Umm...VS AI is GONE

Yeah there was another forum post about it where they responded. I can find the link if you want?

VS AI mode was often used to create custom game modes with more than the allowed player amount. People would create a VS AI custom game, kick the bots, add real players, repeat, until you had 90 vs 90 or higher player games going on.

Since it was so easy to abuse I can understand them removing it.

they better bring it back I love playing against the ai. c:

There was a particular problem in HotS balancing team in the past that put them into a similar state that Overwatch is currently in, and was a direct cause of HotS losing a ton of playerbase and becoming one of Blizzard’s small population games.

The community complained about that guy heavily and when the balance team went past him and looked at the community comments themselves they as a team decided to remove him.

He was moved to a different project (overwatch) and ever since then balance in HotS has recovered though the population by not as much.

Thanks much for the link mate. Very good to hear… now I can relax & breathe :slight_smile:

Refresher of the dev post:


I am just passing along the word, I am still thankful for the help BIll Warnecke and the Blizzard CS staff by staying in contact with me and all of you.


They literally come out with a hero every what… 2 months? 1 month?

It’s really crazy. The game’s splash page is almost always the new hero LOL.

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You’re a champion WyomingMyst, thank you!


Yeah there was a certain guy who was on the team who was responsible for pretty terrible balancing, he was eventually moved on and another guy was moved in who fixed the mistakes that guy made and made it the most balanced Blizzard game so far.

And guess where that ‘other guy’ ended up…

They can add heroes as often as they want, the speed at which they add heroes was not my point.
My point was that HotS has 78 heroes and the vast majority of them are well balanced (and even the ones that aren’t are still perfectly viable), Overwatch has 27 and maybe 10-11 of them are used seriously and the rest of them are either completely unviable or UP compared to the other, far better heroes.


Oh thank goodness. For a moment I really throught they got rid of VS AI which would’ve meant no more OW for me. I play this mode an awful lot cos it’s the perfect place to unwind and just have a chill team-up with chill players. This game truly needs more PvE opportunities, though. Or a better version of VS AI. :0


Can you improve the AI while your at it too?



More bots as well please, there’s literally a functioning Orisa one right now in Uprising that isn’t in the regular AI mode.


Well yeah that’s my point as well actually.

Overwatch team’s excuse for slow heroes is because “oh if we add heroes too fast it’ll be unbalanced~”

HotS is like… “riiiiight…”

Personally, I’d like to see AI of every hero and each match have a random combination of 2 supports, 2 tanks, and 2 DPS. Bots are fairly fun as is and a good way to try and improve aim or whatever, but variation in what you face would be stellar!

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My thoughts exactly.

Should play Mystery Heroes then. No one cares what hero you have in that mode either.

You can always make custom games with A.I.s

wait, people actually play that mode?

Yes they do. It’s a way to play without being stressed