Two years since Sym 3.0 hit PTR

make the tp cooldown start on placement and you’ve got a darn good hero.
perhaps not meta, but definitely strong.

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I mean primary never fitted with her kit tbf. what did make sense was tp (with the old cast frequency it had) letting her get closer for orbs to be more aimable, to bypass barriers and get good angles for orbs to get picks.

like pretty much the reason why most of current and old <=2.0 gameplay was spam orbs from afar that she couldn’t get close or wherever she wanted/needed to be or she’d be run over (consequently relying heavily on her team to get in her effective range), and that was ineffective because it’s so slow that it’s inconsistently landing (and it’s simply not a good zoning tool unless you’re name’s bastion in <=2.0 days).

yet with old 3.0 tp, you can get to where you want to be when you want to more often i.e. be in ranges where orbs can consistently land more often and to get turrets in more immediately valuable places rather than having them passively sit somewhere for long periods of time.

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pretty much. i always thought she should have a longer ranged orb so she can peek, since shields are really good with that.

Just do away with turrets. Give her an overshield like Torb’s Overload. 75 extra shields. Her beam latches for 5 seconds. Helps her build reliable charge. TP in. TP out.

Now that Moira has been nerfed we need someone who can reliably counter Genji.

10 second cooldown. (15 from initiation).

while i’m down for more symmetra changes I can’t help but think this is just sacrelidge.
also, her turrets pretty easily counter genji, as does torb.
so does winston, and moira kinda does still does it, just less well.
although none of em are really in a great place so idk

Not saying current orb speed/range is perfect, imo should be around 30m/s to actually be more midranged, but there’s kinda no point in giving orbs massive range while leaving her mobility to be really trash.

like people will flip if sym had like sniper orbs given its splash and projectile size, and kinda rightfully so. But it’d also be really easily countered by barriers. like widow and hanzo have mobility to get good angles to not be hard countered by barriers. sym with long ranged orbs will need the same. they also have it to escape flankers too, but with tp, it’s counterintuitive for a long ranged sym because you can’t use tp to escape while you’re in the backline and be able to place it down for the team at the same time (you’d be further away from them; not to mention your escape will be really telegraphed if preplaced).

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oh, probably get rid of splash if the speed were increased, yeah.

They’ve posted they’re not reducing Moira’s damage.

i hope they still try to make changes on her right click, just not that one.
thanks for tellin me btw

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I hope they just tighten her cone. The fact that that animation centres makes it easy to track so it really doesn’t need to be so big.


and if it feel unaffective when you have to aim, then they could add a tiny damage buff.
after that, she’ll be golden

As long as it’s not the same as Sym’s hitbox because we all know how pitiful her base 60dps is.

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I really like Symm 3.0. I have a lot of fun outplaying some bunker suckas by shredding their shields and out-rotating them

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She’s much more fun to play as now, I do miss shooting shields though, but at least Sigma has that ability now

Will sym becomes riot LoL ryze ( a champ who has had 2 major reworks + 4 additional mini reworkds)

2 years since it all went wrong, became slightly better and then turned into a nightmare I could no longer handle playing.

shocking considering sym needs to lead her projectiles, track with her beam, properly set up all of her equipment and use map knowledge to utilize them fully and go above and beyond with creative plays because her kit on it’s own is terrible. sym is one of the most skill intensive characters there are.


I’ll keep saying that the most baffling aspect about Sym 3.0 for me is that Sym 2.0 went over a year receiving zero adjustments to her kit, a dev update talking about Symmetra specifically said that she didn’t needed major changes, and then we got the most drastic rework in this game history, recreating her whole kit from scratch.

I don’t think Sym 3.0 should be deleted. That would be a betrayal for all the players that currently like that kit. I don’t want other people to feel what I felt when my main got deleted from the game.

But I do miss Sym 2.0. No other character in this game resonated with my playstyle like she did. And on a side note, I still think Blizzard made a terrible design decision by backing off from their “support do not mean healer” statement from launch.


even if they had to back off a little bit by giving her a zen orb, or turning allied hp into shields i wouldn’t mind.
but turning all supports into near-pure healers is just kinda not great imo.
i miss the technomancer she was, and not the meh hero she’s become.