Unobtainable skins are very bad for the game

Again, I feel like Blizzard would have already been doing it for all exclusives if it were true. Their team of business execs/scientists/planners/whatevers have no doubt thought about this too, but it hasn’t become reality because they know from experience that it’s not as profitable as time gating stuff.

I don’t think anybody knew at first since it was never explicitly stated that they would return.

One of the biggest issues is that life is not fair. Some people get skins because they have money or pre ordered. Those skins are meant for those people. You missing out on not getting the game early or not having funds suck but it is the reality of being a consumer.

before this even starts to go this route no pink mercy isnt coming back

Don’t they lock skins? The prime Excalibur you can’t get

No, it actually bothers me.

The vast majority for example likely have Grillmaster Soldiers right? Well unfortunately I can’t even change the color of my Grillmasters shirt to at least be individual and stand out amongst the sea of people with the exact same skin. OW needs more unique items, not less. It isn’t a lazy way of doing anything, even just the simple addition of changing the shirt on that skin would be welcome in any form to me. People like feeling different from others.

I’m not surprised about the first skin that was mentioned in the list :sunglasses:

To me, BP are pre-order dlcs lock behind milestones rewards.

No, unobtainable skins are not very bad for the game. If anything, it’s good for the corporation and profits, but not bad for the game.

I personally don’t have an issue with allowing any of the skins to be made available again. Even the coveted Pink Mercy skin all those weirdos who have it want for themselves for nothing more than selfish reasons (I have the Pink Mercy skin BTW). But no, just because you dislike the concept around this, doesn’t make it bad for the game. Keep in mind I’m advocating for all skins to be available again. For the record, I have all the skins that I want and there isn’t a single cosmetic item that I need/want that’s out of my grasp.

I have offered a few times that they should make it available again, and you could earn it by downloading the Starcraft game and playing for a few missions or so much time, then unlock it for OW.

I would be fine with that.

Many of the challenge skins should make a return at some point, as lots of people have asked for those. As of right now, none of them have been repeated to date. The very first one was the D.Va Cola challenge.

This summer we got the unlocks of past special league skins, but not past team skins.

There is a lot they could do if they wanted to. Aside from the ones tied to events as WyomingMyst pointed out, the rest should make a reappearance, at least a year after their initial release.

They already do this with loot boxed items, in that they lower the gold price from 3K to 1K the following year of the event. (or the Anniversary event, whichever is a year or longer)

But the challenge events have yet to repeat. Anyway.

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Everyone thinks that way about bitcoin. :sweat_smile: Can we redo it? I missed it.

Imho the ideal solution is MORE skins
If there are countless noone remembers the few unobtainable ones.

But even imho the weekly challenge during events shouldn’t be on a “special announced skin” niveau of rarity…
And i’m usually all-in for limited stuff

It got slowly to a chore of chassing the dates
“oh my its monday evening, better login and check for week 1 skin.”

Yeah you just instantly invalidated your post by making an inaccurate comparison.

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Something i missed out? Where did i miss the comparisson?

Ahhh gotcha its Money
Money money money

Something i didn’t have back then
Like people who could not affort ow

But sure, agree your skin should be given to you today! Its a crime :rofl:

I don’t think you should feel that way about it. Even if the skin is exclusive there is still going to be dozens of people out there who have that skin. I see many people running around with exclusive skins all the time. What I think you should do instead to feel unique is to play the game better and become one of the fewer people with good skill at the game. This is how all games should be. Uniqeness is rewarded by skill at the game and not arbitrary forced rarity on skins. The skin still looks good anyway. Who cares if others are using it. I have plenty of unobtainable skins and I usually just choose what I think looks good. Not what is more unique.

If there are countless noone remembers the few unobtainable ones.

Not true. There is always going to be someone who notices a skin and wishes they could use it, but can’t due to forced exclusivity.

Yeeeeahh that would be nice. Vampire Baptiste is a regretted miss by me lmao its quite good for an epic-quality skin.

How the heck are skins “p2w”

Equipping a skin doesn’t make one magically more powerful.

But good on ya if you want to pretend it does. :mechanical_arm::man_superhero:

Still no, it is standard to have unique cosmetics in-game, that isn’t going to be changing ever. Uniqueness is better expressed through obtainable cosmetics, not some number I can literally purchase online since you know the comp SR system is a joke anyways.(Not that I would, just saying that wouldn’t be accomplishing much either). Some skins should be unique, end of really.

Halo MCC does this, and the future Halo Infinite will also do this

This is silly. Some people will never ascend, I know you think they should but sometimes no matter how much work you put in you are where you are in a game and in life and that’s it. Artificially insulating the ladder so people can climb or earn something they otherwise didn’t is a disservice to them and the game

Do you have any Sales Background mate?

If you “magically” start making what once were exclusive products non exclusive, people will NOT buy them anymore and will wait for them to be available for everyone. So yeah, it hurts Sales and in case of Weekly Challenge skins, many people (this guy included) would NOT play during that week either. So less people playing, worse matchmaking experience, more queue time etc.

He is right.

Thats the only one though with two prime weapons as a beta player pack. And the platform exclusive packs which is understandable. If we count them thats very minimal

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