Umm. Molten core WASN"T THE PROBLEM

Sorry, but I’ve seen the threads you are part of revolving around Sombra and I’m part of the forums actively. That doesn’t happen.

It’s one thing to lie, but don’t throw us under a bus with that lie. One or two people have said two, if any, of what you said. You were vehemently defending Sombra, which is one thing and that’s fine, but to lie about what Sombra mains say is actually really discrediting to you.

I get what point you were trying to make, but it’s so hard to agree with you when you lie. :expressionless:


Literally no one asked for any of these. Using fake arguments to justify your point makes your argument weak.


This isn’t right… Molten Core is perfectly fine.

Honestly, they should increase his rate of fire to his current ult ROF. So he won’t be such a hindrance on his own, then hero his ult the same, just no increase on the ROF.

I like the instant lv2 turret, just not sure about the throwing part. But I see it being nerfed because lv2 is strong, it’s almost another teammate. The only way they could balance it is by lowering the health and make like 50 or 60 of its health pure armor so it’s not destroyed so fast. Along with changing its priority 1 to whoever within range is attacking.

But if they keep the upgrade aspect, they need to reduce the amount of hits it takes to upgrade, just keep the same amount of healing hits.

I want to have faith that they’ll give Molten Core a good change but…

Yeah, their track record is bad. :frowning:

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all of this torb work is very exciting to me i cant wait to try the new torb out!

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Literally all they need to do is go back to beta Torb. He was PERFECT back then.

They’re literally shredding this game into bits n pieces.

Even Molten Core has 0 impact in this double sniper/goats META.

Blizzards the type of company that will give a guy with broken arms a wheel chair.

Dva bomb, Symmetra ult, Transcendence, EMP, Blizzard, Mei Wall, Storm arrows…

Ugh, Molten Core. So dumb. Torbjorn is obviously an Ironforge Dwarf, not a Dark Iron Dwarf.

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I love how Genji and the people who play him are the roof of all evil on this Forums.

Yeah turret change sounds good, but why do I have the feeling that when Torb get his rework, he gets a pretty hard nerf for his ult only a week later

Except, I have read such posts.

As a Sombra main I have to say that no true Sombra player asked for those things. We asked to fix the crazy amount of bugs that make her kit inconsistent, a VISUAL ICON to show your team who is hacked, and something to make her carry weight in a TEAM FIGHT, not hiding 20 miles away.

But I’m not going to de-rail this thread as it’s about Torb.

I enjoy playing Torb, but in matches I feel like it’s one sided with him. Either you steam roll the enemies because they don’t focus you or you get no time to set up (because it takes him an eternity to get that gun up.)

I like playing Torb, but despise playing against him, because it just becomes a game of “micromanage the sentry.”

Inb4 they make Torbs ult a flying Drone!!!

I’m actually really excited for these changes.

Get ready, Torb mains. First they came for the Mercy Mains, then Sombra, then Sym, now its your turn.

Think Torb is gonna get out of trash tier? Think again. I’m betting 6 months from now Torb will still be trash, but just a completely unrecognisable piecce of trash.

Please link them then because the posts I’ve seen and never been that outrageous

I don’t think you know the Overwatch Devs.
To achieve a successful rework you need to replace the old ultimate and remove it entirely or turn it into a normal ability.
Oh and the new Ultimate has to be as boring as it can be.


Why not use the brand new InteractButton™ and make it a “mark target” for Torb’s turret?