Tweet from best Sombra main

I know we’re still in the beta but I feel worried about this hero, I was starting to play it but after watching some ow2 gameplay feel like she miss something.

I’m worried that again some hero will be ‘‘useless’’ sitting in low pick rates while others (kinda the same of ow1) will be the ‘‘safer’’ pick.


The problem is that sombra needs to hack in order to do damage, on paper hack is much better now, on practice hack is underwhelming at best

Having to take .8s of your time to actually deal some meaningful damage means that any DPS is better at the new job she has which is killing

To top this her base damage is extremely low, if people were complaining she did no damage, now she does no damage, having 8 per bullet and (I think) +22% to hacked targets accomplished the same DPS when hacked, but it meant she didn’t need to, she could be a threat without hack

Changes I’d do?

First reduce detection radius back to 2m, it feels awful

Then make damage per bullet 8, and hack boost maybe +30% or even the +22% and tweak from there

maybe bigger hack range (as it’s not like it’s that much of a threat anymore) or longer silence like 2s (as If that was ever gonna happen)

Heck I’d trade the wall hacks for more raw damage, wall hacks on sombra are EXTREMELY niche on her, as she gets no value out of them, unless they’re low health which opportunist already did, and for teammates, again, EXTREMELY niche

Not useless, but extremely situational at best
I don’t think I’ve had a single game where a teammate benefited from the wall hacks, nor have I seen any video where they do, even though they technically could


ye had the same doubt, paper hack is nice, but having to do that take out the ‘‘surprise’’ effect giving your enemy time to react , any other dps right now as you say, is better at doin… dps in a surprise attack… wich is… well, ironic considering Sombra nature.

Also this, even if emp for example work great with Junkerqueen rampage, but isn’t that you have her in every game.


I agree with all of this.
This has been her “issues” since Beta 1.

To be able to deal her “maximum effective dps” she has to hack her target first - this already alerts her target that they are going to be shot at by Sombra which practically makes her element of suprise… not much a surprise anymore. Meanwhile, heroes like Soldier, McCree, and Sojourn just straight up deals exorbitant amounts of damage.
Her gun is technically a damage over time because it shoots 8 per bullet which also effectively does zero dps as soon as the enemy gets any form of healing.

She used to be skinny with her former detection radius, but now with 4m it feels like she’s the size of a football field.
EMP is a 50/50, useless by itself because literally everyone and their dog gets healed to full IMMEDIATELY. When combo’d with other ults though it destroys teams.

TL;DR: Sombra plays really well, she’s very fluid but contributes next to nothing most of the time.


EZ fix.

Make it so hacked targets take 40% more damage instead of 50%
increase her damage to 10 per bullet. Up from 8.

So she can do meaningful damage outside of hack.


Eh well I’m mostly focusing on hack

I think emp is fine, a bit busted even, a 2-3 people emp means sombra can solo 2-3 people depending on who is used on

It’s no longer a team wipe, so using it against a full team is a huge waste, however against overextending tank, spawncamp or flankers, it’s pretty good

Now some “mythbusting”

She does 7 per bullet with +40% damage boost

So she’s probably worse than you thought lul


Sombra is more team-dependent than other DPS heroes. I thought that would change with her rework, but she seems to gone back closer to her previous state again after her nerf.

Also, they’re playing in quickplay where there’s little to no team coordination and the game generally being very one sided.

I think zen’s melee is a bit broken though and unnecessary. They either need to add a cooldown to it or reduce how much he can boop enemies. Ana still has her unhealthy kits which is probably best if reworked into something else. But aside from that, I don’t think supports are busted.

It’s more like sombra is in this weird state of being stronger than OW1 but still not strong enough to be more impactful than other DPS heroes.


This part here is extremely true. Sombra is an opportunist, she doesnt want to engage on harder to kill targets. Wall Hack feels less like a buff to herself and more like a skill to pander to your hitscan teammate.


Symmetra is probably far more tbh. At least Sombra can assassinate supports and snipers and escape easily. Sym depends on her team for literally everything and she is absurdly shiny and easy to kill if she tries to do anything by herself.


She feels better than in 6v6. But I think she might have benefitted the least from the 5v5 change because her raw dmg/kill potential still isn’t as high as other dps. And she still kinda relies on her team more so than other dps.


Last time i checked in OW2, hacked targets take 50% more damage for a few seconds from Sombra alone.
And Sombra does 8 damage per bullet.


Yeah I forgot she’s even worse.
Though If the last experimental card was to go by, they were planning in increasing her base gun damage.


IMO she feels worse
Like 4m detection radius just kills me every time, is so inconsistent, specially on highground lmao

I think if you read the “card” from July, it was those changes, but I’m pretty sure on the first beta, her patch was 7 per bullet +40% dmg boost, and she has not received a patch since then (except speedboost reduced for the dps passive but that’s no longer relevant)


I think her detection radius is a bubble, not like a circular plane like Lucio’s visual for his music.


yeah that needs to go. And I’m still confused tbh. Is hack +40% just for her or for the whole team?


Yes, you are right after looking it up…
Well damn .

No wonder she felt worst than when i tried her in the fist beta.


Just for her, it’s a buff to the opportunist passive
+40% for everyone would be busted lmao

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I just want to put this out there because I’m fairly certain people will say she’s fine and say that 50% damage boost from Hack is OP because guess what people, percentages make it seem like numbers get extremely bigger.

Machine Pistol
7 damage per bullet
20 bullets per second
60 ammo

Base DPS:
7 * 20 = 140

Hacked Damage per Bullet:
7 * 0.5 = 3.5
3.5 + 7 = 10.5

Hacked DPS:
10.5 x 20 = 210

And that is assuming 100% body shot accuracy, not yet taking into account distance of target for damage falloff and spread.


What if they lowered it to 25% for the whole team to be more in line with discord? But give her like 9 or 10 dmg per bullet.


Tanks would explode.