Try saying doom is not op while

I think this is the exact reason theres sooo many complaints against him. He’s completely unfun to play against. And, thats the issue w/alot of the heroes they’ve created or had in the game from beginning.

The simple fact you’re dead before you can even register you’re in trouble builds the frustration. One of the most frustrating things about DF, esp in low elo, is that, DF sees you w/in his range, more times than not you die. He’s a more forgiving widow basically.

What’s your channel, I need to see this

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Dont worry doom first nerfs incoming, finally i have been waiting for blizzard to dumpster this hero. Tho tracer is gonna be picked more since her damage fall off range will increased

Doomfist is a symptom of the meta, not the cause. Try playing Widow or Hanzo, traditional picks in top ranks when you’re having two barriers shoved in your face. You can’t play flankers against Sigma/Orisa/Moira/Mei, you’re just gonna get screwed constantly. Doomfist ignores shields, so he’s being played more as a result.

Tracer isn’t gonna be picked more. Anyone who actually thinks this is kidding themselves.

Anyone who isnt picking tracer is out of their minds. With nerfs to shields, and nerfs to doomfist there is no reason you should be running doom. He will receive less shield gain, and his full charge will take more time. Why run him when you can run tracer. her current damage fall off range is 10 they upped it to 13 her counters only can reach up to 7 for their CC.

Dont see why no one would run tracer, her skill gap is no different than Doom.

Pick rate doesn’t equal win rate though. If everyone started to pick Torb, it doesn’t mean he is OP, just that people enjoy playing him.

Double barrier is unlikely to disappear even with these nerfs, so Doomfist will still be the ideal pick.

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Ok, i guess we will see. Depending on how easy doomfist is to kill once the changes go live. The most annoying part about him was the shield and how fast max charge was. Flankers werent really dead. At least not at my elo. Plus sym and other shield busters still exist and with sigma now having a 1 second cooldown o shield and orisa timer going up there leaves room for play.