So. They want to allow torb to place a level 2 turret instead of level 1.
Im good with that.
They want to increase the range he can place it. Also cool.
Devs. Lets also rework his ultimate.
Everyone. Please dont.
Devs. Yea! It holds to much of his power and is making him inconsistent!
Everyone. No… For gods sake! Just alter his primary and secondary fire to be more consistent and make his head hit box not half of his body!.
Devs. Its the ults fault.
the player isn’t always a good source for ways to change a hero. Look at what all the sombra players want
“double her damage”
“give invis a 75 damage threshold”
“make hack faster and uninterruptable”
“make hack stop all ultimates”
these are all bad ideas, yet the forum is full of sombra mains who are convinced this is the solution to sombra.
Im not saying that they are right about torb, im saying if they were to change heros only based on what players want there would be no reason to have them around as game developers.
As much as they miss the point sometimes I think they are much better than us for these decisions
Yeah, where’s the source, I wanna see this. I’m excited, lol.
Link please? Would like to know Torb changes…
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I can’t believe they are removing such a core part of him. Can’t tell you how disappointed I am.
Let him build different kinds of turrets and traps
Let his turret level itself up
Let his turret regen slowly out of combat
Give him another ability that lets him put a small shield in front of the turret
Just don’t touch his ult
Yea, those are all terrible ideas.
Molten core itself wasn’t the issue. It was that Torb was kind of useless unless he had his ultimate up. Which made him very feast or famine. I agree with everything Geoff says in this article actually.
And it begins. The next wave of “I play 600 hours of Torb, Blizzard you will kill my character” threads that already plague us from Mercy/Sombra/Widowmaker/Sym mains.
Are you implying there are more than 5 sombra mains on this planet?
Wouldn’t it be cool if he still had a slightly weaker version of MC for his Ultimate, but instead of upgrading to a level 3, it upgrades to MURDER DRONE that flies around and insta-locks people with missiles.
they’re the mercy mains of dps lol. you don’t see them until you say something related to sombra, then every one of them is at your throat.
Molten Core has no counters, has too much armor, feels unfun to play against, promotes an unhealthy ‘hammertime’ playstyle, and is overpowered.
It obviously needs to go, what are you talking about?
Well, it’d be cool, but people would complain probably lol
I want an ult in which he flies a drone, so then he has a stationary turrent and one thaat flies, that would really make him fun to play.
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If they take away the dwarf’s super saiyan mode i swear i’ll be so pissed.
“molten core, may also see some changes.”
But ya go ahead and freak out because they MIGHT change it… That’s the kind of constructive feedback that will change their minds.
Shields are a pretty good counter I would say.
That deployable turret sounds awesome, wonder what changes, if any, will come to his scrap collector/armor role. His gun also wasn’t mentioned. I don’t have a lot of hours on Torb, but as long as they get all of these base kit things down, I’m OK with molten core changing.
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