I personally love seeing the Dva and Sigma ult combo.
My personal favorite is Sombra and Dva bomb. Everyone snuggled up behind a shield thinking they are safe and then BAM no shield.
The sheer horror on the enemy teams faces is priceless when that happens lol.
Graviton + Barrage.
A classic.
Am I the only one who loves to combo with Orisa as moira? Such a good combo.
Also d.va - sigma/sombra/mei.
NanoBlade is scary af. I cry everytime i see a glowing red cyberninja when i play mercy.
Not technically an ult combo… but anytime you send a Dva bomb through a sym teleport
nano shatter. its like oh a reinhardt easy win boys. comes the two fastest gaining ults AND BAM.
Flux and mines it is like they try and run from the scary hammond but they forget about scary uncle Heff coming in saying No No No you die now people of overwatch
When you got stuck in a graviton and start to hear angry Japanese.
enemy dragonblade + enemy nanoboost + friendly grav makes me happy
But the rush when it’s your team and you have Nanoblade + Valk RMB, watching him mow everything.
That stuff gives me nightmares
I miss pulse bomb and grav.
High flux/Gravitic noon? Whatever it’s called, it slaps
Sigma’s ult+ High noon
Both enemy and friendly Sigma’s ult will work.
Also can’t forget NanoBoB. He just melts everyone in sight not behind a shield.
GravMeteor - Gives doomfist’s ult a chance to do something
Personal favorites:
Shatter + Bomb
Grav + Blade
Blizzard + Bomb
Amp Matrix + Deadeye
Blizzard + BOB
There are others I can’t remember right now
I’ve always loved electric cowboy and especially when nanoboost still gave a burst of speed. If you added Lúcio speed boost on top of that you’d have a terrifying and insanely fast high nooning McCree.
Oh yeah, here are also some more
Beyblade (reaper + ana)
High Noon + Flux (HighFlux?)