Umm...VS AI is GONE


More bots as well please, there’s literally a functioning Orisa one right now in Uprising that isn’t in the regular AI mode.


Well yeah that’s my point as well actually.

Overwatch team’s excuse for slow heroes is because “oh if we add heroes too fast it’ll be unbalanced~”

HotS is like… “riiiiight…”

Personally, I’d like to see AI of every hero and each match have a random combination of 2 supports, 2 tanks, and 2 DPS. Bots are fairly fun as is and a good way to try and improve aim or whatever, but variation in what you face would be stellar!

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My thoughts exactly.

Should play Mystery Heroes then. No one cares what hero you have in that mode either.

You can always make custom games with A.I.s

wait, people actually play that mode?

Yes they do. It’s a way to play without being stressed


If this IS an intentional feature, at least allow us to use AI in custom games for all, if not most heroes.

(I did make a post about AI in custom games this but this basically just sums up what I think would be good).

I hope we get more AI, characters as well. Or even have the retribution enemies also added into custom games

yeah that would be cool

is it still gone? mine is still here

It’s back now.

Checked last night, it’s there.

Hey, everyone on this thread can add me to their freinds list. This is the only mode I play, when I do play. Thanks!!!

P.S. Let’s hope the Archives mode becomes permanent.

So interesting, i must have a good couple hundred hours between console and pc, and have never clicked that button (that i remember), i love how diverse our community is.

Don’t compare HoTS and Overwatch, they are different genre’s with different requirements

I don’t play the MOBA genre that often but i do know that adding new characters at a fast rate is required for the genre, while in FPSs typically they’d add weapons at a slower rate compared to MOBAs, Overwatch is technically the outlier here because the weapons are the characters with each having special abilities, from a design standpoint and with how much detail that goes in to making such heroes i think it’s rather amazing how they release new heroes every 3-4 months. However i think they might need more time or better planning because the latest heroes (Looking at you Brigitte) are basically just designed to deal with a certain niche aspect.

P.S I didn’t know people liked playing Vs AI i Overwatch, I remember playing against Bots in LoL because i sucked (and still do) at it.

I do still recommend playing QP at least. even if it stresses you all out people typically don’t Judge what hero you pick because how Casual it is, but you guys do you

I played QP for the first half a year since the game’s launch.

Don’t anymore. Just not fun.

I do play Mystery Heroes, which is just QP without all the whining about team comp, so there’s that.

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