Is the exp card back up?
Actually some people on this forum seem really easily fooled by it
Anything would help and would be better than what they did last beta, but I don’t expect them do anything for her in this upcoming beta either - not high on their priority list.
They avoid giving stats and talk about her each blog / streamer Q&As for obvious reasons and even considered her to have better defensive abilities than Symmetra (despite they play totally different, Mei plays more like Zarya / Hanzo and Sym plays more like Zarya / Torb) in one of the blogs.
Hell, when asked why Mei was not made a tank the community manager said in a twitch livestream that she does tons of damage despite damage not being the primary function of her beam (unless they redesign it), so yeah… not hopeful.
I just wanted her to remain fun and keep her identity without being unfair to play against to specific tanks like Dva and Winston, but it’s more convenient for them to just nerf her.
Well, all I can say is good luck getting people to play the neglected heroes. At which point we go to the part where why did they make those heroes in the first place?
I get not all heroes should be viable in all situations and switching to counter a hero is key, but having those heroes be awful in any given situation than a more popular hero is not how you balance a game.
Ultimate: ITS RAWWWWW!
“Gordon Ramsay’s most known and famous phrase. Inspired by Valorant Jett’s Ultimate, Gordon channels his rage by appearing with a red face and begins to levitate in the air like Sigma. Finally, he is able to throw knives with very fast projectile speed with one shot kill potential if the shot hits the waist and above”
If we do get it, it will be HUGE for the “life” of Overwatch. Kind of like a nano boost. SOOO many YouTube “react” channels would jump in on it. First react channel would get at least 500k+ views and other smaller channels would follow the trend to try get a lot of views as well. Animated Short goes trending, people check to see what’s going on in Overwatch, people return. Rez.
I figure the real reasons there are
- They realize a lot of people hate getting Freezed by Mei. Which might continue if she was a Tank
- Mei enables Deathball compositions, in a game mode where it’s threatening to be 100% Dive at high ELO.
- In 5v5 if you get a subpar teammate on the Tank role, Mei can be used to supplement the lack of Tanking. (Particularly great at getting teammates past chokepoints, or blocking Ults).
- For whatever reason people are obsessed about the hitbox size of a “Tank”. Despite the game having barely any functionality for bodyblocking damage.
- Realistically to get it done right, she’d need a full rework. And they don’t have that kinda time right now to invest in what is effectively an underplayed and unpopular hero.
- They wanna use the “Hey we got rid of annoying CC like the Mei Freeze and Brig Stun” as a marketing pitch for the PVP launch.
This is the beginning of everything we have in store for the game.
- It’s the beginning of the end. We’re done. Everybody go home now.
Overwatch has always stood for inclusivity,
- We have Tracer and Soldier as poster "they"s, yes.
- Which is we we got the awesome report system that can ban everyone for everything considering you manage to spam enough reports in, right?
and the idea that the world could always use more heroes.
- Which is why we let you wait for years on end. Nothing like a good hype before realeasing another beloved fan favorite like SOMBRA or ECHO, eh?
These foundational pillars are bringing us into the future while keeping us grounded in what’s most important: our community.
We are listening, we hear you, and we can’t wait to show you what’s coming for Overwatch 2.
- Really, there’s nothing new coming. Everyone go home now.
OH MY GOD - I missed the biggest catch in the first quote:
This is the beginning of everything we have in store for the game.
of everything we have in store for
have in store
announcing an announcement that they already announced. POGGERS
Yeah, and the strange thing is, all these Damage heroes only need a few tweaks to their existing kit to be both “fun” and function.
For most, the main problem is either identity crisis (Reaper, Symmetra, Bastion, & Pharah) or not being allowed to do their job (Mei & Junkrat).
uncle, take the tin hat off and take your meds
Sty’s latest video he says he thinks it’s a re-reveal type deal….like doing it “right” this time……which would make it a announcemrnt of something that was revealed 3 years ago
Time for a reckoning??? That’s a clue.
Next re-color event is a re-release of the Reaper event skin? That is what I see as worst case. Best case it is a reference to something new new, like something we have not seen before.
interesting. lets hope the 1.5million people including dunkey come back to see it.
This guy
20 char
Call or Heroes but still theres more DPS than tank and support in total.
Yes we know new tank and support is on the way but it takes you 3-4 years to add hero that is not DPS.
Im existed about PvE and what will be showed on jun 16.
Ironically enough, out of the 17 Damage heroes, 9 are in a decent spot for Overwatch 2.0: Ashe, Hanzo, McCree, Sojourn, Soldier: 76, Sombra, Torbjörn, Tracer, and Widowmaker.
Echo is a coin toss, due to whether or not her ultimate needs tuning for 5v5 (so potentially 10 out of 17)
Yeaa…i still will keep my expectation low. Blizzard has history of hyping things up that turned out to be mediocre.
(crossplay announcement flashback)
Overwatch for mobile, hopefully Kappa
Mei is working as an offtank for Rein comps, like Reaper is acting as a main tank initiator in Zarya comps. If Mei and Reaper did not exist all we would be seeing is Monke comps.
Who knows what the next patch meta will be though, everyone has been saying Bap is op in the next patch they will be playing on. Ana has been playing far back to stay alive, Bap doesnt have that option because of the travel time of his biotic nades, and he does not have the escape potential of Moria or Lucio, so maybe we see a deathball comp? Maybe Bap will just be able to survive on his own playing close? Someone more knowledgeable will come up with something I’m sure.
My point is we need more tanky dps to replace the missing tank, not make the tanky dps actually tanks.
The Storm Rising end cinematic omnic was my first thought for some reason.
But it’s almost certainly a phrase from a new (probably Talon) hero.