Unpopular Opinion: Forcing 2/2/2 is dumb

This feels like a very band-aid fix for bad balancing.

Oh boo hoo, you dont like GOATs. Well guess what, several people whined about heroes that originally kept stuff like GOATs in check. Its the communities fault that GOATs is a thing. Part of the fun of Overwatch is creating whacky comps like this.

At the end of the day, people are still going to throw if they dont like a persons pick. People are still going to be crappy, even if you’re in a 2/2/2 game. Those issues dont magically disappear. Get a grip!

Make the report system better, balance and buff heroes that actually punish tight comps like GOATs (Pharah, Junkrat, Doomfist, Sym) instead of needlessly nerfing heroes that haven’t been changed at all (Rein, Zarya, etc.)


I think 2DPS/2Tank/2Heal is too restrictive.

I think 2Flex/2Tank/2Heal, with the option to unlock roles with a vote is perfect.

Because the only compositions you can’t run with that are either soloTank/soloHeal. And uncooperative teams shouldn’t be running soloTank/soloHeal. Because they usually aren’t going to be properly supporting that one player holding up that entire Role by themselves.
Or that one player will perform badly (for various reasons) and drag down an entire Role.

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2-2-2 isn’t being suggested because of GOATS, it’s being suggested along with role Q so you actually get balanced teams.



Mercy? Yeah, like 10 extra hp/s would have stopped Goats.
Junkrat? Terrible against a comp with Zarya in it.
Pharah? Same issue as Junkrat, and honestly she’s mostly dead due to buffs to her counters.

60 HPS did stop GOATs. Goats was already a thing during double sniper. And she is a major reason why it never caught on to console.

There currently exists no hero that can function as the main healer for a spread out team that doesn’t enable GOATs more than it does the spread out team. Mercy used to fill that role, but not anymore. Well, at least on PC. Us console users don’t have this problem.


Overall I think 222 is bad. BUT forcing a 222 role q in comp up until diamond rank could have more benefits than costs.

It would make low elo games way more stable, and measuring Sr far more accurate. Which would make the games more balanced and fun. There is also a large enough population to run a roleq.

Then at diamond, the appropritly skilled people have climbed and the teams can be trusted to sort their own comp out and play for the win with non pbsr.


Well, if they wanted to disallow GOATs, all they would need to do is limit the Healers per team to 2.

If they wanted to depower GOATs, they could do something like:

  1. Lucio+Brig AOE heal doesn’t stack, but ArmorPack activates Inspire.
  2. No stun on Brig shieldbash, but shieldbash does 70 damage again.
  3. Hack cancels/deactivates Inspire heals for teammates, but Brig still selfheals.

I figure if they do 2Flex-2Tank-2Heal, then SoloHeal/SoloTank should be an option, but it should take 4 votes to unlock if RoleQueue is optional, and 3 votes to unlock if RoleQueue is mandatory.

There’s also Apex style “Random sequential RolePick”, instead of RoleQueue.
Although the problem with that is that people would often get stuck with Roles they aren’t good at.

class comp has little to do with win/loss. Its fundamentals and Game knowledge.

I think devs should just completely ignore community complains and balance the game as they want.

the forced 2/2/2 thing is dumb this game is based around switching heroes, to fit any play style


Why ? Because nobody knows how to run anything other than 2/2/0+ ?
What if my team wants to cooperate but play DPS though ? Since when has it become acceptable to have 1/0 DPS, but not 1 tank or 1 support ?

Lots of comp are viable, some are just more viable than others. I’ve been playing overwatch since beta and I’m the flex guy but since I’m bored and want to DPS lately I’ve become the third DPS guy.

We’re not top500, stop acting like the meta is the only viable comp.

I disagree in the sense that you don’t play moira lucio with snipers but I guess you talk about roles in comp

Also this, I should be able to switch roles during the match

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Isnt stun was more anti-goats thing than pro-goats?
I mean, if you are able to disrupt the goats deathball by stunning one of they key members. But because of healing that 70 damage would hurt anything but goats, because frontline tanks can survive 70 damage and their healers can heal it back. But with other comps…

The main reason why goats exists are:

  1. Huge aoe healing and almost no ways to deal with it
  2. Tanks are dps but with health and self-peel, not tanks
  3. Counters are trash or require way more team coordination to actually be counter

If you can get 3-4 players to vote to unlock roles, then by all means run 3-4DPS comp.

If you can’t, then don’t. Pretty simple.

That’s why there would voting to unlock roles. It’s a simple test whether your teammates have enough cooperation and trust.

That said, lots of Tanks and Healers can add damage, if you really think 2DPS isn’t enough.

By comparison, without Pro-tier coordination, DPS generally can’t add much for Tanking/Healing.

the only forced 222 that i will accept is 2flex / 2flex and 2 flex … people should be allowedto play whomever they want. if someone doesnt like their comp, then 6stack with friends instead of forcing people to play support or tank while they play dps.

Uh, they do that already. That is where some of the complaints come from … its like they dont play the same game we do, except inhouse against their buddies.

I think it’s less about balance and more along the lines of people just want to DPS but also want to force people to help them DPS by tanking and healing for them.

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So we should lock supposedly inferior team comps behind a voting system ? Or should we vote for 2/2/2 and goats too ?
We currently “vote” by picking a character, why even consider adding another layer since we only have a minute between rounds…

And wether anyone can actually chose their character or not…

Nah, things like DF nerfs or Hanzo rework was just fan-service for casuals asked by the community.
Huge success right ?

but 3-3 or 1-3-2 are balanced teams too even solo healer 2-3-1 or 1-4-1 can work

it’s mostly people starting to throw if they don’t get their personal healer or tank that make these comps not work, not the comps themselves

people are too narrow minded concerning team comps and hero picks, overwatch currently is in a state where almost everything can work. and if things don’t work it’s because of 2 reasons:

  • the people don’t know how to play them
  • the enemy has a comp that counters your comp or at least some heroes on your side

and to adapt to these situations is basically the point of overwatch allowing hero swaps mid game


Why? the old “just quickplay” did also move to acrade (no-limit).

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