Ult combos you love seeing

mines + angry monkey

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Nano boosted Valkyrie is always fun :joy:
Although, I just thought of Minefield + Gravitic Flux but haven’t seen that in game.


For your pleasure!


My favorite D.Va ult combos (ordered in my observed effectiveness in this current shield + Immortality Field spam meta):

Self Destruct +

  1. EMP: only way to guarantee kills, unless your Sombra is either bad or unlucky.
  2. Gravitic Flux: can be a challenge to coordinate, yet effective, as enemies rise above static shield protection. Rein's shield and/or cheesy shields from Winston or Sigma can still block the bomb though.
  3. Blizzard: more forgiving than Grav Flux when tossing bomb, less effective due to static shields + lamp.
  4. Earthshatter: shorter, less forgiving launch window than Blizzard, same issue with shields + lamp. Often makes for entertaining plays.
  5. Teleporter: my personal favorite for its hilarity and shock value, when it works. Often partially blocked by at least one shield, if not completely nullified by the lamp nowadays.
  6. Graviton Surge: when it results in kills, it's the reward for slogging through a game in a team comprised of two offtanks.
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Grav shatter. It’s a horrible combo, but I love it’s callname: Space Jam.

Grav and Freeze.

Not only are we taking their movement away, but we take their ability to shoot and use other abilities as well. They are double screwed and I like that.

I am flabbergasted when i see and actual ult combo beside nano blade and grav dragon.

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“You’re powered up get in there”
“Heroes never die”
“Team Kill!”

Seing the ennemie using both zen’s and Lucio’s ults and still die to a grav dragon always makes me thrilled.

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Tac Visor + Amp matrix is kinda Good

So I just tried the Gravitational Flux/Self Destruct combo in QP and… :laughing:

Rein shatter and zarya grav

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Nano + Mercy vakyrie

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