that GOATS represents.

It’s not unpopular. A lot of people hate the idea of forced comp.

What if instead of forced 2/2/2, they just made it so you can only have a max of 3 of one role?

2/2/2 is dumb
OW isnt that kind of game.
I like it because you can be creative.

GOATS is the players fault.
We can decide to pick other things too you know and be creative.

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Typically, 2/2/2 produces consistent and engaging matches then other forms. It helps foster natural team synergy that many do not want sacrificed. Overwatch tends to have strangers teaming up so unspoken elements that help produce synergies is important for an engaging victory.

For example: Playing as a solo Tank or Healer is typically oppressive for players which tends to increase the need for peeling and coordination. This can be why players find playing these roles alone unsuitable to gain a victory.

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I agree but in general, the system should compensate for flaws in each rank that one player has no control over. Team coordination is a flaw inherent to lower ranks as it stands right now. Giving these ranks a push in how to form and execute a coordinated composition would be a boon to lower ranks.