Unnecessary Zen Nerf

He’s not mobile, sure, but his discord is what allows dive to get in and secure kills even faster than normal. Focus fire on an enemy 30% weaker is insanely strong when you can get in and pop someone before they have reliable time to react.

they should add a little buff for zen: when he finish his ult, his “guns/balls” will be recharged like reaper

Helloooo!? Zen has no mobility and now the only and few things he is good about gets nerfed…how’s Widow not a problem then which can one shot you too? Or Hanzo?

I mean if you know your positioning you wouldn’t get these problems lol

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Try crouching when you come around a corner against a Zenyatta then, same way you would when entering Widowmaker’s potential LOS…


Completely necessary. His pick rate is second only to D.Va, and it’s entirely because his M2 can score picks at any range.

He’s a support with a similar value-add as a sniper. Yes, the skill curve for his M2 is pretty beastly, but I highly doubt he was ever supposed to be this effective.

And no, it’s not just Jonnak and Boombox that get crazy picks with him. They’re only more consistent. Everyone who plays him regularly gets M2 picks. It’s what he does, and it’s way too powerful at the high end.

On the bright side, nerfing it won’t have any measurable effect below diamond or so. Which means you can stop complaining.

No it isn’t…

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He doesn’t need mobility when he has long range. He doesn’t do the diving, he enables it. Zen isn’t and never has been picked for his M2, he’s picked for his multitasking, his defensive ult, and discord.
Widowmaker at least has to be able to see you and aim at you, whereas Zen can charge while around a corner, peek, and get a lucky kill on someone who couldn’t even see him.


Zen’s damage is literally his only defense. The volley is usually the only way you will possibly have time to out-DPS a flanker. So yeah, let’s just nerf his one defense even though it’s more skillful than most of the other supports’ defensive options. Seems logical. >_>

What happened to all the people who wanted skill to be rewarded? I guess only DPS deserve to be rewarded for skillful plays.


Hanzo can very well one shot you as well and kill you off around the corner wihout seeing you…what a crap nerf. You are nerfing his only defence yet you buff other DPS to make Zen even harder to play…what a joke…


There’s a difference between getting instantly deleted by a “support” and trying to hit someone who is super mobile.

Hanzo doesn’t have discord, doesn’t have healing, and doesn’t have trans.

I’m pretty sure all hitscan shots use the same hitbox, from what I remember reading a while back. Moreover, if we’re nerfing on the grounds that an ability isn’t skillful enough then topkek.

I should try sniping with Mercy. It’s too much skill to get a kill with her pistol, so I think she might even need a buff


And can still one shot you around the corner but it’s somehow a problem with Zen but no a problem with Hanzo who can very well one shot every 200 HP with one arrow…

yeah man that makes sense…


Zen doesn’t have wall climb, a vision-giving ability, and takes 3x as long to charge up a shot for the same damage, with a bigger body hit box.


Because Hanzo is a DPS and Zenyatta is a support. Zenyatta has other extremely strong tools. That is not to say that a support can’t or shouldn’t be able to do damage, just that it should be proportionate to the strength of the rest of their kit. Comparing his damage ability to a hero who’s main focus is damage only proves that it’s too potent.

Zenyatta doesn’t have Wallclimb, an ability that gives vision through walls or the ability to do 250 damage with a SINGLE projectile, he has to hit 3-5.


Wall climb and sonic arrow aren’t nearly as powerful as Zen’s utility. Also, Zen’s orbs have much larger hitboxes than Hanzo’s arrows.

Zenyatta is meant to have good dmg since he has bad heals…this nerf isn’t justified at all LOL

He has no mobility,easily jumpable,has no self healing,hard to play = get’s nerf in his only defence against flankers.



I know the difference between a well-aimed volley and getting lucky shooting in a general direction on the complete opposite side of the map. The latter happens way to often which is why Blizzard made their decision.

When Zen unloads volley through his tanks’ backs and can’t even see what he’s hitting yet manages to 1-shot someone 60m away, it’s an accident.

Zen’s healing out side of trans and his survivability are both dog-**** and trans is one of the longer charge time ults. That’s why he has the damage he has, so what is he supposed to be good at if we’re gonna start nerfing his damage too?