Unobtainable skins are very bad for the game

idk, was it from a lootbox during an event like Halloween or Christmas? Then yes, they should be. Unless there’s a restriction I’m forgetting.

if it’s one of the ones they offer during a special week event, win X games to get said skin. Then I’m not sure. I want to say they become available the year after… but I could be wrong on that. I haven’t played recently.

Okay if this is true it changes everything because. This means the skins are available, butthey are very hard to get. Honestly if they are available only as drops in loot boxes during the anniversary this makes them kind of a good middle group. The skins stay rare, but at are least possible to obtain.

But that kind of things happens though. Collectors things are collectors things for a reason.

so far none of the weekly event skins have become available again

The biggest mistakes were putting the Warcraft and Starcraft skins in Blizzcon packages when this game already has Blizzard World to celebrate all things Blizzard. Nobody wants to pay 40-50 for a single skin if they don’t care about the other stuff offered unless they like being bad with their money. If they just continued the trend of slapping on a Blizzcon logo onto a hero that would have been fair and acceptable. If they can give us the Diablo skin they can do the same for those after awhile, and I don’t want to hear that lame excuse for why that happened again.

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Bringing back skins like Marammat, Dr Ziegler etc makes sense especially since they’re heavily tied to the lore and ow2 is supposed to expand on this.

Plus, these skins were never stated to be exclusives, unlike for example noire widow which is absolutely fine to stay locked

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For what reason? Feeling special? Kinda pathetic, no?

I personally don’t care much about skins, since you cannot see your hero, but the right thing to do would be a 40€ version with ALL skins

Apex Legends offered recolors of old legendary skins.

but those are recolors, not the original skin and if the original skin isnt obtainable then in this case not all cosmetics are available

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Another option is they could reintroduce old skins but just make them very hard to get. Sort of like they do with 1% mounts in wow.

is it possible to find that statement in the cache via wayback machine? :hugs:

Yes well they’re still legendary skins, it’s definitely better than not offering them again.

Same, after the Pachimari Roadhog event I had to stop playing everything to preprare for my master’s degree tests. I lost the Roadhog/Echo OWL skins, Archieves, Anniversary,Ash’s Deadlock challenge and summer games. Im happy we got the old OWL skins back and cant wait for the Roadhog/Echo OWL skins to eventually return. Really hope that with the new Cassidy storyline Blizz is preparing we might see a rerun of Ash’s Deadlock challenge. Both these Character challenges and event challenges been unavaliable in any way after their event is done is really bad for players who like me couldnt get on Overwatch for months.

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I understand you so much…
I also missed Echo’s MVP skin because I was on vacation, when I came back I really felt disgusted because I could never get it…
(Obviously I’m a main Echo, it’s my favorite character)


I can only say… The limited skins made me play this event. Otherwise i wouldn’t have had any need to play. :sweat_smile:

… that’s ridiculous. Obtaining these skins is nothing special at all. Most players play the game anyway - event or not. Getting them is something passive.

It’s like getting medals for sitting at home at the right time. Obtaining these skins is really not harder that staring at a wall for 3 hours with breaks.

I have all challenge skins and I wouldn’t care if other players got all of them.
It should be enough of an entertainment to have a skin. I don’t understand needing the extra feeling to have something others don’t have (especially when it’s something digital and it was handed out for - let’s be honest - basically doing nothing).

You don’t lose anything if other players also get the skin. I beöieve their wish for obtaining a skin is bigger than your happiness about others not possessing something you have.
(You can still enjoy the skin… noone is going to take it away).

I mean… just Imagine 2 young siblings (13 and 11) going through the hero gallery, excited about the game and they see that a skin is unobtainable. They google search them… there are like 40 of those. Big bummer.

I wished all of those skins returned so everyone could enjoy them. It’s a game. People play them to have fun.
Children/friends/fans should not talk about their favorite game like “my fav skin is … BUT I can’t get it anymore”

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Reason i played the last 3 weeks?
Hog skin, zarya skin, genji skin

Well the main reason I was playing as to get halloween skins and most of those are obtainable on halloween and since I try to play for at least 1 or 2 lot boxes per day it did not matter whether that skin was available or not. Besides. The genji and Zarya skins were underwhelming.