Umm. Molten core WASN"T THE PROBLEM

“Molten core wasn’t the problem”.
Oh please, you don’t know that devs SURELY know where the problem are? /s

Another SUCCESS is coming /s

Molten Core should remain as Torbs ult.

It is one of the things that is iconic to Torb

It needs only a slight tweak to fix (or at least reduce) the problem of Torbs gun running out of ammunition while in this mode. Something like ammunition usage halved while in this mode

What? Where on earth did you see those changes? As a Sombra main, those changes would completely break her and make her stupidly overpowered.

I hate Molten Core. It’s one of the most annoying and cheap feeling Ultimates to play against. I will not be sad to see it go. It’s just incredibly uninteresting.

Lets all be completely honest. Torb wasn’t that good before. If he was that good before, we’d see him more in high level comp matches, or the pro leagues. But you don’t, because he’s not very good.

Do torb fans want to just stay where they are on the bottom of the scrap heap, buidling armor packs alone, because no one likes you? I’m so edgy, i main torb…

Just stop… lets get Torb reworked, and hopefully he will be better, and contribute more to the game, and his team.

Saying you’re speaking for “everyone” is such a Tumblr term I can’t even take this seriously.
Also his works not out yet, once it is, and If it’s trash THEN it’s time to complain.

Sorry, you’re right, I’m NOT speaking for those people who cannot/will not look at Torb objectively, and see clearly the flaws with the character, his usage, and his contribution to a team.

Yeah, being second highest winrate of all characters is really bad.

Win rates are calculated by characters at the end of the match. Most Torb’s and Symm’s and the other oddball/“troll”/bad character picks, are swapped out before the end because they’re getting steamrolled so bad.

Very often, you might see a Symm or Torb on the first point defense, and then when they inevitably lose, they swap to something else.

Win rates are great, but you have to understand how the game is played.

Yeah, I heard that excuse since season 1. That’s not true for a lot of Torb mains because we pick him in more situations than only defending first point.

But even if that’s the case, great. It means that character have a niche and is very good at it. And that exceptional players can take that character out of their niche and still perform reasonably well.

Making every character good at everything just leads to the game becoming stale. IMO, I would go the opposite path and make everyone more niche and tune some mechanics to encourage mid-game swaps.

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You could always kill the Torb or just hide behind a shield or EMP it

The only rework that I personally would consider the title of “rework” is sym because they adjusted everything about her character’s kit. Every other character that has had major adjustments got just that, major adjustments. A lot of their kit still remains the same, too much to be called “reworks”.

We had yet to see if Torb is going to actually be reworked or just have major adjustments.


Reinhardt’s shield
Orisa’s shield
Brigitte’s shield
Winston’s shield
Zarya’s shield