Unobtainable skins are very bad for the game

This is not an argument buddy, dont be mistaken.
This is me telling you how the world works, in Sales department and marketing and you getting triggered and not being able to accept it. Thats how it is. Thats how it works.

“Resentment” for something pointless like that doesnt make people quit, but the exclusivity does in fact help A LOT selling these items.

Again, the rant about cheaters is just exposing how triggered you are.

“Share toys” ? … what?
Dude if you are trying to insult me you are going to have to be more creative than that.
Learn how the world works and then try to argue something of substance besides "Meh, you are wrong and sales people bad".

Yeah I’m sure you entirely know how the world works and just like everyone else who makes a “that’s just the way it is”: it’s always a bad argument

As for the resentment, I never said it makes people quit but it does cause a fracture and negative discourse in the community such as with this exact topic of exclusivity: Players who were not able to get exclusive crap for whatever reason are wanting another chance and players who had the chance are being petty about it.

Anyone who uses “triggered” is someone who always makes bad faith arguments, which you are perfectly encapsulating. Are you saying that there are no cheaters in the game because that’s what I’m assuming because you haven’t contributed anything useful.

I don’t need to be creative and wasn’t being insulting, every argument about exclusive crap just boils down to " sucks for you that you weren’t able to get it, but if they ever give you another chance I’m gonna throw a fit because I got it the first time around"
Hence “not sharing” toys; but good to know it bothers you.

A perfect example of you making a bad faith argument

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Again, you are not arguing anything besides “Meh your argument is bad”. This refutes nothing of what I said and yes, as you can see , other people in this thread knows this.
You are literally the only one hanging to a burning nail buddy.

As for the “resentment” it is a basic childish ego thing. People dont like others getting things they dont or cant. Nothing new under the sun, happens with everything in life. Zero reason to not having exclusive items.

If you use this word, you are wrong”. Amazing rebuttal there mate.
I can also say, “if you complain about cheaters all the time, you are just deflecting blame” and they we are done here.

Amazing the amount of projecting here “you haven’t contributed to anything useful”.

IDK if english is your first language but thats not even an argument at all :rofl:
That is simply your stance and once again, you are just doing that, but with more words.

Let me reiterate how the Sales and Marketing world works (and you cant refute it):
Exclusive items, only available during a certain period BOOST Sales. Literally uses “fomo” on the customer to get them to decide to buy said items. If you make them available afterwards, you lose faith of ALL your customers, because you are backing out of your word.

Again, everyone that knows about sales and companies do this.
Not new. Nothing that literally almost every game company with cosmetics does and no, its not a malpractice.

If you are just jelous because you can’t get them and others did, its your issue pal.

Argue the point or get zero replies. So far you have nothing besides Ad Hominems.

Blizzard has 1 1/2 decades of experience with limited time exclusive cosmetics in WoW.
If it wouldn’t be an extremely successful model they would have stopped using it by now.
Instead they are adding more and more of it to their games.

FOMO works and I expect to see even more of it in OW2, when they replace Lootboxes with a different monetization model.

But they don’t have experience with fomo in like a 30 year+ long runtime. There are going to be people who were never even born when overwatch first began and then find out there is around a 100+ skins they will never be able to get. I also prefer to call it IOMO. Inevitability of missing out. Because almost everyone who plays this game doesn’t have all of the exclusive skins since day 1 and there is going to be people who weren’t even born at the time Overwatch came out and then begin playing it someday. Eventually Overwatch is going to have a vastly larger playerbase with everyone more skins that can’t be obtained and the complaints will only continue to escalate exponentially.

On the other hand. What they did this? People who joined at earlier times were not allowed to obtain exclusive skins anymore after a certain period of time. Exclusive skins are only available to people within the first 10 year period of joining. Cause hey. If you aren’t born at the times these skins existed you should miss out.

Making business decisions based on the expectation that a game will still create substantial revenue 30 years from now is a recipe for disaster.
They will simply create new games and franchises, because that is where the big money is earned.

Activision Blizzards most valuable PC/Console franchise right now is CoD - which perfectly reflects how the video game market is working right now:
Throw out as many games as possible and plan for a short lifespan of the game.

Sure, there are games that stay relevant from a financial perspective for an extremely long period of time.
But those are basically unicorns when it comes to how likely it is to create such a game even for an AAA developer.

thats just unhealthy. i think you should take a break from the game if a set of pixels gets you to that state of distress.


… but it’s not the inevitability of missing out that motivates. It’s the fear. The fear motivates people to buy things because they fear they might miss it. If people realized it was inevitable they’d be disincentivized.

I think they’re good for the longevity of the game. Look at a game like, say, Apex…some skins are impossible to get after the fact, and it gives players pride in the item. It’s like a reward for being a long-term player.

If every skin was known to be obtainable no matter what, people wouldn’t make a hustle to get them, so none of the skins feel special any more. Personally, I wish more skins were unobtainable. I wish that once an event happens, you could never get those skins again.


But it is inevitable. Most people will miss out on something. Whether they took a break or weren’t playing at the time or simply didn’t have much interest at the time. This inevitability in itself also would simultaneously disincentivize people to get the items because they will be used to missing out on things so it will just seem like another thing off limits.

If every skin was known to be obtainable no matter what, people wouldn’t make a hustle to get them, so none of the skins feel special any more. Personally, I wish more skins were unobtainable. I wish that once an event happens, you could never get those skins again.

If this was just very minor skin hue changes it might not be that big of a deal, but there is some skins that have very unique themes in themselves that would be nice to have. I don’t think people should be forced to get something just cause of the sake of it disappearing after a certain time.

But the inevitability isn’t the incentive… which is the entire point of the term.
People don’t THINK about the inevitability. That borders on nihilsm. The entire thing is a marketing strategy based on fear. So FOMO.

… just saying that telling people “well I call it IOMO” is… kinda silly since that misses the entire point of the reference.

Thank you very much! OW has almost no such things. Every reward is shallow and meaningless. Thats also a reason why people stopped playing it.

… just saying that telling people “well I call it IOMO” is… kinda silly since that misses the entire point of the reference.

Alright. I actually see your point. Ill go with FOMO from here on.

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The worst feeling is coming back to overwatch after a break and seeing that perhaps the coolest damn skin for your main has already come and gone. You can never get it, only seethe and cope.


Thats exactly how I felt with the midas roadhog and snowman roadhog overwatch skins. I was a roadhog main for a while and when I came back and realized I missed these skins I wasn’t happy. At least its possible they may bring back the owl skins sometime in the distant future since they have done it before, but it will be a while. The illidan genji skin also sucked missing out on. That skin was so good that even though I am not a genji main I would probably play it just for that skin. On the bright side I am a sombra main now and I was able to get the demon hunter sombra skin. Most other unobtainable skins I have not cared too much about, but its probably partly cause I am not a main of one of those.

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I used to play Genji way more and I was distraught when I saw I could not get the Illidan skin.

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Ooooor you could make the game itself to begin with instead of hoping and clinging to small things which force you to play the game for your collection OCDs just to raise the numbers of active players…
That’s what most online games do. Even singleplayer games are infested with dailies and events nowdays.

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I missed out on Echo Voodoo Doll skin since I wasn’t playing atm which makes me sad tbh since it’s by far one of the best looking skins in game.

:thinking: First time I’ve seen this on this forum.

Exclusivity in terms of a business sense will always be a good thing. Exclusivity sells.

Blizzard’s track record of keeping things exclusive is good for a reason, that way players know when they say it’s exclusive. They mean it and it inclines you to purchase said next item even further.

This will likely never change.

Also as it seems to be forgotten a lot, all of the event skins are available from the loot boxes during the Anniversary event.

Even skins such as ragdoll echo?