[reply from comment in another thread that’s more in line with this thread topic]
I can see why you think that would be inevitable, if you play Bastion up front and just stay in one spot shooting (which is very audible) and not repositioning then the whole enemy team will easily drop on you.
Nobody can survive that.
Not even a tank.
No hero needs to be strong enough to 1 vs 6, if Bastion WAS strong enough to 1 vs 6 then any 1 vs 1 fight would be totally unbalanced.
The difference is you don’t die to a SINGLE Roadhog.
If it’s a teamfight then maybe I get a bubble after being hooked, maybe the hog gets booped to disrupt his shot, the problem is the dependence on others for SO MANY simple 1 vs 1 fights.
If you’re spending every game shouting into the mic “everyone else play the game for me!” then that’s no good, you have to be able to pull your own weight.
Well why is this a 1 vs 3? Where’s Bastion’s team? What at they doing? Why aren’t they doing something like distracting the Hanzo?
Why are ALL THREE distracted by Sentry? If sentry suddenly pops up on the high ground then Rein can’t turn his barrier away from the Ana to charge the Bastion. Hanzo can’t just drop the fight they’re in and ignore the Junkrat grenades he was just dodging.
I am addressing the Flank Bastion who gets screwed by a SINGLE hero who sees Sentry responding to sentry and being able to eliminate sentry by themselves.