Unban the banned toxic players for overwatch 2

Truthfully I’m struggling to understand why this topic is so important to you. You hold an incredibly strong stance on subject considering it doesn’t even apply to you.

Given that your account was created an hour ago, my best guess is trolling. Second guess is you’re just lying and you have a banned account and just don’t want to admit it. It definitely fits with your demeaner from what I’ve seen. Last guess would be you’re speaking on behalf of a close friend or someone you care about - in which case why aren’t they pleading their own case.


They have a system for that. Explained on gdc conference


I think it’s this video. Was from GDC 2019.

how my account created 1 hour ago? i played the game for 2 seasons. but yes, today is my first time of typing in overwatch forums. also i’m not trolling.

The term toxicity is vague. I don’t think anyone is banned for “toxicity” specifically, rather, there is more likely some specific circumstantial situations. I think that would encompass certain language and behavior, from slurs, death threats, stalking, harassment or bullying, doxing, etc. that could be quite questionable, especially in context or to the degree of it’s severity. A blanket unban to all the accounts banned on under certain categories may be unwise. But, I think the developers could consider putting more time into reviewing the cases and allowing for players to make appeals a lot easier. At least some sort of forgiveness system. I would at least agree with something along those lines.

Your forum account. You joined for the first time 1 hour ago. It says so in your profile.

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what do you want me to do? it is my first time of using overwatch forums, should i just have waited some time so people don’t assume i’m a troll?

You’re really pushing to get banned accounts unbanned. Based on your replies, I have a very strong suspicion you were being toxic and got banned at some point on a different account.

Blizzard gives you multiple chances by issuing warnings and temporary suspensions. It’s not common to be permanently banned on your first offense.

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No, it makes way more sense for them to not do that so ppl pay for a new copy(what they do now)

Well, starting off by very adamantly arguing in favor of something really unpopular that has literally zero impact on you and spending a significant amount of time trying to convince people of it is probably not a great way to do so.


that’s true, and i agree with you. but there are people who got banned just because of saying ez multiple times, so i don’t understand how a person who is threatening with death and a person who is saying “ez”, “too ez”, etc. is getting the same punishment.

The guys account is level 100, fairly new account. I’m like 90% positive this guy got banned on his main account and is now complaining on a brand new one lol… Who goes on the forums and complains about stuff like this if it’s not affecting them?


i created this account more than half of a year ago and i don’t play the game so often. that does not means i’m troll or banned before.

Have you met them? The people were talking about don’t tend to improve.

Then why are you arguing this? Who plays a game for like 20 hours then goes to the forum adamantly arguing that they should unban all accounts banned for toxicity?

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i used to play with my friend, that is also why i bought the game. he got banned, so he can’t use forums. that’s why i’m talking instead of him. i want him to get unbanned, and i know he regret being toxic. is that makes sense? i have more than 20 hours in overwatch also.

You know, most of what people call hot takes are lukewarm at best, but this… this is a hot take.

No, though, but congrats on the actual brave stance.

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Why didn’t you just say that initially?

The reality is, most people don’t want people that have been permabanned to come back to the game.

If Blizzard loses money, I would say that is an ethical choice by Blizzard as being permabanned suggests a serious offense.

I see no reason to remove the ban. Spending the money on a new account will show the person they might have permanent consequences to their actions.

It does, and you should’ve just been up front about that when people were asking.

That said, tell your friend to go buy a new account. The price for his regret is $15, not a free pass for him and every other toxic person who doesn’t regret their actions.

Oh yeah, of course. For those cases then that is where I think an improved or faster appeal system would be nice. They can get a strike and come back. If they seem to be the type of players who keep doing it, then they just get strikes again until they run out. But the point would be to allow players more easier ways to apply for appeals. I don’t know how it works now, I guess players get warnings or already could appeal, I don’t know, but I think it would be reasonable for players to have an opportunity to ask for a second or third chance. And it might be more realistic than a sweeping unban over a possibly huge number of accounts that might be hard to determine their behavior in a general way.

People do get a second and third chance. First time offenders dont get hit with an insta permaban. There are warnings and shorter duration bans first.

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