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People would probably go back to say she’s a support lul

I mean I’m not against it at this point, I play sombra for the utility not for the damage, so ow2 sombra is worse in like every single way for me lol

They could get into learning into how to do a proper non healing support ahem better sym ahem ahem


Sombra felt a lot more useful in disabling enemies with her former hack, but that definitely will not fly with one less tank.

I would suggest that they keep former hack duration for everyone else except tanks, hacking supports aren’t as deadly as it was before ironically.
Ana can just toss her jar at her feet after 1 second and Mercy can just fly away like nothing happened.


I will say, the statement of sombra destroying tanks was overrated IMO, Winston is fantastic against sombra and he only got buffed, easily best character against her

As for the rest I’d say they’re now relevant for sombra just because of 5v5 or reworks

Orisa now does care about being hacked, at least more than in ow1

Zarya has longer cooldowns so she’s technically worse against her, as Zarya countering sombra was mainly bubbling whoever was getting hacked

Finally hog just… Sucks on ow2, lol

Anyway my point, it’s an overrated statement for ow1, but in ow2 yeh it would be busted on tanks except Winston, which would mean either make more tanks that can prevent hack, or that as you said, tanks are hacked for less time


The sombra in OW2 seems good, and is pretty good against average players. But fighting against better players is just almost impossible because they know how to move around and not take a lot of damage, If hack an ability which ‘enhanced’ your respectable damage potential, it would be better, but right now you just need to hack in order to do any sort of damage otherwise she’s kinda useless. Since they also removed the silence duration, and 0.8 seconds to interrupt abilities is meh because I’d just rather use mcree or something instead. He even deals good damage so there’s that

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I wish you could just Ashe dynamite her translocator for a mini EMP. Would be such a good risk/reward trade for a more aggressive opening.

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i know fitzy is good but the best??? have we already forgotten about lip?

They need to decide on her role before they can fix her in OW2.

Because as it stands, Hack is now mostly just a personal damage buff and no longer useful for target calling. So she’s not a target caller / utility DPS.

But, she does like worse damage than she did in OW1. So she’s not a DPS.

She either needs real damage, or real utility - and then once they decide which she’s getting, they can balance the rest of her kit accordingly.


Fitzy acknowledges Sombra nearly never works in quick play or unorganized play were there is nearly no follow up, can he just acknowledge then that the Overwatch team has been incompetent in properly balancing her ALL this time?


This is why I gave on her playing her. She needs buffs. EMP is literally worthless


this, even Hammond if play with a BIT of brain can duel Sombra, instead people say he’s ‘‘nullified’’ by her because they kept piledriving into enemy team without knowing her position, I can play him into Sombra and I’m high gold/mid plat. So tought higher ranks did better…

also this a good Zarya just make hacks useless. Because force me to fire another target.


Let her have a Taser that has backstab damage on hacked targets and extends the duration of hack.

EMP should disable abilities for longer than normal Hack, it is her ultimate after all.


The irony is she’s supposed to counter barriers but she gets countered by the barrier itself.


I dunno. Sombra got a total damage reduction, but also got a spread reduction. Spread reductions are amazing for getting better damage at max ranges because less is lost to just RNG.

Hack still increases damage lets you assassinate targets a bit better. EMP removing 40% hp and disabiling abilities is kind of nice. I just think the problem is that since you have 5 people on a team now its very noticable when sombra is stealthed in the fact you are facing a 4v5 until Sombra gets into position.

I really think they should consider increasing damage to hacked targets even further than 50% for a few reasons:

  • Her gun is literally her only source of damage
  • She doesn’t have burst potential (e.g Helix, Grenade, Storm Arrow)
  • Requires you to have exceptional tracking to be able to deal the full extent of your dps

I don’t think it’s too radical of an idea, if we take Soldier for example, Helix Rocket deals 120 and each of Soldier’s bullet deals 18. He does more or less 200 damage in less than a second.

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Yes, I have no idea how a hero that needs to make it very clear that “hey, I want to kill this specific support in the next couple of seconds. Watch out!” will get value in ranked, and seems to be struggling in QP. I have been watching a lot of gameplay, and it seems that most of Sombra’s kills come from waiting and confirming kills from low HP targets, rather than the hacked targets.

I remember reading once that Sombra was originally supposed to be a support hero, hacking giving healing and damage reduction to the enemy team, which honestly makes sense. But just like Echo, for some weird reason, the dev team decided to make her into a DPS.


“Badman” never takes the obvious route to balance. It’s a mixture of sorcery, witchcraft, chicken bones and blood paired with dice throws.


At this point I’ll excuse them

For echo it makes sense that duplicate could only be applied to her, and could only work on a DPS, now they could’ve pushed a support before echo NGL but oh well

Mainly because everyone can do damage, but not everyone can heal or take space, which meant dps duplicating made more sense

For Sombra I’d say the way stealth and translocator work is just not for a support, she has this going in playstyle which is not suited for a healer

However, if we make her a non healing support, it’d mean that hack could be stronger without people complaining, as you sacrifice healing for pure utility which might sound bad on paper, but I think it could work

Like what would’ve happened if sym 2.0 had tp as a regular ability? I think her support version could’ve worked wonderfully, as her utility was useful and consistent, not “once every ult” or like 1.0 “once per death”

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Would have been nice but I think they thought she would be good for OWL play. OWL will never succeed, and has done way more damage to OW than anything except maybe launch Brig and Moira.


I don’t think Moira has done anything ever ngl