Um... Sombra actually has a 48% winrate in GM this month (overbuff)


So that was a lie.

At least you’ve made a compelling point.

I agree it’s not realistic, but it’s unrealistic for people to say she’s weak because her spread is so high, since that can be very subjective and doesn’t have to be a problem if you don’t want it to.

I can only explain if you know what sustained damage means. If you think such a thing doesnt exist i cant help you.

I’m waiting for you to make a point here, this is the third reply now where you haven’t attempted to contribute to the thread, just the same copy/paste reply worded differently.

Just say your piece.

Since you just dodge the question i assume you dont know what sustained damage means. So I’m out.

I told you I wanted a story to read, so why haven’t you just wrote your piece yet?
I have asked.

It does contribute to the impossibility of scoring 100% accuracy.
Though, it’s only a relatively small contributer on the grand scale of things. The lack of movement accelleration and strafing restrictions, fast mobility tools, suppressive fire, poke damage, defensive abilities and the actual times you get the opportunity to shoot someone all come to mind. A clear shot isn’t nearly as common as people think it is. People are constantly behind or near cover.

It’s a culmination of many factors for OVerwatch specifically.
Even Overwatch league level players can’t shoot with 100% accuracy.

On heroes with no mobility, peel or defensive tools.
In clear sight.


Which is honestly the only way to combat someone saying she’s useless at her own effective range.

You can’t start in the middle with someone so adamant a hero isn’t effective again, within her effective range.
You have to start at the polar opposite, like they are.

I do not ever expect a 100% accuracy, but 70% should not be hard to obtain when she is within her effective range, aiming at centre of mass.

That’s fair, that’s fair.
I still think 70% is on the high side.
But this does mean that she’s only dealing 70% of her maximum dps (not considering damage falloff or armor)
And it’s assuming that you’re getting to shoot your opponent with no interuptions.

So that’s still a bit on the unrealistic side.

Whereas with, say, Hanzo or Widow, you’re guaranteed that 120 damage when you get an opening, with a single shot. Mind you, you only need a very small window of time to do this.
So that means no peel from team mates, no defensive abilities (deflect or Mei’s ice block for example) and your opponent does not strafe in and out of cover.


I would like for her to be reworked. I honestly like her abilities and all, but it’s so friggin cancerous as a tank player that I will literally stop playing after going against a sombra. Win or lose. Overwatch has a massive value placed in the abilities of it’s heroes, and having a hero that can simply disable them at a moment’s notice without any kind of skill shot is pretty garbage. Stuns last for half a second and require certain situations/ranges (except for Doomfist, cause you know. Balance.), but a hack can be executed with little risk if you play it right (i.e. not going uninvis next to a brig/mccree). Honestly the only reason she’s not good in ladder is because you have to actually communicate well with your team, obviously something the pro’s have.

You could give her a skillshot ability similar to Ana’s sleep or similar to her translocator throw that increases enemy’s ability cooldowns by I dunno, double or something, for 20-40 seconds. Keep invis or something, or keep the translocator, make her ultimate something else. . . there’s different things you could do. I just think that her kit right now is very difficult to balance simply because of the nature of the game.

It is running under an ‘ideal’ or basically perfect scenario, which won’t always be possible, but I would assume Sombra to be most effective when the enemy team is distracted or pressured, since if she uncloaked into an enemy team solo, without any pressure coming in from her team, she should expect to be sent back to the spawn room.

70% may still be too high, but I wouldn’t want to say much lower since if you’re only landing closer to 50% of your shots, dealing 50% of her damage, she’s not doing enough with her primary and should probably swap unless EMP is critical for your team.

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Most teams actually strictly play her for EMP and Hack.


If all you are is your abilities, then maybe you’re not as good as you think. At the end of the day if you can’t aim and shoot at a hero that does less dmg than the rest of the dps roster, you should work on that.

Doesn’t matter. The elites don’t like being hacked and thus Sombra must be at a <1% pick rate. Anything higher and they will want her nerfed. It’s easier for them to cry and get a hero nerfed than to change up their picks or learn how to get around said her.

Her left click is trash

Some heroes are genuinely nearly powerless when hacked.
Look at Reinhardt, memefist and Lucio.

Didn’t realize hack stopped you swinging your hammer and made Lucio’s gun stop working. :thinking:


If you tried to smurf as sombra, the 5 mates would have to be the actual smurfs to follow up on your hacks. And basically make you usefull and increase your impact. Not youself.

So her skill floor/celling are basically her teammates?

Quite strange hero indeed. :sweat_smile:


What this whole “just get closer! LOL 4head!” argument is conveniently forgetting is this game has exactly 0 characters who aren’t capble of getting through Sombra’s 200hp significantly faster then she can chew through theirs at hugging range, especially if Sombra needs a destealth and/or Hack first.

You can’t just spout “get closer” when jumping on half the cast’s head is a literal death sentence. There’s a reason you saw OWL Sombras farming EMP at 12-15m range, even during Goats, a meta with practically no 1shots, Sombra can’t play at close range without melting.

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This weekend I have been playing Sombra for the first time…
After seeing how this russian guy that was promoted en battlenet Rusia did a Bronze to GM, I tried to copy his style (although I did it on QP. I have very bad internet to risk a comp game).

I have two things to say…
First. It was incredible fun.
I felt like I was actually able to play against this Genjis that usually are way beyond my skills. The same with Doomfist.

Second. Although it was fun for me, it felt like I was sucking the fun out of other people. The only ones that felt like a real threat to me were Hanzo and Widow.
Almost every hack was a certain kill.

Again, this is on QP because I cannot play competitive, so the SR goes from high Silver to mid Diamond…

Yeah, it will force a tracslocate but I did screw that up.