Try saying doom is not op while

I asked some high ranked streamers and a pro (Sleepy) what they thought about the whole “Doom is OP” thing and made a video of their takes. For the most part they don’t agree he is. Most feel he only needs the minor nerfs now on PTR and the BIGGEST problems are Sigma and Orisa. They also weigh in on bad game balance and the bad meta. Is Doomfist OP? High ranked Overwatch streamers and pro Sleepy give their take and talk game balance - YouTube

because u hardly saw any doom players in t500 till sigma came out lmaoo

You have to multiply your numbers with 6 to get the real pick rate. Of all 12 players in a match ~9% are Doomfists. 9*6=54% In 54% of teams, Doomfist is picked.

A hero with 16,6% in Overbuff has a 100% pickrate

Double shield is what makes doom meta

i climbed 600 SR in 2 days from plat to diamond that i dont deserve because i abused the meta. i would keep on going higher had my pc not ran into problems, once its fixed this weekend ill keep abusing doom until i hit probably a low masters peak, and call it quits there. You dont need skill to play doomfist, you need minimal dedication to learn him

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Cant imagine the poor diamond player now getting a dead weight DF into their team :confused:

I asked three top 500 players and they all agreed that Doomfist is absolutely broken.
By the way check this tweet:


That’s from August before pros really understood the now current meta

It isn’t just that he dominates the top 3 of T500. Click on some of these people’s profiles. Doom isn’t just often their #1 of their top 3, but is usually used more than their next 2-5 picks combined.

People love to say ‘reaper is meta too’, but check the profiles. Often in the top 3, yet rarely much time on Reaper. Most of the time is on Doom.

OP, just one question.

If Doom is that OP, then why almost every Doomfist user in Top500 was already the part of Top500 before the meta came?

Doomfist is not OP. Hes enabled by the meta.

Super easy answer: A good 90% of T500s couldn’t get there without abusing OP heroes (or at least they didn’t choose to).
Look at T500 Damage. Pick someone randomly. There’s a very good chance they abuse Doom now, and last season they were mostly Doom/Widow, then before that they mained Widow, then Widow, then Widow, then Hanzo, then Brig, then Hog… you get the idea.

Nothing but OP heroes (at that time) as far as the eye can see. ‘Skill’ at higher ranks, in all pvp games, is almost entirely just, “Who can abuse the most broken characters better?”


Kragie’s opinion on Doomfist, “it’s still overpowered with the nerf”:

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Did you even read the comments or simply ignored them?

“In all pvp games”

For instance?

DF is about to get nerfed, isn’t he? His Rocket Punch max charge time is being increased by 40%. That sounds like a lot.

From the current PTR patch notes:

he litterally said scroll through top500. Heck, change it to only dps and scroll through top 500 and itss crazy how much he is used.

Doom is op but its not all because he needs to be nerfed, its the meta. The most nerf he needs rn is maybe a bit of shield gain reduction to make him less tanky but the main nerf needs to be to double shield. The people who counter doom can’t be played because of double shield and doom ignores shield so a game with a bunch of shields is perfect for a doom to thrive, its moreso the stuff surrounding doom that is the problem and not all doom himself.

Doom is not OP. I’m not looking at the leaderboards right now, but I’ve seen them before. He’s a symptom of double shield.

Obvious low quality bait is obvious. Imagine saying Doom is


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The amount of complaining about Doom does show that he is not fun to play against. Balanced, imbalanced, whatever. Doom is just not fun to play against. He has been a constant source of threads venting frustration.

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He is especially unfun to play against as a healer or tank… the two roles the game needs more of… Sym is very similar btw