Umm. Molten core WASN"T THE PROBLEM

I hope they don’t remove Molten Core, its Torb signature style :frowning:


I’d like them to just start by giving him 250 hp and reducing his head hitbox to a normal size. Honestly don’t know why they’re doing so many of these full reworks. Just try buffing him first.


Are you sure you are talking about Torb’s Molten Core? You used a host of words to describe it that don’t seem to apply to Torb’s version.

Although I will agree it is unfun to place against, because ALL ultimates are unfun to play AGAINST. Anything that gives your opponent an advantage worthy of ultimate status is by nature unfun to play against.


I don’t believe you believe a word of that.


They can’t do this to us just when they made it so we can do this:


Yea, and he’s picked out suggestions from the minority trying to vent their frustration with anger and sacrasm and distorted their arguments to prove his “point”. However, not only regarding Sombra but Torb: feedback of people who actually know what they’re talking about is one of the most valuable sources for game designer. Or should be, at least.

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molten core problem was the fact you had to have 2lvl turret to even use it


There is one thing they are on the right track with: removing the hammering to upgrade the turret mechanic. It’s clunky and keeps Torb out of the fight too long.

This coupled with an increased deployment range would be a massive improvement to his kit right there. Not sure you really need to change too much else. Except that head hitbox…


Give him a new form of turret/trap that he can alternate to which works better for offensive play and he could be all good.

Appreciated, also, torb may now be able to counter tracer, like intended.


This is the article that article is quoting

The thing is, “knowing what you’re talking about” revolves around being completely informed, and to do that you have to look not only through the perspective of playing the hero, but also against. So it’s not about just asking the people who main these heroes willy nilly, it’s about finding the ones who also understand what it’s like to play against them. To me at least, it’s rare to see a main of a hero on these forums try to be impartial.

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Those are all exaggerations and not at all the typical Sombra suggestions.


I just want “MERRY MOLTON CORE!!!” to strike fear in my enemies still.


I really wonder what they are going to do with Torb here.

I like Torb but I can see why he could use a rework.

I don’t really know what they plan to do here though, turret throwing aside.

Like his armour packs are pretty iconic to me, its also the thing that ties him to his daughter in a gameplay way. If they want to focus him more offensively then they probably have to change how his armour works but how would they do that?? based on Sym i can only assume they will make it his ultimate and he just drops down a giant 10 meter armour pack that gives someone 1000 health :smiley:

I assume his gun will stay the same, it’s pretty solid for the most part, maybe they increase projectile speed or something but its probably staying the same.

Maybe they will give him an ability where he forces his turret molten and focus fire rockets at an area or something, I always felt he’s missing this ability to force his turret to focus a target and it would give him some more offensive capacity.

Again, if they give him a new ability then he has to lose his armour as an ability - Maybe he can get armour as a passive and he automatically throws armour when walking over scrap

Always liked the idea of two turret versions. An offensive one that has some mobility and can follow Torb or a designated object like the payload. And a defensive version that’s all armor and grants some sort of defensive bonus to nearby allies (shielding, spits out periodic armor packs, or low damage reduction).

Might be a bit overpowered though.

I prefer nano’d-molton-core personally.

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That’s true, yeah, but I feel like this is a second step when issues are elaborated and points to act on are figured out.

Way it sound, they’re giving him more like a watered down molten core as a regular ability.

I actually don’t mind the idea so far, maybe make it that you need some scrap level where you use it for those burst moment to turn the turret into lvl3 while you get some extra armor, hp and attack speed boost during in between fights.

Though I hope they don’t take molten core away, its one of the coolest looking transformation ult.

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