Um... Sombra actually has a 48% winrate in GM this month (overbuff)

46% this week. And the nerfs aren’t even live yet…

I don’t know if “this month” means August or the past 30 days (probably August, although I would prefer past 30 days). Even if you click on the “last 3 months” her winrate still barely makes it over 50%.

Sometimes I feel like this character is doomed to never be viable on ladder.


What happens when a character is poorly designed. Same happened to Doomfist.

Would likely need major changes to be different


Sombra hack was nerf because making 95 % of the roster useless for 6 sec in a 1 sec cast time ability on an invisible hero is broken + and thats not even talking about EMP that is the same but in a very VERY big AOE and is almost instant , sombra is a very bad design hero that rely solely on 1 OP mechanic to be useful so yes she need buffs elsewhere but no her nerfs to hack were needed and deserved


I think 16% are Fitzy’s only.


I actually agree with this. Honestly, I don’t even mind the nerfs, I’m just bothered there are no compensation buffs yet.


I had no idea removing abilities and making people play an actual FPS made them useless.

Also 95%?

Orisa, Roadhog, Winston, Ashe, Genji, Hanzo, Junkrat, McCree, Mei, Pharah, Reaper, Soldier, Symmetra, Torb, Tracer, Widowmaker, Ana, Baptiste, Brigitte, Mercy, and Moira can all still shoot or do their primary jobs while hacked

EVERY character can still shoot. Heck most of them do more DPS than Sombra anyways.

Why do you think Sombra is trash on ladder, and in current OWL?

Because most teams ran 2/2/2 which she is super weak in


How is she weak in 2/2/2?? It’s the oposite.

i wouldn’t take this month as clear indication of anything, everyone rather be playing on PTR, most would say Live games, are bit, unmotivated at this point.

I’d say those who are playing on Live, trying to avoid Decay for most part.

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She often did best in 321 comps because they can give you cushion for the things she lacks.


Because she doesn’t offer the damage/ utility she does against 3/3

Against Tank/ Support heavy teams, by removing their utility/ abilities, it made it easier for the Sombra team to use their powerful tank/ support ults requiring less DPS to actually be needed.

In 2/2/2 Sombra’s utility isn’t as viable since there’s less key targets to hack, on top of lacking DPS to counter other DPS. If the enemy team runs pretty much any DPS other than Doomfist or Bastion, Sombra’s value drops because sure you can hack them, but they can still shoot and output more DPS than you can.

Especially with the current Tank/ Support lineup. Orisa/ Roadhog getting hacked only somewhat effects them, Orisa can already have her barrier down, or being deployed so the hack does nothing, and Roadhog can still 1-shot people. The support lineup has been shifting around but mostly running 2 main healer which again aren’t as effected by hack.

EMP is another story, but even then, it doesn’t always come with followup, especially now that the enemy team running 2 DPS can still attack and dish out the damage.

Like the 2 biggest meta DPS are Mei and Reaper right now, and Sombra is seeing 0 playtime against them. You’d think she would be good against 2 characters who use abilities as much as they do, but they aren’t hard required to like the characters in Goats.

Not to forget on ladder, 2/2/2 was already the most popular comp and she’s bottom of the barrel here as well.

Oh AND she’s getting nerfed ontop of not only being trash on ladder, but falling out of meta in OWL.


2 year 4080 peak Sombra main here.

Sombra is good against any team comp that has less than 3 DPS. EMP super good against bunker, although her kit is meh against it. She is good against dive (hack diva as she flies in and watch their push crumble), and completely destroys deathball. 2/2/2 is actually a buff for Sombra, idk how this myth that it’s bad for her began in the first place. Probably because she became a must pick in OWL during 3/3.

EDIT: She does struggle against double sniper though.


pretty sure hack cast time is 0.65% btw
very dumb yes i know

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OW isnt like any other fps in OW if you don’t use ya abilities you are actually throwing

Orisa and road both become useless when hack because like any tanks they need their abilities a lot , ash main and biggest source of dps is her dynamite , genji need all his abilities to just survive any ingage or 1v1 , hanzo is broken so it doenst count and still you remove his new dash and storm arrow unless he is a god he become real easy to dive and kill in a 1v1, junkrat is the same as hanzo without the OP part , mcree is the same as hanzo again , mei is the same as genji , pharah legit can’t use her primary mechanic that his flying lol , remove reaper ability to wraith he aint ever gonna try to ingage anyone , soldier is like ash he needs his rockets and he rely a lot on his other abilities , sym same as soldier , torb same as soldier , widow same as hanzo , ana his only good because her utility that come from her abilities , bap same as ana , brig same as ana and mei/genji , mercy even even if she doenst need that much her abilities removing her mobility can make her a very easy target , moira is the same as mercy , and i can do that for every hero if you want and btw in your list you actually included some if not most of the 5 % of the roster that I didnt even think became utter trash once hack but still struggle so much that whats the point ?

again OW isnt a simple shooter game only hanzo/widow can get away with only shooting and they are both consider OP , and most dps can only do more dps than sombra because their abilities

sombra not being played in OWL doenst mean she is trash just like moira and reaper being currently played doenst mean they don’t need buffs and are now OP after 2 years of being both consider some of the weakest heroes in the game

Nah her pickrate is dropping like a stone on owl and they have 2-2-2 enforced but without the nerfs.

Sombra is good against goats bc emp literlly turned everything off that makes it work and it worked good when she was playing in a 3 dps comp bc the other two dps could offer the damage the team needed but she was lacking now in 2-2-2 without goats or the ability to play with two other dps she will go back to her old days.

You could easily turn that around.

Just like reaper and Mei, Sombra started being played in owl but that didn’t mean she was op or didn’t meed help after being considered one of the weakest heroes since she launched but yet she got nerfed.

Reaper and mei are the same as Sombra was 3 months ago being played in owl and suddenly being op and broken


I know OW isn’t like any other FPS, however that doesn’t totally remove the fact that in the end all be all, it still is a FPS. The ONLY characters in the game that require abilities to function properly are Doomfist, Bastion, and Hammond. Literally everyone else has more focus on their primary fire.

Orisa and Roadhog don’t require their abilities to do something. Especially since Orisa can fire and forget her barrier. Every single DPS in the game does more damage than Sombra on average. It doesn’t matter if they have abilities or not. They all do more raw damage with their primary fire. Adding in abilities, they do even MORE damage.

They do not “struggle”. They literally are the same minus cooldowns for 6 seconds. Here’s an interesting little bit of info. Mercy does 100DPS with her pistol, in those 6 seconds Mercy can dish out 600 damage. That is JUST Mercy, imagine an actual DPS like McCree or Solider, who don’t need abilities to do even more damage than that.

Every single character in the game is required to shoot. Even Mercy at times needs to use her pistol. They don’t need abilities to do their jobs. The only characters Sombra actually shuts out are, Reinhardt, Sigma, Hammond, Zarya, Bastion, Doomfist, Lucio, Zen, and herself because they NEED abilities to do their jobs.

Sombra is trash because in every single rank, from Bronze to Grandmaster she has the lowest winrate. Even when she DID see play in the OWL, she still had a mediocre winrate.

The literal and ONLY positive thing Sombra has ever had is Teamfight wins with EMP. Not GAME wins, TEAMFIGHT wins. Meaning sure, you can win a teamfight, but still lose the game overall.

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Yeah, maybe if you’re willingly not using your abilities. Overwatch is first and foremost an fps. It always has been, even before it was officially revealed, and it always has been, even today.

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Sombra is great design.
This is simply what happens when a few loud but successful streamers start throwing a hissy fit.


the diff is that sombra wasnt nerf when played in OWL she was actually buffed and only now she is being nerf in a way that she needed to be nerf HACK IS BUSTED end of discussion

End of discussion?

What your basically saying is:
“My opinion is right and the only thing that matters you and everybody with a different opinion is trash and wrong.”

Well thats what I would call entiteled and considering you have absolutely nothing to back your point other then your opinion and every data we have goes against what your saying…
Common even flatearthers do a better job at being wrong… OwO

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