Unobtainable skins are very bad for the game

If only more games with battle passes did that. As I said in my previous post about nano cola and etc skins shouldn’t just not exist for someone who just picked up the game.

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Imagine 30 years from now. Someone new comes into play overwatch and they find out there is like a hundred skins they can no longer get. That would be disappointing. In regards to the pink mercy skin. They could possibly set up the fundraiser again. Could they not?


I completely agree with this. As a Switch player, I’m left looking at some of these “legacy” skins and the Nano Cola skin without being able to get it for myself because they came out before the switch version was thought of.

Edit: I was able to get most of them (the all-stars, mvp, and league skins).


Pre-order items really have no business existing at all. We no longer have to worry about Best Buy or Gamestop running out of copies. Preorders are solely for the companies’ benefit, which is why they have to bribe people to pay up front. It’s a scam and it should be illegal.


Feels bad for everyone who pre-ordered Cyberpunk 2077 and got a game that looked and played like it should be on the PS2.

The only games I preorder, if I do, are legend of Zelda games because I know for a fact that I will like it. (Not counting Tri-Force Heroes).

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I totally agree with YOU! :wink:
Personally it’s Echo’s Good & Evil skin that I want. :star_struck:
Of course she didn’t come back in the 2 OWL safes :sob:

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Especially lore skins like Marammat, Dr Ziegler etc. These absolutely should return.

Really only pink mercy, noire widow, and the blizzcon skins have any business being truly exclusive.

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Yeah it’s so dumb, i don’t even understand why having skins/items locked away was a good idea in the first place? I still obviously think pink mercy should be a thing, and i don’t have the energy to argue about the whole thing to donate even without getting the skin etc.

Maybe it’s a stupid idéa but why not just have it come back every year? I know there is a breast cancer awareness month but i don’t know how often that really is or if that is only happening once a year.

So why not just make pink mercy available every year on that month they celebrate it? Like i said it might be dumb but imo i feel like it would make sense…


soon the game will be bad for the game

I know there is a breast cancer awareness month but i don’t know how often that really is or if that is only happening once a year.

Precisely! Breast Cancer awareness month it could return and they could even add some similar skins for other female characters in the game. And it would be for a good cause.


Yeah i feel like that would be a great opportunity to bring back pink mercy but also create new skins as well.

Yes i know people can donate without getting skins from a game but i’m to tired to argue about that anymore.

So i really hope they can do these in the future :blush:


I’d like things to be available at all times or on a seasonal event basis. I don’t think players should have to wait any longer than a year to get what they want. I recall being in south east Asia when witch Mercy skin came out but that was okay because I knew I only needed to wait a year to get it again.

The oomans have this sick, twisted, vile, scummy, pathetic, smelly desire to have things be EXCLUSIVE for ego reasons. I of course find this mentality to be pathetic and all the other mean spirited words along those lines that you can find in the thesaurus.

So as with most things, there was (and still is) gaming without the filth, but if people embrace the filth with open arms then they’ll get that filth on their arms and hands and then some of it will go in their mouth and before you know it there’s nothing left but filth and we will have to eat the filth and build our houses out of filth and the next generations will know nothing but filth and they’ll whisper about that strange old hermit lady who lives over the filth hill and tells strange tales of a time where there was no filth and the kids are all like “yea right, granny” and throw filth balls at her and call her mean names.


Past challenge skins sure but my Illidan Genji, Tyrande Symmetra, Pink Mercy and Noire Widowmaker should remain exclusive. I think OW has an actual issue that everyone can already basically obtain everything! I would rather more exclusive/unique skins so I can stand out from the masses. It’s not a selfish want when every single game is already like this, I doubt OW2 will be different in fact I’d expect them to end up making things way more exclusive than they are now, and that to me is a very good thing. People like to feel unique, OW is a game about being unique and everyone has the same skins.

Edit: Blizzcon Bastion and Winston too. If I paid money for essentially exclusive ownership/rights to these skins it should remain that way, if you don’t pay the money then you shouldn’t really get this specific set of skins, especially considering Pink Mercy was charity, which I am aware they can bring back at any time in that case, but everything else I listed should in fact remain exclusive.

Warframe brings back every event or charity exclusive things in every quarter year or at worst annually with additional new cosmetics. It even has a charity month going on currently. An annual charity month.


Like I have said before. These should have never been exclusive skins to begin with. As the game progresses there is going to be more and more people joining to find they can never obtain these skins but even more exclusive ones and there was only a very small window to get these. Plus this only serves to benefit a small amount of people. At the end of the day it is just less content for everyone else.

It’s not a selfish want when every single game is already like this, I doubt OW2 will be different in fact I’d expect them to end up making things way more exclusive than they are now, and that to me is a very good thing.

Yet I would argue that none of them should be doing this kind of thing. The complaints are only going to increase with the game’s lifetime.

People like to feel unique, OW is a game about being unique and everyone has the same skins.

How about people gain their feeling of uniqueness in another way such as ascending the ladder? This is just an artificial and lazy way of adding uniqueness that hurts everybody who wasn’t able to even attempt this at the time.

I only have issues with p2w skins being limited. Thankfully ow doesn’t have any.

First things first you’re forgetting Tryandel Symmetra, Wow character Genji, and Ryan Reinhardt as well.

Secondly even if its a standard practice, its a very anti consumer practice as it puts consumers into a situation where they are either forced to spend money or never get the thing which is a commonly regard anti consumer practice.

Thirdly like the OP posted, its terrible for players that haven’t even started the game yet.

The only upside that could possible maybe be envisioned is Blizzard’s wallet, and considering the current allegations against them I’m fairly certain I can see why these skins have become a stable. With how Blizzard acts to its own employees, I sure as heck don’t expect ANY hope for them in treating us well.


No, I don’t even play competitive and I shouldn’t have to play that to feel unique. Uniqueness is in every single game ever, these skins -should- absolutely 1 billion % stay unique. If you pay for it especially, it shouldn’t ever be something that should come back. It is perfectly okay for games to have exclusive skins, it’s literally in every single game already.

No, I don’t even play competitive and I shouldn’t have to play that to feel unique.

That sounds lazy. To me it seems like the “let my buy my way to greatness mentality.” Skin exclusivity is just an artificial means of adding uniqueness. There can be many other way for people who don’t want to play ranked. Like maybe PVE leaderboards in overwatch of achievements that only a small percent of players have.

Uniqueness is in every single game ever, these skins -should- absolutely 1 billion % stay unique. If you pay for it especially, it shouldn’t ever be something that should come back. It is perfectly okay for games to have exclusive skins, it’s literally in every single game already.

Again. Just because everyone is doing it does it doesn’t make it right. Its a lazy way of adding uniqness and it is only going to be a bigger problem over time.

Rocket league apart from the beta time gold booster and nugget everything is always available.

And most games rotate everything, not be dumb like bliz were they don’t even rotate event free skins like ana baster ashe Mardi grass, I mean it makes sense to have exclusives to event like breast cancer pink mercy not being repeated or blizzcon genji sym etc, but event skins not being available after a year is as dumb as hlc and Paris being in game still.

And and the bigger dumbness is those games like rocket league have actually a trade system so I can actually even purchase those beta gold booster without doing something illegal like in Blizzard case were if I want to have ana baster skin it’s only possible by illegally obtaining someone else bliz account for 160$