Uh Oh... How Many of You Use NULL SECTOR Orisa?

If its not popular enough it means no Omnic Crisis Orisa… I think…

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Well, the Reinhardt skin made it despite not really being THAT popular. And Black Cat Dva somehow did better than “hey daddio” or her barefoot skin. Literally anything is possible. Even “its not just a phase” Zarya.


I use it for the lack of better skins.


Not that much unfortunately. I prefer the Pharaoh style Immortal skin personally.

Blackhardt NOT popular?

… have you played this game?

… on that note what do you think they’re gonna call it?

Whitehardt is… weird. … Palehardt?

Null Sector Orisa is awesome!! I forgot about it for a while actually, so thanks for bringing it back to memory. I may equip it again in the near future.

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Druid Orisa is the best. That’s what it’s called, right?


Forest Spirit and you are correct


On the accounts where I have it, it’s the one I use. Best looking Orisa skin IMO.


love the colors but don’t like the face so i don’t use it

i use null sector bastion all the time tho

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Or Schoolgirl D.Va, even. I still rock Schoolgirl and would have welcomed a cute white/pink variant.

Ran it for a while but demon is a straight upgrade.

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We must get a Omnic crisis version!!!
It has to match Bastion’s Omnic crisis skin.

I prefer the orange recolor than the purple one of the Null Sector.

I would totally use an Omnic Crisis Orisa orange skin.

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I don’t even think a re-colour could help those skins.

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I don’t play Orisa, but if I did the only skin I would consider using is Null Sector.

I’d say Bull Demon is the best one. The fact that it’s a Lunar skin makes Bull all the more remarkable because that event does not produce a lot of winners, imo.

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I never even play orisa if i play tank, that’s pretty rare.

But i honestly think null sector is way cooler and better looking than omnic crisis orisa.

I’m just hoping that if we get omnic crisis Orisa the ultimate makes the sound I time stamped in the video just like null sector Bastion had a special sound for his tank mode.

Yeah that would be pretty cool honestly! I don’t even understand why they never gave orisa her omnic crisis skin tho?? I think it’s cool that orisa and bastion sometimes have matching skins together :blush:

I’ve been dying to see orisa getting herself a gwishin skin as well! Just like bastion!