Unnecessary Zen Nerf

I have fairly low playtime on Zen, but I still know his kit well enough to say that 15% longer between shots isn’t removing his ability to defend himself, not even close.

That’s some nice ad hominem.


Yep I’m sure someone who barely plays a hero knows it better than people who put hard work and effort into learning its intricacies. Just what I expect from this forum.


People see the word “reduce” and assume the worst. I love zen but realistically a support shouldn’t be able to instantly delete another player from across the map with a keypress before they can twitch even slightly.

Its still a perfect door kicker and shotgun blast to turn a corner. The only thing this really affects other than being able to always outsnipe widow without a scope is that

  1. you have ever so slightly more control to lead and spread (which can be good for anything in the air.

  2. discord doesn’t come in during your volley until maybe the final shot rather than the third.

Having checked PTR here are my scientific findings:
“pewpewpewpewpew” is now “pew-pew-pew-pew-pew”

I’m not saying I know him better than you, I’m saying I know him well enough to tell when something minor isn’t going to completely invalidate his existence. You might want to consider the strong possibility that your preference of him is creating a bias and inflating your view of changes to him.

Yeah but this doesn’t change the “randomly firing a corner” at all, if Zen wants to try get ult with a cheeky prediction delete, he can still do so. This affects the fight. And Zen really didn’t need a nerf for that. He didn’t need a nerf at all, but we got it anyway because some OWL players mentioned him being strong in January.


I’m referring to my disagreement about your appraisal of his reliance on the volley. Your knowledge on that subject contradicts my own when I have more experience with him to back up my position. I’m not saying this will completely invalidate him, but I don’t believe a nerf is deserved just because it won’t make the hero F-tier. Otherwise we might as well start giving every hero small nerfs for the hell of it because I still can’t fathom why his one is so desperately needed if it’s supposedly only going to be a tiny thing that barely affects him. Sounds like pointlessness at that point.

There needs to be a good reason FOR a nerf, rather than there needing to be a good reason to NOT just throw nerfs at it.


It’s barely going to affect him in close range, but it gives people more time to react at long range when they get hit by a Zen they can’t even see. That is the reason for the nerf.

In what way will it barely affect his close range combat? Time to kill is time to kill. If anything, it will matter more in close range because at that point you have to kill even faster since the enemy is less likely to miss your massive circular hitbox.


Isn’t it on the rate of fire that was changed? not the charge time.

His charge time is unchanged though, only the time between the shots is longer. It’s an extremely minor impact on time to kill.

Why are you charging a shot for 4s when you could kill your target in 2 left click headshots?
You are not Widow, whose SMG is actually horrible.

The animation lasts longer now too (from testing in the practice range) meaning a slight QCQ disadvantage (you’re talking maybe missing out on 1 zen boot or shot though, its teeny).

E: I mean the shooting not charging animation

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sigh Alright. That puts me more at ease.

This still bugs me though. **** DVA can fly at me from half way across the map no matter where I position myself, with DM and rockets up, guaranteeing my death with absolutely no counter-play. I’ve literally clipped this happening multiple times within individual games. But my volley that takes some modicum of aim gets nerfed first because of counterplay even though a vast number of things such as being behind your tank or avoiding sightlines exist to counterplay it. That this is deemed fair makes me hate being a Support main just that much more. Especially since Dva is played ridiculously more than Zen at all levels.

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It doesn’t seem that bad, but it just seems unnecessary.


They’re nerfing D.va’s rockets in the same patch, though. And of course if no one on your team is peeling for supports, they’ll be vulnerable.

Good to hear that she’s getting nerfed too then. Guess I’ve been out of the loop.

There’s really not much the team can do when she has that much HP and can DM while doing literally everything, with that insane kill time on my huge hitbox. How hard was her nerf?

Dva just got nerfed too, if that means something.
About 22% damage nerf on rockets.

Quite a lot, depending. By how much though? An extra quarter of a second to the kill time wont make me feel better.

Any CC (other than knockbacks) will stop both her rockets and her thrusters. Roadhog is a great counter to D.va, since his hook goes through DM.