This has been an issue since OW2 launched and was not an issue in OW1. I play on ps4 and i do not know if this is the case on other consoles. When viewing the leaderboards, if i click on a player i am brought directly to their playstation profile instead of being able to select view career profile. As a result one can not view the career profile of anyone on any leaderboard, whether or not their career profile is private. Please fix or offer a solution as i would like to compare statistics with high ranked players on the leaderboards. Thank you
You are not alone in experiencing this bug. I’ve linked the competitive bugs megathread at the bottom of this post, which archives and documents almost every competitive bug. I put your thread under: Not Appearing On Leaderboards (Season 6). Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads regarding these issues.
Here’s a potentially relevant thread about console career profile bugs if you would like to bump this up as well: Career Profile Stats (Console): What's Wrong?
Just to be clear. This is not about not being on the leaderboard. I am unable to view the career profile of ANYONE on the leaderboard. Thanks
Currently, I’ve categorized Top 500 issues into two categories: one for bugs with receiving rewards and the other for bugs with appearing on leaderboards. So while not being able to view career profiles of Top 500 players is technically neither of these issues, I thought it would better fit under the appearance category since I couldn’t find enough posts about this issue to warrant a separate category. I hope this helps.
In the replies of what he linked I say what you said.
I’d still like this fixed to be honest