Unobtainable skins are very bad for the game

Or, exclusive skins that actually mean something. All you posed are just generic.

Now considering how money-grubbing Activision is, I expect all cosmetics except Pink Mercy to one day be available.

I think exclusive skins makes sense for them as the time limitation and exclusivity makes a lot of people buy them, so in a way it allows them to boost sales. It obviously sucks as a consumer.

Really that’s pretty cool I coulda swore 4 years ago I was trying to get a frame but they said it was in the vault. If they opened it that’s awesome warframe is a great game

They will buy if enough time passes with people wanting them look at what happened with the MVP skins and all star ones

ALL of its skins ALL of the time?
Can you provide proof of this? Because I dont remember it to be like that.

Yes, there is a vault rotation and even the vault access packs return then

Not to mention the prime parts can be traded with each other

People need to get rid of this exclusivity mentality. It only serves to benefit a handful of people. I have plenty of exclusive skins and I just pick what I think looks the coolest. It doesn’t bother me if a bunch of other people have the skin. You realize that even if they do make the skins more excusive, they still aren’t really special as I see people running around with exclusive skins all the time. Just enjoy the skins for the themes they present. Not the rarity of them.

You can still have the skins the cost money before still cost money later. Not that hard of a concept.

And if you wanna get into the weekly free skins, the matchmaking is already terrible and possibly even worse because all the cheaters come back out to quickly nab the free stuff before their accounts get flagged. More cheating is seen in game the first two days of any event


Look, I am the last person to be an elitist, not in the least. OTOH, it’s the only meaningful reward to people who did commit their time and effort into the game over time. I mean they deserve something for that because that time is a unique, one-time commodity traded for something.

The problem is status survival strategy due to scarcity economics that is deeply wired into human brains from millions of years of evolution. Marketers know this, it’s scientifically proven, and the people who feel this urge most strongly will resist you on it to their death-beds.

Me personally, I couldn’t care less as I a lack those status genes (fortunately).

Fair enough I suppose.

You need to stop talking. Like, please don’t spread these sort of opinions on the forums. It’s like demanding that we have Christmas every day of the year. You need to act like an adult and be grateful for what you have. Blizz could shut down your account for no reason right now and there wouldn’t be a thing you could do about it for example. I’d strongly advise that you never post on the forums again for risk of losing everything you have built up in OW.

You act like I just went on a rampage breaking every forum rule imaginable. Yes they could, but they very likely won’t as I am not breaking any rules and I barely even post here much as is.

Second thing is that no its not asking to have Christmas every day of the year. A lot of the exclusive skins are holiday based so what I am suggesting is making them either return for a time or have them as holiday skins each year. They’ve done stuff like this before anyway.

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Pffft I’m glad this got wrecked right in the first reply. This policy of unobtainable skins is extremely good overall. The amount of players that the game actively loses to players not picking up the game because of this is so insignificant and irrelevant they might as well not exist, while pretty much everyone who is a dedicated and/or veteran player (of which both types are detrimental to the health of the game and should be always the priority #1 for customer satisfaction)

Now the only exception to this overall that would even remotely be considerable would be skins that are strictly behind a paywall, let alone behind a massively expensive lootbox itself. Skins like the latest Rein skin or Blizzcon Bastion skin are a completely different demon. Now those can be actually harmful for the game for no reason since they don’t even cater to the whales and/or collectors of the game. They just annoyed everyone pretty much

It didn’t though. That person was asking for more information regarding this and even agreed that some seasonal skins should make a return. Plus the majority of people in this thread aren’t support unobtainable skins. There has been polls done and most people don’t supporting unobtainable skins in video games in general. A number which will continue to go up over time. My post also does have 11 likes as of writing this and the one by tech support has around 16. Not that huge a difference.

I’m warning you, and this is very serious and I’m only telling you this because I’m tired of seeing people get banned for a few words they said when they were drunk/high, you need to stop. You are threatening the most powerful and influential playerbase as well as Blizz. This is a recipe for disaster on your part. Drop the topic now before it’s too late. You are on thin ice and I’m afraid for your finical safety. You are at risk of facing legal action from Blizz for attempting to expose trade secrets (the exclusive skins). You have been warned.

Well though luck. Thats how game items are getting value in games in general. OW players are very whiny and right now every skin are mostly common in terms of value. Some people dont care about this but I care to wear a skin that not everyone and their mother has or that I see every 2. round. Golden guns are getting the same treatment btw. Thy will be OW1 exclusive because they removing the comp points and the way to get them. I am sure will add more other skins but gold guns will be used by OW1 players. Thats also nice. Thats a way to say “I was there”. Hope the BP for OW2 will add more unique skins.

No. You have to stop whining and wanting everything that other players have. Almost nothing in OW is exclusive and it sucks (for me at least). There are just a few skins that you can “flex” with. Thats a thing people also enjoy.

Again, not how it works pal.
People buy it in the first place because they are not available either ever after, or only on events (credits) same applies.

See? Not that hard to understand.

About the rant and cheaters thats so way off regarding unobtainable skins that Im not even going into that.

Seeing people with Pink and Scientist Mercy skins makes me want to burst out crying

Your argument is bad, if people want the skin or whatever the cosmetic thing is they will buy it, making things exclusive is a ploy just to try and boost short term sales and all it does is create resentment because you have players act like they are better because they were able to get the exclusive content.

The matchmaking is terrible right now
Cheaters are going unchecked
Limiting skins to only be obtainable during a narrow window with the possibility of them not coming back is just well lame, it doesn’t hurt for anyone and everyone to have access to the skins.

Just admit you don’t like to share your toys and that’s why you like exclusive skins


Every argument for unobtainable skins has an alternative solution that could work while allowing those skins to be available to newer folks.